Chapter 916

Time passed slowly, and three years had passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three years, thundering thunders have come from time to time in this blood-colored space, and the might of the world has been punished.

although! !

At this time, the spiritual energy of the heart and soul of the time and space beast is thin, but in the Lingxiao domain, almost the entire holy state’s spiritual treasure is stored.

For the strong people who are usually trapped here, this is an underground palace, a tomb.

But for Ling Tian, ​​Ye Qingchan and others, this is an excellent place for practice.

There is time for the rules to evolve, and the three years here may be just a moment from the outside world.

With the endless supply of spirit stones and pills, even Baizhixi, who has always been lazy, has stepped into the ninth stage of the god king, one step away from the emperor realm.

In the beginning, the women did not feel the slightest pressure.

It wasn’t until Bai Ling stepped into the divine general with the realm of true essence one day, which instantly moved everyone, and then began an almost endless practice.

Only occasionally, when they raised their heads to look at the figure that had been sitting cross-legged for nine days, covered in celestial glory, a resentment was revealed in the depths of their eyes.

For three whole years, Ling Xiao’s aura didn’t change a bit, and he didn’t even open his eyes for a moment.

It was just inexplicable. Everyone felt that his strength was getting stronger every day. This strength did not come from the realm of cultivation, it was more like a… change of character.

One with heaven and earth, there is no wave in the heart of Tao.

In the emptiness of the world, only I stand above the road.

One thought is eternity.

In another year, when Bai Ling finally came to the top with the help of the Heaven Wheel Pill Sea, and stepped into the level of the god emperor, almost everyone here has entered this state.

Even Ye Qingchan stepped into the level of God Emperor’s Ninth Rank in one fell swoop, while Ling Tian followed closely behind him, at the God Emperor’s Fifth Rank.


Until Wanli Void suddenly blew up, everyone’s eyes suddenly opened at this moment, and then they looked at the black figure at the end of the sky and earth with surprise.

I don’t know when, the boy has stood up from sitting cross-legged and looked into the distance.

At this moment, there was no trace of fluctuations coming from his body, and above his head, there was a thundercloud falling from the sky, covering the entire world.

The expressions of Ling Tian and the others changed, and they moved their spiritual power to block the top of their heads. At this time, there was nothing else in their eyes except shock.

What a terrible Tianwei is this?

Thundercloud alone covered ninety thousand miles of the void?

Once the thundering thunder descends, this world will be completely destroyed!

Is it possible that the son intends to use this method to break the shackles of this world?

But, what realm did he break through?

“Holy Land?”

Ghost Ying and Xiong Huan stood above everyone’s heads with their hands in their hands, while Yu Hanyan and the three of them had a solemn look on their faces.

In such a dynamic and static battle, it was obvious that Ling Xiao’s breakthrough was not only as simple as the Holy Realm.

But how is it possible?

A twenty-year-old youth stepped into the holy realm? !

Just as everyone’s thoughts turned and their eyes were complicated, a golden thunder suddenly crashed down in the thundercloud.

It seems to contain the true meaning of the avenue, the order is infinite, and it is shrouded toward the sky with the trend of disillusionment.

Layers of the sky crumbled, and thousands of miles of cracks stretched open, as if dividing the world in half.

Everyone felt a numb scalp chill rising from the soles of their feet, and they touched death faintly.

Above the void, two figures suddenly appeared beside Ling Xiao.

One of them is full of aura and seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth.

The other one is full of blood and energy, revealing the eternal immortality.

“Look! My brother has become three.”

Bai Zhixi lightly covered her vermilion lips, and exclaimed.

And the eyes of the remaining few women flashed with a touch of surprise, and even the ghosts and others, their faces were full of shock.

Even people in the holy realm can hardly be separated into three incarnations.

What’s more, these three incarnations are full of vitality and blood, but at the same time they are different.

It’s hard to imagine that when Ling Xiao made a full shot, there were several people in the younger generation who were his all-in-one enemies.

Only Feng Ruge, her pretty face suddenly reddened at this time, and some weird pictures flashed in her bright eyes.

Three sons?

If this is a big battle, it must be… straight to the sky, right?


Finally, when the golden thunder fell from the sky, the two Taoist bodies beside Ling Xiao suddenly disappeared.

And there was no trace of spiritual power from him, he just raised his head and looked towards the blue sky.

In the next moment, a frightening scene appeared.

I saw that the thunder that had destroyed the world suddenly stopped strangely, and then, the stream of light fell down.

The thunder cloud that encompassed the whole world also quietly dispersed under Ling Xiao’s glance.

“Is this the power of the Holy Land?”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the end of the scarlet and gloomy world.

At this moment, in his eyes, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of soul patterns, eight thousand gods and demons, like an abyss that wiped out the heavens, and he looked at the sky.

Divine soul, sanctified.

In three years, Ling Xiao completely integrated the dragon soul power that was not fully refined in his body, and stepped into the fifth rank of the noble state.

With the help of the time rules of this world, the soul transformed into hundreds of millions of senses, covering the entire territory, thus tempering the soul sea.

Fortunately, at the moment when his soul became sacred, he finally found the time and space node in the wind chime’s mouth.

“It’s time to go out.”

Ling Xiao bowed his head and glanced at everyone under him.

At this time, he could see that whether it was Bai Zhirou, Lin Meng or Chen Qingshan, the cultivation bases had all entered the emperor realm.

Even his physical luck has reached nearly ten thousand.

And once he sprinkled these destined people on the green earth, he believed that soon, they would be able to gain a firm foothold in this upper realm and achieve a reputation.

At that time…hehehe.

What? The young master of a certain sword sect is very awesome? Kill in the realm of respect?

In my Ling Xiao’s eyes, he was just a younger brother.

What? A certain Danzong saint has unparalleled talents, and her fairy face is invincible!

Qingqiu, it’s your turn to warm the bed tonight.

Is it irritating?


Xiao Peng and Ghost Ying came from a distance and bowed respectfully to Ling Xiao.

“Eight ranks of the god emperor, nine thousand luck, time is prosperous.”

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, which instantly made Xiao Pian’s fat face tremble, almost scared to urinate.

At this moment, he could feel the faint chill in the eyes of the Lord.

Obviously, after Ling Xiao swallowed the Dragon Soul and took control of the Time Avenue, Xiao Peng’s role was no longer as prominent as before.

“Lord! My sister is not an adult yet, isn’t it… I haven’t seen my sister for more than three hundred years… Please, give me a chance! Don’t worry, when I return to the Azure Realm, I will definitely try my best to bring the Xiao Clan down. Take it down and become your arm!!”

There was clearly a hint of crying in Xiao Peng’s voice, and Ling Xiao just glanced at him lightly, waved everyone into the boundary, and raised his foot towards Yuankong.

Ling Xiao’s footsteps stopped until the three figures appeared in the corner of this world and looked towards the void above his head.

“It should be here.”

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