Chapter 913


Looking at the three figures that swept from the sky in the distance, Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear and there was a smile at the corner of his mouth.

With his current combat power, full shots, cutting half the holy should not be a problem.

But these three seemed to be on guard against each other, but once faced with external threats, they would definitely stand together without hesitation.


Now there is a ghost standing behind him, not to mention the three holy realm and the third-rank people, even the ninth-rank strong, Ling Xiao will naturally not look at it.

According to Ye Qingchan’s words, the strong holy realm is already the helm of the various clans in the Qingcang realm.

Even the oldest forces, the people of the holy realm are the mainstay, the most powerful combat force.

After all, the strong who truly stepped out of the holy realm to achieve supremacy can become a family background, detached from things, and dedicated to the Tao.

And with the strength of the ghost, it is enough to ramp up 90% of the star field.

But in the Primordial Ling Clan, he was just a servant.

The demons will be servants, I don’t know what a terrible existence is that controls the Ling clan now.

“What exactly is going on?!”

The three saint realm powerhouses stood in the void, staring dumbly at the dozens of figures sitting in the same place below.

At this time they could feel that the aura in these young men and women was very weak.

There are even a few people’s breaths, only at the level of gods.

But what really shocked them was not the realm of these ants, but the spirit stone pill that piled up in front of each of them.


Rao is based on the character of the three great holy realms. At this time, looking at the endless Lingshi hills and the pill fortune containing the supreme aura, greed suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Over the past ten thousand years, they have already consumed all the spiritual pill, only relying on the thin spiritual energy to cultivate.

even! !

Although the three of them have cultivated to the holy realm level, they still have knowledge in the lower realm, and have never seen the vast and prosperous Qing Cang realm.

Therefore, seeing so many pill fortunes at first glance, the first thing they think of in their hearts is not to snatch, but…what is the origin of these young people?

“It’s him!”

It wasn’t until the eyes of the three of them fell on the tall and straight young man in the crowd that the shock on their faces quietly weakened a little.

Compared to good fortune, what they are more eager for now is to escape the cage and soar into the world.

And since this young man can avoid natural disasters, he might really have a way to leave here.


The three figures descended from the sky and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

Ling Tian and the others around immediately got up and looked at these three strange and powerful men with a melodious and terrifying aura with a guard.

It’s just surprising that everyone didn’t see the slightest panic on their faces, and there was even a touch of playfulness in their eyes.


The three saint realm powerhouses frowned slightly, and suddenly they felt surrounded.

“Three, meet again.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, embracing Zi Yan, her eyes extremely calm.

“Boy! How did you escape the natural disasters? And where did these people come from?”

The tall man with a demon spirit gave a cold cry, a pair of demon eyes bloomed with golden brilliance, and an unspeakable world fell between the opening and closing.

“What kind of thing do you dare to be presumptuous in front of my Patriarch!”

Before Ling Xiao could open his mouth, Xiao Peng stepped forward, standing in front of the three of them, a flash of murderous intent flowed between his eyebrows.

The ancient Xiao clan was originally the Qingcang clan, and there was no way a person in the holy realm would not know it.

What’s more, Xiao Peng now faintly felt that Ling Xiao seemed to have a power of Dao that was the same as him.

In other words, his role may have been much worse than before.

Now that he doesn’t show his loyalty, he will end up miserably.

“Master? A group of ants, dare to be presumptuous in front of this saint!”

“Thunder Mountain.”


Just when the monster man wanted to raise his foot and stepped towards Ling Xiao, beside him, the gray-clothed woman suddenly opened her mouth and said softly.

“My son, I have no other intentions when I come here. I just want to ask, how did you escape the natural disasters?”

With the cultivation base of the three people in the holy realm, they could not think of any way to escape the natural disasters. This young man looked like he was in his early twenties. He could either escape the natural disasters or…because he possessed a more powerful spiritual treasure than the holy realm. Either it is a figure standing behind the back with hands and eyes open to the sky.

Such a person is simply not something that the people of the three lower realms can provoke.

even! !

From beginning to end, his face did not show a trace of panic. It was obvious that this young man had enough confidence to deal with the three holy people.

If Lei Shan does something to him, Yu Hanyan believes that it must be the demon holy realm who died.

Hearing what Yu Hanyan said, Leishan’s golden eyes trembled slightly, but when he changed his mind, he figured out the advantages, and immediately stopped, staring at Ling Xiao and the others with a gloomy expression.

“Why should I tell you?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was gentle, without the slightest horror, and gently stroked Zi Yan.


“My son, if you have a way to leave this place, I am willing to pay any price.”

The gray-clothed woman winked at Leishan, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

“Any price? Okay, then the three of you open up your souls and be my slaves, and I will take you out of this place.”

Ling Xiao smiled, suddenly feeling a little surprised in her heart.

According to the plot setting, the time order of this space is the key to breaking the game.

And Xiao Peng’s template was originally a strong man who unexpectedly returned, with a terrorist force standing behind him.

So, if there is no Ling Xiao, here should be his good fortune?

Lead the Three Saints out of the shackles, and exchange their heavenly vows for their hundreds of years of following?

When you return to the Xiao Clan, you can pretend to be unlimited!


Worthy of being a man of destiny, there is good luck in everything he does.

“You dream! I’m so proud of nature, how can I give in? Even if I die, I won’t be a slave to anyone!”

The remaining sloppy middle-aged screamed coldly, and he was on the verge of exploding.

“The son! How about we have a discussion.”

Yu Hanyan sighed lightly, and it was a shame for them to open up the spirit of being a slave.

But at the moment, this black-clothed boy may be their only chance to leave here.

Otherwise, even if they are cultivated to reach the sky and live under such fear all day long, what is the point?


Ling Xiao raised her brows slightly, and don’t give Yu Hanyan a deep look. This woman has a calm temperament, and she knows how to advance and retreat.

“As long as the son can take us out of this place, I am willing to follow you for a hundred years. After a hundred years, you will return the freedom of the three of me.”

At this moment in Yu Hanyan’s view, although the three of them are holy realms, they can’t be called extremely strong in the Qingcang realm.

What’s more, strength is one thing in this immortal way, and background identity is a kind of dependence.

This young fairy wind and Taoist rhyme, supernatural and natural, at first glance, he is the proud son of the heavens cultivated by the big forces.

A hundred years have passed for the three of them.

And if he really is the descendant of the ancient saint sect, perhaps following him may not be a trio of good fortune.

Even if he wasn’t, it would be tens of thousands of times better than being trapped here after a hundred years.

“Don’t you understand what I’m saying?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his face suddenly cold, “Either be my servant or… die.”

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