Chapter 918

“Gu Chaoci?”

Xuanyuanyue raised her eyebrows lightly, and her face became more suspicious.

Just before she opened her mouth to ask, Ling Xiao already smiled and said, “It’s Nian Qingyun.”

“Gu Chaoci just read Qingyun?”

Xuanyuanyue was stunned for a moment, before she suddenly smiled, “I knew, with the arrogance of the Ling clan, how could you marry you in the lower realm? This Gu Chaoci is a member of the Qingcang Gu clan, right?”

“I don’t know, mother, are you going to return to the Ling clan or the Xuanyuan clan with me?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and asked in a deep voice.

Xuanyuanyue now knows the Ling Clan’s greatest secret, and with the power of the powers of the Heavenly Demon Palace, she is afraid that she won’t be simply let go.

“I return to the Xuanyuan Clan, Xiao’er can rest assured, the Ling Clan dare not move me.”

Xuanyuanyue naturally knew what Ling Xiao was worried about, and a cold smile appeared on her beautiful face.

“Okay! Mother just go back with peace of mind. If anyone in the Ling clan dares to be disrespectful to you, I won’t let them go.”

“My son, do you think your mother is weak? I don’t care what the Ling Clan regards you as, and I don’t care what your identity is. You were born in Xuanyuanyue’s pregnancy in October, no matter what you will achieve in the future. , In my eyes, you are all my children.”

Xuanyuanyue glared at Ling Xiao fiercely, and there was a rare domineering touch between her eyebrows.

Although her realm has stopped at the third stage of the Holy Realm, it is only because of the shackles of the Dao Heart in these years, and she is trapped in the desolate land of the Holy State.

Just give her some time, and the power of the human emperor’s blood will be fully revealed.

Even now, with Xuanyuan Yue’s strength, as long as it wasn’t for those old things that had lived for tens of thousands of years, she didn’t put anyone in her eyes.

How can the realm be restricted by the holy blood to defeat the sky?

“Auntie domineering!!”

Beside the two of them, Bai Zhixi patted her little hand gently, her Qiao’s face was deliberately pretending to be serious and serious.

“Well, when you reach the upper realm, you can do whatever you want. With the strength of the Ling clan, even the realm master hall will give you three points, and the remaining seven points, they will endure it.”

Xuanyuanyue’s eyes suddenly flickered with a touch of coldness, and the aura all over her body suddenly dispersed, really a bit of the dominance of the emperor’s daughter.

“Mother, Gu clan, are you strong?”

“The Gu clan controls an immortal dynasty and stuns three hundred star domains. It is the top power in the Azure Realm, but… if you want to marry Gu Chaoci, I think the ancestors of this clan will personally send her to you. In front of you.”

Xuanyuanyue smiled lightly, but there was a bit of bitterness in Ling Xiao’s eyes.

He still remembered that when the Nian Qingyun soul returned to the body and awakened the memory, he had left cruel words.

Although with the influence of the Ling clan, it seems that she can’t do it now.

However, to bring this proud nine-day true phoenix back to his embrace, I am afraid that it will cost a lot of hands and feet.

“I know my mother, please wait a few days with peace of mind.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the few people standing on the heavenly hall, “What about you, are you planning to follow me back to the Ling Clan, or go to the upper realm to experience on your own?”

“Of course I want to follow my brother! I’ll be there where my brother is, so I don’t want to experience it.”

Bai Zhixi held his head proudly, not letting go of any chance to show loyalty.

“Brother, I plan to go out to practice with Xun’er.”

Ling Tian’s eyes were calm, and the expression in his eyes looking at Ling Xiao was an unconcealed intent to fight.

Although he is at ease in the realm, his way is killing but not enlightening.

“Lin Meng and Meng Yuan come back to the Xuanyuan clan with me.”

Xuanyuanyue sighed lightly, with Lin Meng’s temper, as long as Ling Xiao didn’t drive her away, she was afraid she would not go anywhere.

