Chapter 917 Seven-Layer Great Demon

“Lord, you mean…”

The two ghosts looked terrified, and there was a touch of excitement in their eyes.

At this time, the time and space behemoth’s heart and body, although it can evolve the principles of time, it can be trapped here for a long time, and it does not benefit everyone’s growth.

The real Tianjiao evildoer does not simply refer to the high and powerful realm.

It is those who have truly experienced the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, and have come out of the ordeal.

“Space-time node.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear and her tone was extremely calm.

The flow of time in the entire world is the same, but this is the only thing that is slightly slow.

“Tai Gu, Zhu Tian, ​​Cthulhu.”


In the world, the groan of swords resounded suddenly.

I saw the magic blade cut out in Ling Xiao’s hand and instantly turned into a hundred zhang magic shadow, shattering the entire space.


The originally quiet world suddenly burst out with a strange roar.

A few feet of crack quietly emerged from the blade, and then slowly closed.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he turned into a shocking hung, swept out from the crack.

Behind him, Ghost and Xiao Peng followed closely, and finally escaped from this strange world before the crack dissipated.

The void changes, the universe is reversed.

The figures of the three reappeared in the domain boundary passage.


Ling Xiao stared into the sky and sighed lightly as he watched the ripples suddenly wafting from the regular circulation of the layers.

With his current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to truly conquer this time behemoth.

Even the ghost image, the supreme and powerful man, is by no means an opponent of such heaven and earth beasts.

“Fine, as long as you are here, I will catch you sooner or later.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, bringing the ghost and Xiao Pover into the realm, and then calling out Ye Qingchan again, “Qingchan, I will enter the ancient glazed pagoda first, and when you reach the realm of Qingcang, I will come out again.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly disappeared, and Ye Qingchan put the Liuli Pagoda into the soul sea, raising his foot and walking towards the distance.


On the sixth floor of the ancient pagoda, Ling Xiao looked at the space barrier leading to the seventh floor in front of him, and did not hesitate to step into it.

This time, he saw the monster trapped here at a glance.

It was a huge figure with a height of ten feet, bald and naked, and covered with totems.

At this time, his whole body didn’t show the slightest magical intent, but just sitting there gave people a terrible oppression.

The third grade of respect, the ancient tyrant body.

Obviously, this is a demon of self-cultivation.

“Finally someone has arrived.”

But as if feeling the breath of Ling Xiao, the wild demon suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

“It’s been a long time since I had fresh human flesh.”


Before Ling Xiao could react, he saw that Barbarian Demon suddenly stepped forward, his huge body didn’t show any clumsiness.

In a short breath, his figure jumped to the top of Ling Xiao’s head, and a pair of big hands snapped it.

“act recklessly.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm, without the slightest panic on his face.

Not to mention that this demon’s cultivation is not as good as him. A demon who cultivates a body is more physical than his celestial devil?


Seeing Ling Xiao grasping the cage in his hand, he punched it out and collided with the big hand of the wild demon.

With this punch, Ling Xiao didn’t use a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, but only relied on physical strength to reach out.

And the moment the two collided, endless cracks were instantly set off on the seventh floor of the entire ancient pagoda.

I saw that the fierce demon’s face hadn’t dissipated, and it was replaced by a strong horror.


Then, his body that was ten feet high suddenly flew upside down and fell to the ground.

A trace of surprise flashed across Ling Xiao’s face, not that the power of this demon had threatened him, but the first time he saw someone who could keep his arms constant under his punch.

Especially now, Ling Xiao’s arms have been fused with devil bones. With such supernatural power, not to mention the people of the realm, even if the strong of the holy realm is caught off guard, it is bound to be broken.


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently and stepped forward, before the brutal demon got up from the ground, he punched it again, firmly suppressing his fierce intent.

“Boom boom boom.”

In the entire ancient pagoda, there were bursts of shocking noises.

And the figure of the wild demon almost never stood up, and has been crazily ravaged by Ling Xiao on the ground.

His trump card was originally an ancient tyrant, and his physical body was tyrannical and indestructible.

But now, under the shadow of Ling Xiao’s fist, he has gradually begun to break apart.

Above the ancient tower, the wind chimes were sitting in the void, swinging their calves, with an extremely indifferent expression.

It wasn’t until the voice of the demon begging for mercy that she raised a trace of contempt on her delicate white face, “boring.”

When the words fell, the wind chime figure suddenly disappeared.

“Don’t fight! Don’t fight!”


Ling Xiao stopped and stood in front of Man Demon.

At this time, the body of this great demon was already swollen and shattered, and blood penetrated from under his skin, looking quite miserable.

“Unacceptable!! But I don’t want to fight you anymore.”

As soon as the man demon’s voice fell, he saw Ling Xiao hit another punch, and the terrifying demon intent surging away, quietly enveloped the entire space with an aura of extinction.

“Stop…Stop it!! I’m taking it!! I’m taking it!!”

The look of the wild demon changed drastically, how he couldn’t feel it at this time, when this punch fell, his overlord body would surely be truly broken.

At this moment, although he has many doubts in his heart, why a twenty-year-old youth has such a terrifying physical power, but… I dare not ask.

“Open your soul and be my slave.”

Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the wild demon under his feet coldly.

With this demon’s physical body being tyrannical, I am afraid that it will have the power to fight against the strong in the Holy Realm.

Before the Qing Cang realm entered, he had four great holy realm slaves.

This road is much smoother than the beginning of the Holy State.

“Huh! Being your servant…just being your servant, what’s your ability to scare me.”

The wild demon stumbled up from the ground, but in the end he did not dare to resist any more, and took the initiative to open his soul, and Ling Xiao planted a soul mark.

“Follow me.”

With a wave of Ling Xiao’s palm, he brought the Barbarian Demon into the realm, and his figure disappeared in place, appearing above the heavenly hall.

“The son!!”

“elder brother!!”

The girls looked at the two silhouettes falling from the sky, and there was a hint of surprise in their beautiful eyes.

Especially the horrible body of the barbarian demon is even more insignificant.

But at this time, he stood respectfully behind Ling Xiao, without a trace of ferocity and arrogance on his face.

“Double Shadow, you can find a place for him to practice. You shouldn’t be summoned or walk around at will.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, his figure fell from the sky and stood in front of Xuanyuanyue, “Mother.”

“Xiao’er, I’m going to the Azure Realm soon, what are your plans?”

Xuanyuanyue’s face was gentle, her eyes filled with kindness.

“Mother, I want to go back to the Ling Clan first, and see the adult in the ghost image, and then… go find someone.”

“Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?”

Xuanyuanyue’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, and she looked at Ling Xiao with some doubts.

“Gu Chaoci.”

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