Chapter 893

“Come on, so what?”

Jin Pao smiled indifferently, and never looked at the three Ling Xiao at all.

He felt it from the moment the boy stepped into the sacred mountain.

Even Zi Yan, Taixuan Daozhu, and Xiong Huan could not escape his soul perception.

However, in his eyes, there is not much difference between the Ninth-Rank God Emperor and the Ninth-Rank God General.

“I am invincible in this realm. Even if I sit here and shut you down, one thought can suppress all souls.”


In the depths of Jin Hui, there was suddenly clear light lingering, and an extremely biting chill filled the world, freezing the void and freezing the glow.

Then, a figure in Tsing Yi gradually emerged, with a picturesque fairy face and a graceful figure.

There was a touch of extreme coldness on her face.

Even if it wasn’t for a different hair color, at first glance, Ling Xiao actually saw the shadow of the white-haired woman in the Demon Soul Consciousness that day.

Is it because of Taoism?

At this time, Ye Qingchan was still lonely and peerless, but she had some different temperaments on her body.

God emperor five grades, eight thousand air luck.

She stood on the altar, left alone, and on top of her head was a blue ancient decree, blooming with thousands of gods, and resisting all the golden glory.

“The son.”

It wasn’t until her eyes fell on Ling Xiao that a touching smile appeared on Qiao’s face.

And the temperament that made Ling Xiao suspicious, disappeared in an instant.

It was as if she would never change, love Ling Xiao deeply, and take him as her life.

What changed was that Ling Xiao looked at her direction.

The mist is rising, she is the god who stands proudly in the holy state.

Guanghua dissipated, she was the nervous and restrained girl in Tsing Yi of Jianzong, serving tea and water, serving the sword and burning incense.

“Qing Chan, I am here.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, although there were many doubts in his heart, but his face was light and breezy.

No matter what, Ye Qingchan is no longer the same she used to be.

That ancient soul has been completely swallowed by her, no matter how hard it changes.

“I know the son will come, I have been waiting for the son.”

Ye Qingchan’s eyebrows were gentle, and there was a bright smile at the corner of her mouth.

Only at the moment when her voice fell, her Jiao body trembled abruptly, and a ray of blood overflowed from her mouth, dyed in red and blue clothes.

Obviously, despite her adventures during this period, her cultivation has returned to the level of a god emperor.

But in front of the god master, a powerful person in the realm, he still looked small and fragile.

It’s just that the only thing that made Ling Xiao a little puzzled was that with Ye Qingchan’s current strength, Zhou Yandao could completely kill him.

But he didn’t. Instead, he imprisoned and sealed him with a formation method.

Could it be because of luck?

“The person you are waiting for is actually a teenager?”

Zhou Yandao shook his head and chuckled, but his eyes were slightly stagnant when it fell on Meng Yuan’s body.

“Yuan’er, don’t you introduce your friends to Master?”


Meng Yuan looked sad and looked straight at Zhou Yandao.

“Why? Since you came with him, you should have seen that woman, right?”

Zhou Yandao shook his head and chuckled, a pair of golden eyes overflowing with divine light, like a whirlpool, mysteriously transforming the two parties into Qianyu.

“If it weren’t for me, you would have been killed by her. This monster… after all, it is hard to move in nature, fierce, and stupid in mind. Even if they used to be loyal to love, once they were bewitched, they would forget their heart, you Say… Should this demon be killed?”

“how about you?”

Mengyuan’s silver teeth clenched, that’s right, Bai Zhirou had said that her daughter had died.

And since he was still alive, he was mostly saved by Zhou Yandao.

However, the devil is the devil after all.

Just like Ling Xiao, even if he is righteous, his methods are still cruel and outrageous!


Zhou Yandao pushed horizontally with one hand to suppress the chill outside Ye Qingchan’s body. On the palm of the other hand, a black light burst suddenly, covering the cloud dome.

Faintly, there seemed to be a vague phantom, emerging from the top of his head.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and suddenly there was an illusion in his heart.

Although this demon shadow is illusory and misty, its aura is somewhat similar to that of his own heavenly demon.

Moreover, most of the principles in this divine master were also plundered.

Seen in this way, does it mean that as long as a single demon bone is fused, even if it is not the reincarnation of the demon, it can also be inherited from the demon?

Suddenly, there seemed to be a chill spreading in Ling Xiao’s heart.

If he sets for the destiny, perhaps he will not think too much.

After all, with luck and protection from heaven, all kinds of conspiracies will be solved.

The demon fell, reborn and returned, and finally stepped onto the top of the sky step by step, killing the gods and the immortals, and achieving the supremacy of the heaven and the earth.

This is the plot of the Son of Destiny.

However, he is a villain, unlucky, and destined to become a stepping stone.

Therefore, from the beginning, Ling Xiao regarded himself as a chess piece and was placed in the game.

So that along the way, he never trusted anyone credulously, step by step, full of calculations.

Even if the things he worried about did not happen in the end, there was no loss for him.

Now that he saw Zhou Yandao carrying the power of the Heavenly Demon with his own eyes, Ling Xiao was even more convinced. All these coincidences seem to be not simple.

“Yuan’er, what is the difference between a god and a demon? Only by standing on top of the sky and controlling the order of the world can you protect your heart’s wish. Just like you, if I was the one who lost that year, you would be the heir of the demon that everyone spurned. But now ?”

Zhou Yandao smiled indifferently, and turned his head to look at Ye Qingchan, “Now, I am the lord of the gods, and all spirits are respected, and you are the saint of the holy religion, the heir of god, even if you are a monster, the world will respect you and fear you.”

“What’s the meaning of this awe?”

Meng Yuan’s face was sad, but her heart was suddenly a little upset.

“What’s the point? Some things are destined from your birth. If you don’t want to give your life to others, you should strive to be the god who controls the lives of others! In this world, only God is innocent and has no fault.”

When the words fell, Zhou Yandao suddenly turned his gaze on Ling Xiao, and for the first time a ray of doubt appeared on his face.

At this time, he didn’t feel any uniqueness in Ling Xiao’s body.

But such a shocking talent, he has seen too many in these years, but there has never been a person who can surpass his control and walk in front of him so swayingly.

Killing God!

How can mortals be able to bear the majesty of these two words?

In other words, Ling Xiao’s ability to get here is already the success of this holy state creature.

What’s more, at this time Zhou Yandao could clearly feel that Shengjiao had no life.

Obviously, they should have died in the hands of this young man.

“Who are you?”

“Zhou Yandao, you go against the chaos of the common people and practice with your spiritual life, and such a behavior will kill the earth on the same day.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was indifferent and didn’t seem to be anxious to move.

The villain died of talking too much, because the villain had no layout and no calculations.

Sometimes, when a lot of words can make it easier to achieve the goal, why not do it.

“Tianzhu Dimie? It’s up to you? Or do you really think that under the shackles of this heavenly Dao, three Ninth-Rank Divine Emperors can compete with me?”

Zhou Yandao gently shook his head, the light in his eyes shattered, and the rhyme did not exist.

Immediately afterwards, Zi Yan, Xiong Huan, and Taixuan Taoist walked out of nothingness, their faces extremely gloomy.

Obviously, in the face of Divine Lord, the only honorable state in the holy state, even if they had stepped on the top of the sky, they felt endless pressure.

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