But in the same way, with her temper, staying in the Ling Clan or here, the realm of cultivation is afraid that everyone will soon be left behind.

After all, Lin Meng was taught by her. Although Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire is scarce, he can still find a few ways for them based on the background of the Xuanyuan clan.

As for Meng Yuan, this girl is obviously affectionate for Ling Xiao, but she has a stubborn temper.

With Ling Xiao’s temperament, once she gets too stubborn one day, it is hard to guarantee that she won’t be killed by him.

So, let’s practice some xinxing with yourself, sharpen your temper, and then send it back to Xiao’er.


Ling Xiao nodded, and suddenly looked towards Yuankong.

At this time, he could feel that a magnificent trend suddenly descended from outside the boundary.

Obviously, most of Ye Qingchan had already walked out of the formation channel and came to the realm of Qingcang.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao only felt a war intent rising from the bottom of his heart, and magic in his eyes gradually flowed.

The Qingcang realm is already vast and boundless, far from being comparable to the Holy State, and in the same way, such a realm will have more excitement.

I just don’t know what kind of secrets Ling Xiao will reveal this time.

“Clang clang clang clang…”

Suddenly there was a bell ringing across the sky.

In the entire Azure Realm, countless ancient and powerful auras rose into the sky in an instant.

Everyone stared in the direction of the Realm Master Hall in amazement, and there was nothing but shock in their eyes.

Nine bells, the demon was born, the troubled times… finally! !

Even compared to the turmoil a few months ago, this time, Qing Cang realm’s thousands of star regions can only be called complete chaos.

God battle domain, Ling clan land.

An old man with white hair stands on the top of the mountain with his hands behind him, looking at the realm where the Ye Clan is located, his eyes are calm but … with a hint of joy.

“Lord, is it finally here?”

This person’s name is Ling Cangming, who is now the lord of the Ling clan, and also Ling Tianlin’s father, Ling Xiao’s nominal grandfather.

“Do it.”

“Yes! Patriarch.”

In the void, there was a Wanzhangxia Pass rushing into the sky, and a series of extremely terrifying auras stepped out of the divine palace, turned into horrors, and moved towards the distance.

at the same time.

In the realm where the ancient Xuanyuan clan was located, a figure in black suddenly approached the border, looking at a majestic ancient city under his feet.

This city is called Guanhai City, adjacent to the sea, and is where the sect of Guanhaizong, a power controlled by the Xuanyuan clan, is located.

Nowadays, although the Xuanyuan clan is shackled by the immortal clan and trapped in one corner, the human emperor’s majesty is still there, and there are still many powerful people who call it the human emperor line in secret.

And this Sect Master of Guanhai is a powerhouse of the Supreme Realm, the supreme of the Fourth Stage Earth.

And in this case, there is also a sage, a number of people of the ninth grade of the holy realm.

But at this time, I saw the black figure sticking out with one hand, turning into a thousand-zhang palm print out of thin air, and there seemed to be magic patterns in the palm, destroying all creatures.

The entire Guanhai City fell into eternal darkness in an instant.

Even the two powerhouses of the supreme realm failed to react, and they were photographed into ashes along with this ancient city with a population of tens of thousands.

After doing all this, the black-robed figure raised his head, glanced at the far-space direction, turned and left floating.

Soon, a demon of the Xuanyuan clan appeared, and news of the killing of 100,000 creatures spread throughout the Azure Realm.

As a human emperor, the Xuanyuan clan has always been hated by demons. Coupled with the vision of the fairy and the ancient clock, countless powerful people suddenly gathered from all directions, trying to find the traces of the heavenly demons.

Among them, the Ling clan, as the old acquaintance of the Xuanyuan clan, directly sent two supreme elders to visit.

And looking at the city in front of him that was surrounded by magic and shattered into dust, a solemn color appeared on everyone’s face.

Magic trail! !

This is the beginning of extinction! !

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