Chapter 894

“Master Taixuan, do you still remember what I told you back then?”

Zhou Yandao’s eyes flicked past the three of Zi Yan, and finally only stopped for a moment on Xiong Huan, and then placed it on Taixuan Dao Master.

“At the beginning I didn’t enter the realm of exaltedness. You have a chance of winning in the mountain of enlightenment, and you die without life outside the mountain of enlightenment.”

“Divine Lord Divine Power.”

Taixuan Dao Master’s expression remained unchanged, and even his tone was a kind of extreme indifference.

“From your perspective, why did you come to die?”

After all, Zhou Yandao was still a little curious about Ling Xiao in his heart.

From beginning to end, he never put these people in his eyes.


In the land of Shengzhou, apart from the Ye Clan, who can make the three nine ranks bow their heads?

Where did this boy come from?

“If you know that you can’t do it, you will be justified.”

Taixuan Dao Master smiled indifferently, obviously this battle is also ready to die.

“Oh? So, this boy is you waiting for the master?”

Zhou Yandao raised his brows lightly, his eyes became more and more interesting.

“Interesting! But, boy, do you really plan to kill the owner with these few people?”


Ling Xiao shook his head and looked up at Yuankong.

Judging from Zhou Yandao’s behavior just now, it seems that no trace of ghosts has been found.

In other words, since this demon general can hide his figure in front of him, he has the slightest possibility of killing God.

“Oh? Is it possible that you still have something to do?”

As soon as Zhou Yandao’s words fell, the smile on his face suddenly condensed.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the far sky.

There, suddenly countless auras appeared, densely packed, endless, and at first glance it looked like a locust plague crossing the border, making people’s scalp numb.


Ling Xiao nodded seriously, but listened to the void, suddenly there were bursts of low voices.

“Qin Wushuang of the Great Qin Dynasty in Western Xinjiang, led the sixty god emperors in Western Xinjiang to meet Young Master Ling Xiao!”

A big red emperor robe emerged first, standing in the sky, with white hair floating, and a touching thread of affection in his eyes.

“Eastern Taixuan Taoist Taoist Liang Yi, led the five great emperors of Taoism, three hundred dragon guards, saw the Lord, and wished to die for the Lord!!”

“The clan lord of the blood shark clan in southern Xinjiang, led the seas of the hundreds of god emperors to sixty, and saw the lord!!”

“Southern Jiangxi Gantian God Sect leader Gu Xuan, led the congregation of three thousand, to see the Lord!!”

“Beijing Jiuyou, lead six great demon kings, thirty god emperors, and see the Lord!!”

“Ning Tiance, the god of war of the West Xinjiang, led 10,000 gods of war to see the Lord!”

“Innocent! Miyong! See the Lord!!”

“Xiao Beifa, rate the blood guard with 10,000 yuan, and see the Lord!”

“Fu Yunyao, the young master of the Ten Thousand Dao Demon Sect of Eastern Xinjiang, led the four great god emperors to see the Lord!!”

Within a breath, the sky and the earth fell to the curtain.

A mighty figure came like a tide, standing on the top of the sky, almost covering the sky.

Among them, the one with the lowest cultivation level has actually reached the level of the gods, and even all the gods in the four borders have gathered here.

Also, call that boy the master!

Zhou Yandao’s expression froze, and Rao felt extremely shocked by his character at this time.

Suddenly, he found that he seemed to be back to where he was three hundred years ago, enemies in the world?

But, when and what kind of method was used, this young man has already put all the four borders of the Holy State in his palm? !

Ling Xiao stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes clear.

At this moment, there seemed to be a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, and then he waved his palm lightly.

I saw a wave of inexplicable force waved away, and then, several figures appeared beside him.

It was Ling Tian, ​​Chen Qingshan, Feng Ruge, Baizhixi, Han Qingqiu, Lin Meng and so on.

Even Bai Ling, who had lost his cultivation, was summoned by Ling Xiao and stood in the distance to watch the battle.

From the very beginning, Ling Xiao knew that if he wanted to truly punish the Divine Lord, relying on the power of the Divine Emperor of the Four Frontiers, it was far from enough.

After all, the person of the realm of exaltedness already controls the order of the heaven and the earth, and he has no two powers.


It’s ok!

I put a group of destiny in the game at the same time, with their luck, it may not be impossible to join hands to kill the gods.

As we all know, what the Man of Destiny is best at is to make many impossible things and give you unexpected surprises.

What’s more, with so many destiny gathered together to fight for a goal together, God is afraid that they will be moved by them.

Do you expect me a villain to practice step by step, and then step by step to defeat the strong with the weak?

Am I worthy?

God Lord Zhou Yandao, captive a domain for cultivation.

I, Ling Xiao, used the power of one domain to defeat this god.

Even if the common people are dead, it will open the way for me to make my way to immortality, and cast my glory forever!

Is your brother brave?

Beneath the sacred mountain, the edge of the ancient forest.

The void suddenly fluctuated and saw a graceful figure in white slowly stepping out.

She looked up at the divine emperors from all over the sky, and the corners of her mouth seemed to raise a faint smile.

“Huh! Do you think you can contend with me with the strength of the four frontiers? Young man, three hundred years ago, I was an enemy of the world, but in the end, I let this world kneel at my feet!”

The shock in Zhou Yandao’s eyes flashed away.

After all, what he was shocked was not the strength of these god emperors in front of him, but Ling Xiao’s methods.

A young man of twenty, almost dominated the Holy State?

“Zhou Yandao, you rebelled against the Lord and killed the common people. Today, I represent the world and all souls and condemn you to death in the name of justice. Even if this trip is defeated, even if my body is broken, I will also be the world and punish the devil!”

Ling Xiao stepped forward, standing in front of everyone, with an extremely indifferent tone.

But invisible, but there is another kind of great meaning like a mountain.

Even if Meng Yuan and others knew Ling Xiao’s identity long ago, after all… he was right.

Demon is different from demon.

You should not seek immortals, it is better to seek demons.

Since this world yoke shackles the immortal way, then break the world and take a different path from the world.

Take the common people of the world as one’s own wish, be willing to fall into the devil, bear infamy, just to return all spirits and fairness.

even! !

At this moment, looking at the tall and thin back in front of them, tears filled the eyes of Ling Tian, ​​Meng Yuan, Jiu You and others.

This is, my brother, my son, my lord.

Even if the world cannot tolerate it, he has persistence in his heart.

Under his indifferent and cruel appearance, there are nine days of justice!

Son, I wish to die for you! ! !

“Wish to die with the Lord!!”

“Wish to die for the Lord!!!”

“Wish to die for the common people!!!”

Murderous, shocking the sky.

At this moment, whether it is the Eastern Frontier God Emperor, the Western Frontier Emperor, the Southern Frontier Demon Gate, or the Northern Frontier Great Demon, there are waves in the heart.

The journey of immortality is eternal, and there are countless reincarnations.

But after ten thousand years, those who can retain their name are by no means shocking talents, but those who die for the common people! !

There was Xuanyuan in ancient times, and Lingxiao today! !

Son! ! Righteous spirit! ! !


Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and her whole body seemed to be magnificent.

He suddenly waved his palm, but his figure remained unchanged.

All beings are dead, what to do with me?

What I asked for was the Nine Heavens Fairy Way, but how could I be shackled by the mortal realm? !

Above the void, there was a sudden infinite aura blooming, like a big star from the sky, and like a moth fighting a fire, rushing towards the divine lord without hesitation.


The world trembles, the rhyme of Tao does not exist.

This battle must be a battle recorded in the annals of the history of the Holy State! !

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