Chapter 919

Green Cang Realm, Tianmu Realm.

This is where the Ye Clan is located, and it is also the only way for Shengzhou to connect to the upper bound.

But at this moment, at the entrance of that formation, there was a sudden ups and downs of Xianhui, and the divine light.

I saw a shadow of Tsing Yi stepping out of it and appeared in front of everyone.

In the ancient forest in the distance, there are also Jinhui rushing into the sky, evolving thousands of Buddha statues.

I saw Yaoguang’s eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be dragons and tigers floating around him.

Thousands of miles of emptiness, the light of the Buddha obscures the sun, and there is a faintly avenue, and the sound of the Buddha resounded from the ears of everyone, piercing the sky.

At this time, there was no trace of expression on the Buddha’s face. Although the Buddha’s nature was up and down, although it could make people see his appearance, it was difficult to remember.

It’s just the red lotus on the center of the eyebrows, but there seems to be a flickering demon, with a bit of evil for no reason.

She took a step, and the golden lotus on the sole of her feet stretched for a long time, which contained the extremely Buddha nature.

One step, the god emperor does not stop.

Two steps, invincible.

Three steps, there is actually a posture of entering the sacred.

only! !

After all, the aura on her body still failed to step out of the realm of respect, and there was a faint disappointment in her eyes.

“Who are you? How did you…huh? You…you are…Ye Qingchan?!”

Outside of the formation, the expressions of the several Ye Clan experts changed drastically, looking shocked at the Tsing Yi shadow that had walked out of the formation since ancient times.

At this time, Ye Qingchan’s pretty face was particularly calm. She is no longer the desolate girl who was driven to the lower realm by the Ye Clan.

Three hundred years ago, although Ye Qingchan was extremely talented, she had no background. He was just an ordinary member of the Ye clan, and even his parents fell in a battle.

Fortunately, she was appreciated by an ancestor of the Ye clan and brought to the ancestor of the Ye clan to practice.

However, her appearance was too dazzling, aroused the envy of a descendant of the clan, and demoted her to the barren land of the lower realms.

This treatment lasted more than three hundred years.

This time she returned to the upper realm, and she was not summoned by the Ye Clan.

However, Ye Qingchan didn’t have a trace of panic on her face.

Now she, standing behind her son, not to mention a Ye Clan’s direct line, even if the Ye Clan’s head, she would never dare to move her easily now.

“Ye Qingchan! You…you dare to go to the bounds privately!!”

A group of Ye Clan people changed their faces one after another, and there was a flash of anger in their eyes.

The strong Ye Clan who can stay here are more than a generation higher than Ye Qingchan.

Therefore, even if this woman of destiny was once in the limelight, in the eyes of everyone, she is now just an abandoned son of the clan.

Even the ancestor who brought her to the Ye Clan didn’t stop her from the Lower Realm in the end.

It is conceivable that at this time, seeing her violate the clan rules, how angry everyone should be.

only! !

Ye Qingchan’s eyes were not on the people of the Ye Clan at all, but looked at the golden light-filled white Buddha shadow from a distance.

“not him?”

It wasn’t until Yao Guang traveled to the place where Ye Qingchan was in front of him that she was surprised that a hint of surprise appeared on Qiao’s face.

Then, there seemed to be three thousand Buddha’s intents in her eyes, showing Nine Heavens and Illuminating the Earth, like a reincarnation divine way, which made people feel shocked.

She only looked up and down at Ye Qingchan, before uttering a word, she whispered the Buddha’s name and turned and walked towards the distant mountains.

“The predestined relationship has been determined, the common people have no shelter, the Buddha’s heart does not exist, and the ten thousand laws are empty, sins and sins.”

“Brahma Holy Land?”

A trace of doubt quietly passed through Ye Qingchan’s eyes. With the background of this power, even the Ye Clan couldn’t match it.

But why does this female monk appear here? How could there be sadness in his eyes.

The fate has been set?

