Chapter 915

At the end of the world, a cloud of blood covered it.

Ling Xiao held his hand and looked at a bloody glow in front of him.

Beside him, Xiao Peng frowned slightly, and there seemed to be confusion in his small eyes.

“This is the end of this place? Why…”

“Why is there a vitality fluctuation?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and the corners of her mouth raised a smile.

“Ghost, are you sure this is the space-time beast you are talking about?”

“It should be. It is possible to imprison creatures with the heart gate, wander through the barriers of the boundary, and practice by devouring past creatures. Except for this fierce beast, the subordinates did not expect other creatures to have such a method.”

The ghost has a hoarse voice, and the tone is also a little solemn.

He didn’t expect that the Lord’s luck would be so against the sky, he could encounter this legendary mysterious beast in this land of the lower realm.

“However, depending on the size of this world, this void beast is obviously underage, otherwise it would not appear in such a barren land as Shengzhou.”


“In rumors, the Void Divine Beast does not have too high wisdom. It only knows how to swallow and destroy, especially its heart and internal organs. It can form a space on its own, encompassing the era. It is a sign of extinction, but this beast has a divine nature. With it, even the fairy demon has no way to survive.”

“Is it?”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and touched the blood wall in front of him. At this moment, he could feel a trace of extremely mysterious vitality in this blood wall.

This kind of fluctuation contains the two most powerful ways of time and space, but it is completely different from the law of formation.

“But, Lord, you once said that no matter how powerful the power in this world, there are always fragile places. The world’s ten thousand laws will regenerate and restrain each other…”

Ghost shadow’s eyes condensed slightly, and the short dagger in his hand suddenly cut out.

The supreme order crashed down, like a galaxy collapsed, shattering everything.

only! !

When the dagger slashed into the blood wall, it only scratched it with a thousand-foot-long crack, and there was still an endless blood-colored space in it, as if there was no end at all.


Xiao Peng’s expression was stunned, and there seemed to be divine gleams in his eyes.

At this time, he seemed to feel a trace of the true meaning of time order, endless, and the extraordinary power could be shattered.

And the realm he hadn’t fluctuated for a long time, there were signs of a breakthrough in one breath.

“Lord…the world’s ten thousand laws, only time is endless. Even if the era is destroyed and the worlds sink, it will be difficult to contain them. If you want to get out of this world, I am afraid that brute force will be difficult to achieve.”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently. If brute force could break through this world, Yu Hanyan and others would not be trapped here for ten thousand years.

But how can we break this barrier and get out of the shackles?

“Absolute speed or find the node of time and space, there is the weakest place of this beast.”

Just as the three of Ling Xiao were helpless, a cold and crisp voice suddenly came from their ears.

The three raised their heads, but saw a figure in a black dress standing in the void with their hands behind their hands, and the delicate little face was a heaviness that was not suitable for the age.

“Wind chimes?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but his heart felt a little surprised.

The so-called absolute speed refers to the ultimate detachment of time and space. When time can’t catch up with you, it can truly be called immortal.

Throughout history, no one can jump out of time at all, and the only person who is close to this situation may be the Lord of Reincarnation in Liang Yi’s mouth.

But even he was trapped in reincarnation in the end, and there was no more news.

As for the nodes of time and space…

Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled lightly, and the power of the Taoist all over his body turned away, rushing in all directions.

If it weren’t for him to plunder the Dao, and effortlessly to complete the Dao, I am afraid it would be a waste of time and energy to find the nodes in the mouth of the wind chime.

After all, even if it is a holy realm or a supreme powerhouse, it is difficult to cultivate the two most powerful ways of time and space to the extreme at the same time in a true sense.

At the very least, among the strong people Ling Xiao knew, no one did it.

even! !

In the entire Shengzhou, the place where Zhou Long was born in the early days, he has only seen General Ling Tian’s swordsmanship consummation.

Perhaps, with Xiao Pian’s luck value, as long as it takes time, sooner or later, he can find out where this node is.

But now, with the existence of Ling Xiao, everything is naturally much simpler.

only! !

How does the wind chime know such secrets of heaven and earth?

You know, this girl appeared in the Liuli Ancient Pagoda at the beginning, purely like a piece of white paper, with no distractions, no mind, and she doesn’t even understand the affairs of men and women.

But as time passed, in just three years, Ling Xiao found that… she had changed.

Become taciturn, and rarely even appear in front of everyone.

She still didn’t show any hostility towards Ling Xiao, but she was getting more and more mysterious.

Time and space beasts, these creatures that only exist in legends, even the ghost, the demon general, have never really seen it.

But this girl can clearly know its weakness? !

Was it a coincidence, or… she awakened some memories.

“Wind chimes, how do you know these?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was calm, but her tone was faintly solemn.

“I don’t know, it’s like… these things exist in my memory.”

Feng Ling shook his head blankly, gave Ling Xiao a deep look, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

“Is there originally? Is it possible that this girl is also the reincarnation of the mighty?”

Ling Xiao frowned, but didn’t struggle with this issue for too long.

The immediate task now is to find the time and space node of this time and space beast and get out of this world.

Otherwise, once there is a slight change in Shengzhou or the Ye Clan, the consequences will be unimaginable.


And when Ling Xiao was sitting cross-legged, trying to urge Dao Ze’s power to find the anomaly in this world, behind him, Xiao Peng suddenly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, seeming to be caught in an extremely strange situation. .


A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, but he didn’t feel too surprised at the bottom of his heart.

According to what he thought, this time and space beast was mostly Xiao Pian’s good fortune.

A son of destiny who had been accidentally trapped in the tower for three hundred years, returned overnight, it was definitely not just a god emperor’s cultivation base.

Even if he comprehend the principles of time, he could still look at the Qing Cang realm, and this level of strength still couldn’t make the slightest splash.

Therefore, he must have adventures before returning.

“Ghost, protect the law for him.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had reached the highest point of the world.

Then, I saw him sitting on the spot, with golden brilliance blooming on the center of his eyebrows, like a blazing sun, shining the whole world as bright as day.

In the land of hundreds of feet around him, there are horrible divine lights lingering, evolving into infinite visions, sketching into a river of order, flowing in the eight wastes and Liuhe.

Wushangxianhui turned into a real dragon, entrenched in the void, and shook the sky.

There is another magic shadow hidden in the nine days, stepping through the ages, overlooking the creatures.

At this moment, the world fairy is alone in Lingxiao.

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