Chapter 912


It wasn’t until the four figures disappeared that Ling Xiao held Ye Qingchan’s jade hand and appeared in the realm.

Obviously, although this weird space has restricted the range of people’s activities, it has not restricted their means.

The white-haired old man just glanced at Ye Qingchan more, and Ling Xiao had already moved to Kill Nian.

If it weren’t for the natural disaster here once in a hundred years, I’m afraid that he would have already acted on Ling Xiao and claimed Ye Qingchan as his own.

His realm was obviously the lowest of the four, so Ling Xiao guessed that he would die in three days.


Above the heavenly hall, Xuanyuanyue raised her head to look at the two figures falling from the sky.

Beside him, Bai Zhixi, Feng Ruge, Lin Meng, Meng Yuan and other women surrounded him in the center, looking like a mother and a girl.

“Are you there?”

At this time, Xuanyuan Yue’s eyes clearly had a touch of complexity.

Although she suspects that some people in the Ling and Xuanyuan clan must have premeditated, and jointly deceived her with that bastard Ling Tianlin.

But in the final analysis, she is still the Emperor Xuanyuan, with the most noble blood of the Emperor Xuanyuan flowing through her body.

What’s more, she now knows the Ling clan’s plan. If this clan can’t obliterate her, it will definitely have concerns about her.

Therefore, this time she returned to the Green Cang Realm, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was nine dead for a lifetime.

It’s just that Ling Tianlin left an ancient order, saying that it could restrict the Ling Clan. Once the Ling Clan dared to do anything to her or Ling Xiao, she would tell them to understand what it means to be dead.

After all, there are many ancient clans in this Qingcang realm, but whoever can become a descendant or suzerain is not a scheming generation.

This immortal path is vast, and of course strength is the capital to crush all enemies.

But if you want to keep your clan prosperous, you must have a thorough cultivation base, or… you must have enough plans.

“No, something unexpected happened.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, but there was no worry in his eyes.

“Accident? Xiaoer, what’s the matter?”

Xuanyuanyue’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, and she turned her head and glanced at Ye Qingchan.

After all, since knowing Ye Qingchan’s reincarnation status, Xuanyuanyue has some worries in her heart.

The Ye Clan belongs to the Qingcang Clan, and is also a vassal of the Xian Clan.

Now Ling Xiao’s secret, I am afraid that this Ye Clan person has already known, once she returns to the upper realm with some thoughts that shouldn’t be moved, Ling Xiao will fall into a situation where it will be impossible to recover.

The land of the holy state, the strongest is not a respectable state.

Even if there is the shackles of heaven, if she wants to take Ling Xiao away, a mere divine master can’t stop her.

But Qingcang is different. This is the real Longtan Tiger Lair. With her bloodline talent, it would be impossible to shelter Ling Xiao without the support of the Xuanyuan clan.

According to Xuanyuanyue’s thinking, such a scourge should be killed, so that it can be said to be foolproof.

“Mother? Your cultivation…”

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly, and stood in front of Ye Qingchan, resisting Xuanyuanyue’s power.

He can naturally guess the concerns of his mother, but the system authentication will never go wrong.

But he couldn’t explain this kind of thing.

“Sanctuary Three Stages.”

Xuanyuanyue glared at Ling Xiao fiercely, “What the hell happened?”

“It seems to be trapped.”

“Stuck? Can’t get out of Boundary Breaking Talisman?”

“Mother, this space is a bit weird, it doesn’t seem to be a formation barrier, it’s more like a spiritual treasure space.”

Ling Xiao stared at a place in the domain, where an extremely terrifying aura was awakening.

“A ghost?”

“Then what should I do? Xiao’er, is it possible that someone has discovered your whereabouts.”

Xuanyuanyue got up with a serious expression.

Ling Xiao’s identity is really special, and she doesn’t know the current situation of Qing Cangjie at all.

This fear of facing the unknown made her feel a little uneasy.

“It should not be. Mother don’t have to worry, I will be more careful.”

When the words were over, Ling Xiao winked at Ye Qingchan, and flew straight towards the place where the ghost was.

Compared to Xuanyuanyue, the ghost image, as the old division of the Heavenly Devil, undoubtedly had a deeper understanding of this world.

Moreover, Ling Xiao always needs to figure out his true cultivation level so that he can be confident when facing the four people in the holy realm.

“Meet the Lord.”

Until Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the sky, the ghost and Xiong Huan immediately got up and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

At this time, there was a surge of demonic energy outside the two of them.

It’s just that Xiong Huan’s current realm is obviously lower than that of ghosts.

“Ghost, where are you now?”

“Back to the Lord, the eighth grade is supreme.”

The ghost voice is hoarse, and the whole body is a mysterious and mysterious spatial fluctuation.

It is like a black hole in the void, swallowing all the aura of a hundred miles in a radius.

“Is the earth supreme?”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and it seemed that the remaining three holy realm powerhouses could hardly escape his palm.

In three days, blinking.

At this moment, on a barren mountain in that weird space, a terrible scream suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, a holy realm surged open, seeming to be struggling.

It’s just that soon, it’s annihilated again without a trace.

Above the void, three figures suddenly appeared, with a touch of unspeakable shock on their faces at this time.

“how is this possible?”

The three looked at each other, their eyes filled with fear.

They have already fully grasped the rules of this world.

That kind of irresistible power is like the shackles of heaven. Once selected by him, let alone the holy realm, I am afraid that even the supreme strong will not escape death.

But… shouldn’t be.

A few days ago, Ling Xiao and the two had arrived, and the four of them had seen it with their own eyes. The realm of these two young people was obviously not sanctified. Even if they were swallowed, it should be them.

But what? He became Old Ghost Xu?

Could it be that those two young men mastered the method to escape these weird powers?

The three of them looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of hope in the depths of their eyes.

Trapped for thousands of years, they kept breaking through under the threat of death, hoping that one day they would have the power to break this world.

But in the end, hard work ended, still despair.

It is difficult for those who do not enter this game to realize the taste of it.

But now, with the appearance of the two Ling Xiao, the three of them calmed down for ten thousand years, and finally there was a sharp fluctuation.


The three soul consciousness instantly dispersed, covering the entire space.

In the next instant, the faces of the three of them trembled fiercely, and there was nothing else in their eyes except shock.

“How… how is it possible?”

At this time, the three of them could clearly feel that at the end of that space, there were countless breath fluctuations.

Although none of these auras can be called tyrannical, the amount is amazing.


Among them, the gray-clothed woman slapped the head of the strong demon race beside her, almost taking his head away.

“Yu Hanyan, you…want to die?”

“Not an illusion! Go!”

The gray-clothed woman’s expression trembled, and the figure flicked out, swiftly rushing in the direction where the countless aura came from.

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