Chapter 911

“Stopped by someone?”

Ling Xiao’s brows frowned slightly, and the whole body was flowing, and a pair of eyes revealed the coldness.

I’m a villain, yes, but I don’t want to play with me like this, right?

The Son of Destiny ascends to the upper realm, and is designated to go straight to the western sky with a smooth wind.

How come Lao Tzu is in a realm, and all things can happen?


Generally, there are most treasures in this strange space. Is it possible that someone in this group of destiny triggered the hidden opportunity?

“My son, be careful.”


Until the darkness in front of the two of them gradually faded, what they saw was a strange scarlet world.

The world is the same color, which makes people feel a little depressed in the bottom of my heart.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and with his fusion of Dragon Soul’s comprehension of the principles of time, he could clearly feel that the flow of time in this world was extremely slow at this time, but the aura of heaven and earth was thin and desperate.

Is it possible that it is a certain treasure space?

At this point, Lingxiao Venerable Realm’s ninth-rank soul consciousness waved away in an instant, directly covering the surrounding land of thousands of miles.

In the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he grasped Ye Qingchan’s hand and pulled her behind him.

At the same time, everywhere in the world, suddenly there were several extremely terrifying auras flying into the air, rushing towards the two Ling Xiao.

Of course, if the non-domain sense is still there, Ling Xiao doesn’t dare to hesitate at all, and will directly retreat into it.

Those four auras obviously had to be stronger than him by more than one realm.

But… it’s weird here. He always has to see the creatures in this world to understand where it is.


At the end of the sky, there is an extremely brilliant brilliance.

In just a few breaths, four figures drenched in fairy rhyme fell from the sky.

Among them, there are three men and one woman. One is a thin middle-aged man with rags and sloppy clothes, a sturdy man with a monster body, and an old man with white hair and white beard. The other woman is beautiful and beautiful. Thousands of green silks are turned into a bun, and a long blue and gray skirt blooms with fairy light.

and! !

What is even more surprising is that although these four people have no luck in their bodies, they have a natural rhyme, evolving into a mysterious yellow yin and yang, and all their cultivation bases have entered the holy realm, all at the level of the third and fourth grades of the holy realm.

“Sacred realm powerhouse.”

Ye Qingchan’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, his expression also a little nervous.

Of course, if she hadn’t been suppressed by the Ye Clan and lived in the wild land of Shengzhou, the current cultivation base would have touched this realm.

But now, she is only at the level of the god king, not to mention contending with the strong in the holy realm, I am afraid that the four people’s eyes can make her look dizzy.

Although Ling Xiao relied on that true dragon sacred soul to enter the exalted realm, but at the same time facing the four great sacred realm powerhouses, it is also inevitable to die.

“Hahahaha, it’s been five hundred years, and finally someone has come again.”

What makes Ling Xiao and the two feel strange is that when the four figures fell from the sky, there was no hostility or surprise on their faces, but a kind of…horrific joy was revealed.


The magic in Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, and his eyes flicked over the four of them, “Dare to ask where is this place?”

At this moment, he faintly felt that the four people were afraid that they were also trapped here. Although their eyes were not hostile, they did not show any kindness.

“Where is this place? This is a good question. If I wait to know where this place is, how can I be trapped for tens of thousands of years?”

The gray-haired old man among them sneered, and looked up and down Ye Qingchan, “Tsk Tsk, it’s a pity.”


Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and under his robe, his two arms gradually showed a dark color.

With his current strength, it may not be impossible to kill the holy realm with a full shot.

Moreover, these people in front of them are obviously at odds with each other, and they are quite wary of each other.

More importantly, at this time, Ling Xiao could clearly feel that in the domain, two auras had broken through the shackles, and one of them seemed to have faintly transcended the holy realm.

Obviously, after leaving the Holy State and getting rid of the suppression of the heavens, the strength of someone…recovered!

“Huh? Boy, you don’t want to make gestures with me, do you?”

The white-haired old man looked terrified and suddenly laughed, “Hahahaha, look, do they look like when we first entered this world.”

“Well, you better shut up, the next natural disaster, three days later, old man Xu, you should thank them, otherwise you will be the one who died this time.”

The burly middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted the old man’s laughter, “Boy, where did you rise from?”

“Which world soars?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, as if he felt something in his heart, “So when you all ascended to the blue realm, were you trapped here?”

“Humph! Your reaction is quick, yes, this ghost place is the only place through which the land of the lower realm can fly to the blue realm. We are all from different realms, and we are all trapped here.”

The sloppy middle-aged man left with a cold snort, his expression extremely gloomy.

Being able to ascend to the Azure Realm with the status of the lower realm, it is obvious that the talents of these four people are extremely talented.

Of course, if it weren’t for the aura of this place to be too thin, I’m afraid they would have already stepped into a higher level in these tens of thousands of years.

“Sure enough, if you are out of luck, you can’t escape death anywhere.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and then asked in a deep voice, “I don’t know what the natural disasters just mentioned by a few people mean?”

“Every 100 years in this ghost place, there will be a kind of weird fluctuation sweeping, and the person with the lowest cultivation base will directly explode, and the body and soul will be lost. No matter what realm you are in, this kind of power cannot be resisted.”

The gray-clothed woman who had never opened her mouth suddenly looked at Ye Qingchan, “No matter how beautiful you are, in this place, as long as your cultivation base is low, you are the one who will die. There is no reason at all. There are three days left. The next natural disaster.”

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan looked at each other, and finally understood the meaning of these four people’s expressions.

Probably, in their eyes, Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan are equivalent to time counting, two hundred years of lifespan out of thin air.

“Originally there were a lot of people in this ghost place, but unfortunately no one has ascended for a long time.”

The gray-clothed woman shook her head, “Now you can only hope that in these three days, there will be others flying up.”

“Have you never thought of leaving here?”

As soon as Ling Xiao’s voice fell, a bit of bitterness appeared on the faces of all four of them at the same time, “We have traveled to every corner of this ghost place for ten thousand years, but unfortunately there is nothing but this scarlet land.”

“Sometimes, we even suspect that the color of this place is dyed red by the blood of countless creatures.”

“It’s useless, nothing is useful, but no one wants to die, only to practice desperately.”

In the end, the four of them took a deep look at Ling Xiao and the two of them, each moving in four directions.

“The son…”

Ye Qingchan frowned lightly, her beautiful eyes were full of self-blame, “My son, blame me…”

“It’s okay, this may not be our opportunity.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, looking towards Yuankong.

If it hadn’t been for him to comprehend the principles of time and use system rewards to complete it, he would not see the weirdness of this space at this time.

Here, the flow of time is a hundred times slower than in other realms.

In other words, for a hundred days here, I am afraid that it is a daylight scene from the outside world.

In this way, he only needs to find the source of this time order, and then he can find a way out.

It wasn’t that Ling Xiao had never tried the Boundary Breaking Talisman, but found that this space did not seem to be a formation or a barrier, and the Boundary Breaking Talisman could not exert any power at all.

But…Since Ling Xiao can’t get out, Ling Xiao can summon everyone and ask them to practice here.

For three days after the disaster, Peak just going to give the old man a big surprise.

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