Chapter 910

Holy state, sacred mountain.

In seven days, blink of an eye.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, countless figures stood quietly, looking into the distance.

Ling Xiao was dressed in black, standing with his hands behind.

Beside him, Ye Qingchan was half a step behind, with a gentle face, and the fairy tale in his hand bloomed with shining brilliance.

Ling Tian, ​​Ning Er and others are all willing to follow in Ling Xiao’s footsteps to the Qing Cang realm, and they have already been included in the realm by the latter.


Just when the two raised their feet and wanted to step into the ascending Xiantai leading to the Azure Realm, Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked at the graceful figure in golden robe in front of the crowd.

“elder brother.”

Xi’er’s eyes condensed slightly, and her heart also felt unwilling to give up.

She knew that Ling Xiao would never look back anymore, even if she merged with the Ancestral Dragon Saint Soul, in the wild land of the Lower Realm, his cultivation level would surely be slowly lowered by him until it was hard to compare.

Even the people who followed the son will eventually grow to a height that she can’t look up to.

It’s not that Xi’er doesn’t want to follow Ling Xiao to see the vastness of these nine days, but now that the Zulong will is entangled, she has to stay in this realm and rebuild order.

Or one day, when she fulfilled her ancestral wish, she dared to crush her life on one person.

“Soon, this holy state will have a new guardian. I have notified my father and asked him to come and help you. Remember… whoever comes, kill without mercy!”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, with a gentle expression, but the killing intent in the words made Xi’er’s pretty face sink, and she nodded silently, “Brother don’t worry, I understand!”

“After killing her, seal this teleportation formation.”

When the words were over, Ling Xiao finally stopped hesitating and took Ye Qingchan’s hand and stepped onto the ancient altar.


Between the sky and the earth, a dazzling Xianhui suddenly lit up.

Wanzhang Xiaguang concealed the sky, and saw two figures like stars rising against the sky, rising through the sky and shining on the sky.

At this moment, the entire Holy State was in shock.

Countless powerful men walked out of the ancient land of Zongmen, looked up at the distant sky, watched that the stars finally broke through the sky and disappeared, and their eyes flashed with admiration and envy.

The Holy Land has not been ascending to the upper realm for hundreds of years.

And the spirit power that came out of the void just now was enough to deter the tens of thousands of people in the holy state.

Obviously, today someone broke the shackles of the world and left the Holy Land.

On the Xuanyang city wall, there is a red-dressed figure holding a jade pot, leaning on a railing and sipping a drink.

It’s just that she doesn’t see the slightest sadness on her face, instead, there is a slight smile on her mouth.

he’s gone.

He finally left, and will never mess with my heart again!

I’ll take it, he is dead.

“Hahahaha, hahahahaha, he’s dead… he’s dead…”

Qin Wushuang raised his head and poured the pot of spirits into his throat, his eyes erratic and hissing laughter.

It’s just the corner of the eye, there are tears finally falling.

Anyway, you can’t see it again, and you can’t see it even when you are drunk and awake.


Didn’t he die once?

Suddenly, the alcohol on Qin Wushuang’s face disappeared, and there seemed to be confusion in his eyes.

North Xinjiang, Jiuyou Mountain.

Jiuyou held his hand and looked at the gradually dissipating Xianhui, his bright eyes were sad.

In the end, she got what she wanted and avenged the blood and blood of the Liaofeng clan, but she lost respect and waited.

As soon as he left, the mountains and rivers remained the same, and my heart was empty.

“According to my order, from today onwards, everything in Northern Xinjiang will be in charge of the elders of ghost clams, and this emperor will close his life and death.”

Don’t die.

Ha ha, life and death are so different.

Eastern Xinjiang, Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect.

With the support of the Ling clan, the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect is now the most prosperous sect in Eastern Xinjiang.

Only recently, the enemy of 10,000 people suddenly retreated and gave way, passing the position of Sect Master to his disciple Fu Yunyao, which also surprised many ancient Sect Masters.

