Chapter 922

“Father! How dare she be Hui in private!!”

The entire Ye Clan’s ancestral land has long been silent.

Everyone looked at the two figures on the mountain road in surprise, with a complex color in their eyes.

Ye Qingchan’s name is a bit strange to the younger generation of the Ye tribe, but to most of the Ye tribe’s people, it is like a thunderous, famous, and even admired by many Ye tribe youths.

It is said that this Ye Clan evildoer had personally killed a Xiao Clan Tianjiao.

Although the Xiao Clan Tianjiao deliberately offended him, he dared to kill Xiao Clan Tianjiao in the Ye Clan realm, Ye Qingchan was the only one throughout the ages.

It’s not that the Ye clan can’t afford to offend the Xiao clan. It’s just… it’s rumored that the Tianjiao of the Xiao clan just showed off his talents and is quite popular with an ancestor of the Xiao clan. He came to the Ye clan to accompany a good brother to get engaged, but I didn’t expect… just because I watched more. After Ye Qingchan glanced at it, he was punishable by the latter.

The Xiao Clan was furious, and even his ancestor threatened that he had never seen such an arrogant person.

However, Ye Qingchan didn’t even explain it. If it weren’t for the third ancestor of the Ye Clan, and the Xiao Clan Tianjiao was a sideline, I was afraid it would be impossible to escape.

In the end, Ye Qingchan was demoted to the Desolate Lower Realm and became the Divine Master of the Holy State.

“Gentle, you are not allowed to interfere in this matter.”

Ye Shanhe turned his head and glanced at the woman and the man in white next to her.

Upon seeing this, the man looked panicked and lowered his head in a little fear.

His name is Ji Erluan, originally the prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, but he came from a humble background and became the son-in-law of the Ye Clan.

It stands to reason that in his capacity, he is not worthy of the daughter of the master of the Ye Clan.

It was Ye Qingchan that he was going to join.

But Ye Qingrou hated Ye Qingchan’s talent in appearance. From the first day she came to the ancestral land of the Ye Clan, she compared everything and made things difficult.

Moreover, although Ji Luan had a humble background and average talent, he was deep-minded and handsome, and he was also a prince. So Ye Qingrou didn’t hesitate at all and sent someone to capture him.

Of course, as Ji Luan, when he learned that it was the eldest daughter of the Ye Clan who had captured him, he almost had a heart attack on the spot.

And when it became known that the Ye Clan’s eldest lady had captured him for the purpose of forming a Taoist companion with herself, Ji Erluan was really…soft.

Then, the two people designed to use Ji Luan’s good brother Xiao Peng’s lustful character as a bait to watch Ye Qingchan take a bath, and then get personal stolen goods, taking this opportunity to humiliate Ye Qingchan, and drop the marriage by the way, so that Ye Qingchan was ruined.

Unexpectedly, this girl was so indifferent to such a degree, she directly punished Xiao Peng for the first time.

When Ye Qingrou and Ji Luanxing moved the crowd and led the people to rush away, the scene was chaotic. There had obviously been fierce fights, and blood was spilled on the ground, but Xiao Pian didn’t even have a dead body left.

Although the Xiao Clan was extremely angry afterwards, he hesitated inexplicably.

This incident completely ended with Ye Qingchan being demoted to the lower realm. Ye Shanhe’s experience and vision can be seen, but how can he not see that all of this is a bad calculation by his daughter Ye Qingrou.

Originally, Ye Qingchan was a collateral tribe. Although he had some talents, he would at most be a family elder in the future.

Ye Shanhe also didn’t understand why he targeted a collateral tribe with a gentle identity.

But after all, Ye Qingrou was the choice of the young master of the Ye Clan, and Ye Qingchan…can only be the abandoned son who was sacrificed.

If it hadn’t been for an ancestor of the Ye Clan standing behind her, she would have died three hundred years ago.

this is the truth.

When all beings are equal, the great way is for the public.