The Buddha cultivated the Heart Sutra. Looking at the Buddha’s intent on this female monk, it is clear that she has entered the holy sage, but how can there be such a vulgar desire and aversion?

“Ye Qingchan!! Are you convicted?!”

Among the members of the Ye Clan, an old man with gray hair yelled angrily, and he was a semi-sage strong man with a holy power squeezing thousands of miles and stirring the blue sky wind and clouds.

“The rules of the Ye Clan, you can return to the upper realm by guarding the boundary for three hundred years. I have been guarding the Holy State for three hundred and thirty-seven years. What’s the sin?”

Ye Qingchan’s eyes were cold, and the whole body was three feet away, sealed in the void, filled with frost, which made people shudder.

“Huh! Even if the time limit is up, my clan leader must personally order the Hui clan! Ye Qingchan, today you violate my clan rules, you must die!!”

When the words fell, that Ye Clan’s semi-sage stepped out suddenly, and the brilliance bloomed in his hand, and he directly printed a palm and fell towards Ye Qingchan.

But at this time, the girl was still motionless, her blue robes wafting in the wind, shedding silk threads.

She only calmly watched that Ye Clan powerhouse stepped on from the sky, and a trace of sarcasm appeared between her eyebrows.


The monstrous holy prestige fell from the sky, like a galaxy flowing backwards, breaking into pieces for thousands of miles.

A hundred-zhang god seal appeared from the semi-sage powerhouse, blocking Ye Qingchan and the space around her.

With this seal, the semi-sage of the Ye Clan was obviously moved to kill.

As for the reason, it is one thing for Ye Qingchan to be in the upper realm privately, and there is a more important reason, that the girl from the direct line who was the enemy of her at the time is now the young master of the Ye clan.

Ye Qingchan raised his head, looking at the vast Linghui pouring down, a smile gradually rose from the corner of his mouth.


You are members of our tribe, and you keep saying that demons can be punishable.

But in the end, it was you who wanted to kill me again and again, and the one who saved me was the demon in your mouth that is intolerable in the world?

What is the great plan of the immortal race, the righteousness of the human race, I, Ye Qingchan, only live for one life and die for one person in this life.

If the son is all enemies in the world, then I will accompany him to kill all the enemies in this world!

“Huh! This Ye Qingchan really knows how to live or die, staying honestly in the lower realm can save a life, now Miss Gentle is my Ye Clan young master, she is back at this time, isn’t she self-surrendering?”

“It’s a pity! This person has been destined to identity from birth, but some people have a certain talent and covet too much, and now they have come to a dead end.”

A group of Ye people stood in place, and their expressions were full of sarcasm.

The semi-holy strong shot, not to mention Ye Qingchan, even if Yaoguang Buddha is afraid it will be difficult to contend.

The vast sacred prestige fell suddenly, and the divine glory soared into the sky, covering the sky.

Everyone shook their heads and looked at the place where the radiance filled with pity.

I saw layers of Linghui gradually dissipating, revealing the back of the semi-sacred Ye Clan.

But, what makes people feel strange is that at this moment, this Ye Clan expert seems to have a pitch-black ancient blade inserted on his back.

Blood ran down his back, dyeing his profound clothes in ink.

The vitality of his whole body, unexpectedly, quickly collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone rubbed their eyes vigorously, and when they looked again, the semi-sage of the Ye Clan was already limp on the ground, revealing a slender figure in black clothes behind him.

It was a young man, with a fairy face and unparalleled beauty.

He slowly retracted the knife, his eyes were gentle, and even the corners of his mouth raised a gentle smile.

He raised his head to look at the crowd, those eyes that were as deep as the abyss were indifferent, without a hint of killing.

“Kill them all.”

Ling Xiao reached out to hold Ye Qingchan’s jade hand, and raised his foot toward the depths of the Tianmu Region.

There, he could feel extremely terrifying auras.

Obviously, the Ye Clan’s land should be here.

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