Of course, only those forces that know the relationship between Fu Yunyao and Ling Xiao can understand the purpose of this move by the enemy.

Although now the Shengzhou Communist Lord is the God of Xi, it is the Ling Clan that truly controls the destiny of the Shengzhou.

“Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the son has already soared to the upper realm.”

At the top of the Demon Mountain, Xiao Tu was dressed in grey and looked lonely.

After leaving the sacred mountain, the son gave him a soul skill and countless spiritual treasures.

But now, relying on the means of the soul, Xiao Tu is already the most dazzling arrogant figure in this eastern Xinjiang.

But only he knew that if there was no son, how could he Xiao Tu today.

“Yeah, blink of an eye.”

Fu Yunyao’s pretty face was calm, she was no longer the little elder sister who followed Ling Xiao back then, and faintly possessed the grace of a sect master.

“It’s ridiculous that I still have dreams.”

When the words fell, Fu Yunyao shook her head and smiled bitterly, then turned and went down the mountain.

Only at this time, her steps seemed to be lonely, and Qingshan could not hide her loneliness as a companion.

“Ling Clan, you will regret it sooner or later! The Immortal Clan will never let you go!”

Ling Tianlin, dressed in white clothes, looked at an emerald green jade bead in the land of the Ling clan. There seemed to be a mighty soul in it, turning into a hideous face.


Ling Tianlin smiled indifferently, his eyes were deep, “The general trend of the world will be divided for a long time.”

He had a hunch that if Xiaoer goes here, nine days will be chaotic.

Wanli was empty, Ling Xiao and Ye Qingchan walked side by side.

In front of the two of them, there is an endless flow of Taoist rhyme, and the spatial order one after another.

And that ancient Ye Clan’s decree bloomed brightly, hanging above the two of them, guiding the direction of the two of them to go forward, so as not to get lost in the turbulent flow of the void.

“Qing Chan, I will enter the Liuli Ancient Pagoda in a moment. You will hide the Ye Clan’s eyes and ears first.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was calm, but Ye Qingchan suddenly frowned and looked at him imploringly, “Master, you won’t leave me alone in Ye Clan? I finally returned to you…”

“We don’t understand the situation in the Azure Realm now, and once my demon body is exposed, it will surely be enemies in the world. It is too dangerous for you to follow me now.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and sighed slightly, but suddenly a cold and proud, unparalleled figure appeared in his mind.

Calculating the time, it has been three years since Nian Qingjun returned to the upper realm.

I wonder if she still remembers herself now?


Ye Qingchan lowered his head and looked lonely.

“Qing Chan, this time, our enemy is not just one person, one force, but the entire immortal clan.”

“The son can rest assured, as long as I return to the Ye Clan, I will definitely regain the position of Young Master.”

Ye Qingchan nodded lightly, she understood Ling Xiao’s character.

To be a useful person to him, the son’s love will last indefinitely.


Ling Xiao sighed lightly, his expression indifferent.

This Qing Cang world is far more dangerous than the Holy State.

What’s more, Ling Xiao never knew what attitude the Ling Clan would have.

However, according to Ling Tianlin’s temperament, he hasn’t explained too much, I am afraid he is determined.

In other words, once the upper realm of Lingxiao, this ancient clan will surely become his new support.



Just as Ling Xiao’s heart was pondering, a piece of darkness suddenly shrouded in the void in front of him, like a huge abyss, encompassing the universe, layered on top of each other, endless, and instantly swallowed all the traces of Daoguang, order, and spatial flow. .

even! !

Even with Ling Xiao’s soul perception, he did not react at this time, and was directly shrouded in the endless darkness, only to feel a strange power invading outside his body, forcibly pulling him into another space.

“what happened?”

Ling Xiao held Ye Qingchan in the palm of his hand, and the latter also flashed a panic on his pretty face, which was obviously extremely surprised by the situation at hand.

“I don’t know, son… we seem to be stopped by someone.”

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