After all, it is the identity background and birth status that determine the upper limit of this immortal way.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Hexi for thirty years?

If everything is attributed to luck, this world is really boring.


Ye Qingrou clenched her silver teeth and looked down the mountain bitterly.

And seeing Ye Qingchan’s and Ling Xiao’s hands clasped together, for some reason, she felt a little inexplicable anger in her heart.

Especially Ling Xiao has a fairy face, even she feels dazzled and stunned.


Why is there such a handsome young man standing beside her?

Even if this young man is an ant in the lower realm of the Holy State, this face is worth three quarters of Spring, no, three hundred quarters.

Ye Qingchan! !

You shameless! !

“Shut up!!”

Surprisingly, this time, the Lord of the Ye Clan, who has always favored the only daughter, had real anger in his eyes.

Ye Qingchan Upper Boundary, this matter is unusual.

If she is not looking for death, she has to rely on it.

You know, the land of the holy state not only has the remains of the heavenly devil, but also the ancestor of his Ye Clan, Ye Luoyun.

Could it be that Ye Zu ordered her to go to the upper realm at this time?

For this Ye Zu, all the powerful people of the Ye Clan nowadays do not know their scheming methods.

The posture of the sky, the conspiracy of shocking the world.

If it weren’t for this, the Ye Clan would not be a vassal of the Immortal Clan and would enjoy this eternal honor.

However, if Ye Zu was pitying, why didn’t Ye Qingchan’s cultivation base increase but decrease?

God Emperor Realm?


In the end, Ye Qingrou did not dare to say another word.

The entire Ye Clan’s ancestral land was quiet and silent, with thousands of pairs of eyes quietly watching the two immortal figures stepping on the mountain road.

Until Ling Xiao stopped and stood in front of Ye Shanhe and the others, a gentle smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“What a big battle.”

At this time, Ling Xiao had already guessed, fearing that the changes in the land of the Saint State Formation had passed back to the Ye Clan.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Ye Clan in front of him might have already ordered Ye Qingchan to be captured.

“Who are you?”

Ye Shanhe’s eyes were always on Ling Xiao.

No matter what happens to Ye Qingchan, most of the reason for today’s change lies in the boy in black.

Grace was indifferent, and there was no trace of panic in the face of the Ye Clan. The temperament of this young man was extremely high.

“I’ve heard the Ye clan’s reputation for a long time, but I don’t want to see nasty today, Qingchan girl, don’t worry, Ling Mou will ask for an explanation for you.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but Ye Shanhe and other Ye Clan experts changed their faces one after another.

Ling? !

In the entire Qingcang realm, there is only one family whose surname is Ling, and the rest of the ten thousand races dare not even include the word Ling in their names.

This is where the dominance of the Taikoo Ling clan lies, and it is also the scenery of this clan.

However, Ye Qingchan has been stationed in Shengzhou for more than three hundred years. How can he have any ties to the Ling clan?

And looking at the charm of this black-clothed boy, if it really comes from that clan, I’m afraid it’s definitely not a low status.

Now that the world master is missing, the world master hall will no longer be majestic.

Although the Ye Clan has the title of a vassal of the fairy clan, but all the forces with some background know it, and now the azure tens of thousands of stars have been suppressed by the immortal clan, and there is no opportunity for emergence at all.

In the final analysis, although the four characters of the vassal of the immortal clan sounded to dominate the world, to the top forces such as the Ling clan, it did not have half a deterrent.

“Thank you, son.”

Ye Qingchan lowered his eyes and chuckled, and Ji Luan’s heart trembled with the amorous feelings on his face, making Ji Luan regret it inexplicably.

Three hundred years later, he still could not forget this fairy face.

If he hadn’t seen Ye Qingchan with his own eyes, he would have hesitated, whether he should retreat from this marriage.

But, when Ye Qingchan, who has always been frosty, learned such a posture?

Bow your head to flatter? !

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