Chapter 921

“Little Ye Clan, also worthy of my son’s visit with a post?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, with a sense of transcendence and ups and downs in his body.

In front of him, there was a sense of awe unconsciously on the faces of the two Ye Clan youths.

With a single eye, these two people felt that the son who suddenly visited before them must be of noble origin and extraordinary identity.

This immortal style and Taoist rhyme, without pretending to be a comparison of more than two decades, obviously can’t reach the point of being so proficient!

What’s more, the Ye Clan is famous, and no one knows Qing Cang, but anyone who is not a fool would never dare to be so presumptuous in his Ye Clan’s ancestors.

Obviously, this boy…has a great background! !

only! !

Although this green and blue world is vast and endless, it is impossible for a person like this black-clothed man who has come out of the world to be silent.

But why, this young man looks so young and strange?

Little leaf tribe?

You and him… can’t scare me anymore!

“Hehe, I don’t know the name of the son, why did the Ye Clan come to me?”

The two Ye Clan disciples glanced at each other, their faces had long lost their arrogance.

Yes, they don’t know Ling Xiao.

Of course, if the ordinary sons of destiny pretend to be forced, they will be greeted with waves of ridicule, contempt, and even fights.

Then is the moment of pretending to make people feel surging.

However, the Son of Destiny either looks mediocre, or just pretends to be a pig.

And the young man in front of him, no matter his appearance, or the breath on his body, made his heart chill.

Can someone call it pretending to be forced? They are obviously showing their strength!

“Go away.”

Ling Xiao’s eyebrows were cold, and he didn’t need to move at all. The moment he stepped out, a great momentum of heaven and earth suddenly fell, instantly blasting these two Ye Clan youths who were only in the Divine Emperor by several tens of feet.


The two figures fell to the ground, a burst of blood spurted out of their mouths, and the awe in their eyes had already turned into shocking fear.

What am I talking about! !

This son, he has the strength! !

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Ye Qingchan. The corner of the latter’s mouth suddenly raised a bright smile, took the initiative to hold Ling Xiao’s arm, and walked towards the summit hall.

Before the lower realm, she also practiced in this Ye Clan ancestral land for several years.

But at that time, she had no background and no direct lineage, and she would inevitably be despised wherever she went. When would she be as proud as she is now.

However, even though Ling Xiao is strong, the Ling Clan does indeed look down upon Qing Cang, but here is the ancestral land of the Ye Clan.

You know, the Ye Clan is a vassal of the Immortal Clan, and also the important task of guarding the Holy State.

Although the ordinary forces didn’t know what the seal of the Holy State was, but… the realm master knew.

Once the Ling clan wants to act on the Ye clan, the Realm Lord Hall will never sit idly by.

Of course, Ye Qingchan didn’t know at this time, the world master had been missing for more than two hundred years.

But now the Realm Lord Hall is already in a state of semi-hidden world, how dare to provoke the Primordial Ling Clan at this time? !

But Ling Xiao knew about this news.

The reason why he was so unscrupulous was not that Long Aotian possessed his body and enjoyed the joy of pretending to be forceful.

Ling Xiao’s attitude towards him is still unclear.

Therefore, he wanted to test it out to see how much his family values ​​his reincarnation of the demon.

All means are scheming.

This immortal journey is so vast, it should be… step by step.

“Young Master… Although Ye Clan is said to have fallen, but it has a lot to do with the Realm Master Hall.”

Ye Qingchan wanted to say something but stopped, obviously worried in his heart, but afraid… the young man would feel that he didn’t trust him enough.

“I see.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was calm, and he stepped forward, grasping Ye Qingchan’s jade hand, and strode towards the top of the mountain.

Behind the two, the two Ye Clan youths hurriedly took out the magic talisman in their hands and crushed them severely.


I saw a golden light rising from the foot of the mountain, and the entire Ye Clan suddenly fell into chaos at this time.

Several ancient and powerful auras walked out of the temple, stood on the top of the mountain, and looked down the mountain.

All the Ye people gathered from all directions, gathered on the square in front of the temple, with a touch of doubt and surprise in their eyes.

That golden light was a warning of the danger of the Ye Clan.

Even the younger generation only listens to the elders’ mentions, and have never seen them.

But today, looking at the golden curtain of light rising into the sky, many people just feel that there is a sense of absurdity and unreality.

The Ye Clan was originally a vassal of the Xian Clan.

And this day, the wood domain is adjacent to the main hall of the realm, who dares to come to his Ye Clan to be presumptuous?

Until, two figures suddenly appeared on the mountain road in the distance, and the eyes of the people of the Ye Clan trembled, and a touch of alert appeared on their faces.

I saw that at this moment, on the ancient green mountain road, a tall and straight young man stepped on slowly. Although there was no aura from his body, it was inexplicable, but there was an immortal charm that blended with the heaven and the earth.

Fengshen like jade, unique temperament.

Even the Ye Clan is a Qingcang clan, there are many arrogances in the clan, but compared with this young man, it is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Moreover, beside him, there was a beautiful figure in Tsing Yi standing, whose fairy face was as picturesque as the heaven and the earth.

The two walked side by side, a dash of Dao Yun visible to the naked eye rippling leisurely.

They stand together, there is only one word that can describe them, made in heaven.

only! !

Two young people, how dare to provoke his Ye Clan’s majesty? !

“The patriarch… something happened to the Saint State Formation.”

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell in the void, and toward the front of the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing a white robe with a majestic look bowed and bowed.

The middle-aged man stands with his hands behind his hands, his eyebrows are deep, and there seems to be clear light in his eyes, evolving endless mystery.

Ye Shanhe, now the Lord of the Ye Clan, the powerhouse of the Ninth Stage of the Holy Realm.

“What happened?”

At this time, there was a clear flash of coldness on his face.

The lifeline of the Ye clan lies in the Xiangu clan, and what the Xiangu clan fancy is the seal of the Shengzhou.

Once there is a change in the Holy State, the Ye Clan will inevitably be overwhelmed.

“The defenders were all killed.”


Ye Shanhe looked terrified, and just about to get angry, another exclamation sound came from behind him, “It’s… it’s her!!! Ye Qingchan!!!”

I saw a graceful figure stepping out of the crowd suddenly, standing next to Ye Shanhe, a beautiful face, obviously with a touch of fright.

“What? Ye Qingchan?!”

Hearing that, many Ye people changed their complexions in an instant, and there was an undisguised killing intent in Ye Shanhe’s eyes.

“How dare she go to the realm in private? Is it possible… shouldn’t…”

At this time, Ye Shanhe could naturally feel that the cultivation base of the girl in Tsing Yi was only in the realm of the god emperor, and it was impossible to be the opponent of the guard elder.

On the contrary, the young man beside her had a melodious and heavy aura.

Of course, because of this, Ye Shanhe’s heart was relieved.

No one can break the shackles of the Holy State.

Therefore, no matter who the young man next to Ye Qingchan is, he shouldn’t be born in Shengzhou, and it’s even more unlikely to have anything to do with the sky…cough cough, that demon.

So, Qing Cang realm, he wants to see who dares to be presumptuous in his Ye Clan!

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