Chapter 923

“Ling? Is the son a member of the Ling Clan?”

Ye Shanhe frowned slightly, with a smile on his face.

At this time, he deliberately tentatively tried, but he did not dare to be half rude. If the black man in front of him was really a member of the Ling clan, whether he killed the Ye clan elder or not, Ye Shanhe would not dare to do it lightly.

It was just inexplicable, and Ye Shanhe felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Ling clan? Holy State? Demon?

Is there any connection between these three?

If everything is a coincidence today, it would be okay to die a few Ye Clan elders.

But if the Ling Clan is really related to the Holy State, then this incident is not just the disaster of the Ye Clan, but the entire Qingcang realm, and even the great chaos of nine days!

“It doesn’t matter who I am, it’s just that what Ling Mou is most uncomfortable with in his life is to reverse right and wrong and deceive others. I and Qingchan girl hit it off right away. Ye Clan Master must give me an explanation about her.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, but what he said only revealed an unquestionable overbearing.

Can’t get used to bullying people?

What are you doing now?

Do you think that if it wasn’t for you to be handsome, that’s not right, if it wasn’t for your surname Ling, what qualifications do you have to talk to the Lord of the Ye Clan like this?

“At first sight?”

Hearing this, Ye Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

With the power of the Ling clan, it is normal for young people in the clan to fall presumptuously.

What’s more, Ye Qingchan’s looks and temperament are all in the Qing Cang, and it is not surprising to be seen by others.

“I wonder what Young Master Ling is referring to?”

Ye Shanhe smiled genially, even if Ling Xiao was arrogant, he was not at all irritated.

The Primordial Ling Clan originally surpassed the ten thousand clan, but now that the leader of the realm is missing, no one in the Qing Cang realm dares to touch its edge.

The dominance of this family was well known as early as 100,000 years ago.

The ghost knows what will happen if he offends this clan.

“Girl Qingchan.”

Ling Xiao turned to look at Ye Qingchan and gave her a gentle look.

“I have been stationed in the lower realm for more than three hundred years. Why has the clan leader never ordered me to transfer me to the Hui? If I remember correctly, the ancestors of the Ye Clan have a limit of three hundred years. Year?”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes were clear, without a trace of panic.

It seemed that the thousands of Ye Clan people in front of her had no deterrence at all in her eyes.

“Recently, Qing Cang has been turbulent, and the Ye Clan has a lot of things, which has been delayed for a while.”

Ye Shanhe’s eyes were slightly condensed, and his tone was extremely cold. After all, he was afraid of the Primordial Ling Clan.

As long as Ling Xiao leaves the Ye Clan today, he will have 3,000 ways to obliterate Ye Qingchan.


Ye Qingchan nodded gently, “Okay, let’s not mention this matter for the time being. I was demoted to the lower realm back then because I killed the Tianjiao of the Xiao family. Clan Tianjiao really fell?”

“Huh! Why don’t you mention anything more than 300 years ago! Ye Qingchan, you must remember that you are a child of my Ye Clan.”

Ye Shanhe glanced at Ye Qingchan coldly, and the threat in his words was very obvious.

“Because of Ye Qingrou’s words, I bear the guilt and have been stationed in the lower realm for three hundred years. Yes, I am a child of the Ye Clan, but when will the Ye Clan give me justice?”

Only at this time, Ye Qingchan seemed to be determined to oppose Ye Clan, and he didn’t mean to compromise at all.

“Huh! Ye Qingchan…”

“Leader of the Ye Clan.”

Before Ye Shanhe could speak again, Ling Xiao suddenly smiled and shook his head, “I said, I don’t like bullying people by force. I don’t know what happened three hundred years ago, but I listened to Miss Qingchan. It means, that Ye Qingrou is the one involved, why don’t you tell her to come out and confront Miss Qingchan?”


Ye Shanhe’s expression shrank, and he took a deep breath, “Gentlely.”


Behind him, Ye Qingrou moved lightly and walked in front of Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan. There was obviously a trace of resentment on Qiao’s face, “Ye Qingchan! I didn’t expect that these three hundred years have not allowed you to grow your memory! What do you want? ”

“Back then, you and Ji Luan deliberately slandered and caused me to be demoted to the Lower Realm for three hundred years. Today, you have to give me an explanation.”

Ye Qingchan said indifferently, but he instantly changed Ye Qingrou’s face, “Give you a statement? What are you! If you didn’t deliberately seduce, how could Xiao Pover enter your room? You become angry and punish him, attracting Xiao The clan is furious, if it weren’t for my Ye clan to protect you, do you think you can still live?”

“Xiao Peng and Ji Luan have a brotherhood, and it is the first day to come to my Ye Clan, how did you know where I live? Also, just as it happened, you led the children of all races to appear in front of my door, Ye Qingrou , Are you an unexplored prophet?”

Ye Qingchan’s expression was cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her beautiful eyes.

This leaf’s gentle plan is really too clumsy.

If Ye Qingchan had no background and was tired of the intrigue among the Ye Clan, how could she be scorned?

“You!! Hmph!! No matter what, Xiao Peng also disappeared in your room. If you have the ability, you can go to the Xiao Clan to ask what they are.”

Ye Qingrou let out a cold snort, his eyebrows full of contempt.

A small child of Ye Clan’s sideline, who dared to talk to her like this, really didn’t know whether to live or die.

No matter where Xiao Peng went, he had never appeared in Qing Cang Realm for three hundred years. In Ye Qingrou’s eyes, he was mostly dead.

What’s the explanation for things that have no evidence?

“Xiao Clan, I will go, and they have to give it the same way.”

Can! !

Just when Ye Qingrou stared at Ye Qingchan with a arrogant expression, imagining that she was gradually desperate and unable to return to heaven as she was three hundred years ago, Ling Xiao suddenly opened her mouth.

There are many ancient clans in the Qing Cang realm, but the Xiao clan definitely occupies a place that is truly daunting.

only! !

Ye Qingrou never dreamed that this Ling clan young man would have such a preference for Ye Qingchan.

Not only are you willing to fight the Ye Clan for her, but now you are going to the Xiao Clan to ask for an explanation?

The Ling clan is strong, but such behavior is not afraid of arousing public anger?


“I can understand. Girl Qingchan felt that this incident was slandered and framed, and you think it was forced by the situation. You insist on your own words. It seems that there is no result of the argument.”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, but Ye Shanhe and the others shook their heads and smiled bitterly, “Hehe, let Young Master Ling read a joke. It is difficult to verify what happened three hundred years ago. Since Qingchan has returned, he stays in the clan with peace of mind. Practice, the son is resting in my Ye Clan today, and I order people to prepare wine and vegetables.”

“Difficult to verify? Not necessarily?”

Ling Xiao’s gaze swept over Ye Qingrou and others, and finally placed it on Ji Luan who was standing behind her.

“Since you have a different word, then look up the memory of the soul sea, and everything will come to light.”


“The son is not allowed!!”

Ye Shanhe and others’ complexions changed drastically, but they saw Ling Xiao stepping out, and instantly appeared in front of Ji Luan.

“I am the prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, do you dare to kill me?!”

Ji Luan roared in panic, his face was already extremely pale.

If it was an ordinary time, even if he was given 10,000 courage, he would not dare to do anything to Ling Xiao.

But at this time, looking at the white palm that the latter came towards him, Ji Luan gritted his teeth fiercely. Suddenly there was spirit rushing into the sky all over his body.

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