Chapter 895

“Ant! How can you compete with the sun and the moon?”

On the top of the sacred mountain, Zhou Yandao slowly got up, his eyes calmly looking towards the void and all spirits.

At this time, there was no trace of panic on his face.

Obviously, in the eyes of a powerful person of respect, any god emperor and king can be killed by waving his hand.


only! !

Just as he stepped forward and wanted to kill everyone, in the ancient formation in front of him, an endless celestial splendor suddenly burst out.

The void was frozen, and the ice-bound force was about to break the barrier, only to see Ye Qingchan’s pretty face was extremely cold, and the wind and snow lingered outside.

Behind him, there is a faintly immortal shadow stepping across the ages, overlooking the creatures.

Zhou Yandao’s expression was stunned, and one hand was suddenly printed. There seemed to be infinite god patterns in his palm, and he wanted to completely seal Ye Qingchan.

Compared to the stinky fish and shrimps above his head, the one who really frightened him in the whole Saint State was the former leaf master.

At the beginning, he deliberately let a ray of his soul escape, just because he didn’t want to stun the snake and let the upper realm Ye Clan know that this woman had fallen.

But now, the reason why he refines it is because… he has refined most of the fierceness of that good fortune.

It will take another ten years, or it can be completely integrated.

In this way, even if the Ye Clan is close to each other, what can he do?

He will become this world, the immortal true God! !

Seal the passage, block prying eyes, and achieve the real dominance of heaven and earth!

only! !

Ren Zhouyan’s tactics are against the sky, and he has a lot of scheming, but he never thought that Ling Xiao was born out of thin air, and he wanted to kill the gods with the power of all souls.

Sure enough, it’s hard to get things done.

“Do you think so, you can trap me? Give them a chance?”

Zhou Yandao smiled lightly, a touch of playfulness between his eyebrows.

“Even if the owner controls you with one hand, he can kill the Hundred Emperors with one hand, and kill the Five Frontiers with one thought!!”


When the words fell, Zhou Yandao calmly stretched out a hand and gently printed it towards the void.

There are endless divine marks evolving from the sky, and in one breath, they turned into a hundred zhang divine seals, and went up against the sky, resisting all the spirits that fell from the sky.


The sky quakes, and the ancient extinction brilliance blooms, intertwined and collided.

The vastness of the gods swept everywhere.

This seal has clearly transcended the shackles of the world and contains the path to destruction.

The infinite vision emerged from the center of the handprint, and the five elements were all lit up.

The complexion of several god emperors changed, but they were too late to react, and they shattered into blood mist in the sky where the golden light was filled.

The whole sacred mountain suddenly collapsed and opened, and the colorful rays of sunlight rose up with a mixture of blood and energy.

In the area of ​​a hundred li, the order is obliterated, and even the blood that has just boiled on everyone’s body is completely cold under this seal.

The divine lord is called divine lord because he has overridden the world and stepped on another level.

Even if the emperors were determined, they still dreamt of being broken in the face of reality.


Seeing this scene, Ling Tian’s eyes suddenly flashed with a frenzy of warfare.

In the ears of everyone, there was also a trembling sword chant that resounded suddenly.

I saw a ray of fairy light light up leisurely, turning a thousand feet into a blue front, and with the supreme momentum of smashing the mountains and seas, it suddenly fell towards the god.

The sword intent is three thousand, and it penetrates the virtual world.

Just like at the beginning of the creation of Hongmeng, the chaotic light that was born gathers the charm of this world, and there are no two roads, and it becomes the ancient front of Zhuxian.

only! !

What makes people feel surprised is that at the place where the fairy sword is prosperous, there is another thread of blood running through the sword body, which makes the sword intent of the immortal journey to the thing, inexplicably more evil.


A sword fell, the world was in sorrow, the immortals and demons came together, and they cut off the golden handprint.


Zhou Yandao’s eyes were dazzling, but before he could see the young man’s appearance clearly, in the distance, there was the sound of swords spreading through ninety thousand li.

A wild ancient dominance squeezed the world, and the gods and emperors only felt their souls tremble, and they had the momentum to collapse under this knife.


The divine halberd in Ning’er’s hand was lifted into the sky and crashed down.

When the halberd light passed, there was a crack in the void.

Su Yan and Lin Meng are even more stunned outside their bodies, transforming the sea into ups and downs.

“Blood Guard, the Slaughter God Array!”


In the sky, there is a god of thunder trembling in the sky, ten thousand blood guards transforming a thunder demon into the world, gathering thousands of thunder intent on Ning’er alone.

And the fierce and mighty divine halberd suddenly resembled a sacred weapon of thunder, shooting the Bengtian divine glory.

At the same time, all the emperors of the sea area and the monster race were shocked patiently, and they sacrificed their spirit treasures and slammed toward the golden light god seal.


Above the blue sky, the cracks stretched and panic.

Where Zhou Yandao’s handprints passed, there were countless strong men shattered into blood mist, and there was no room for struggle at all.

The fighting sound is deafening, and the demon roars to the sky, moving thoroughly.

The blood shed like rain, and the shards of monks fell to nothing.

This battle was fierce enough to surpass the past and present.

But Ling Xiao alone knew that all of this was just the beginning.

These fallen people in front of them were just abandoned sons who consumed Zhou Yandao’s supernatural power, and they could also be called cannon fodder.

And what really decides the outcome is the three people of Zi Yan who have never made a move and the ghost hidden in the void.

Gradually, the Jin Hui on the palm print is no longer the same as before.

It’s just that the entire sacred mountain is bloody, and the wreckage is everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

Ling Xiao’s eyes were calm and he inserted the Samsara Devil Blade into the mountains, suddenly there was an ups and downs in his eyes.

Then! !

I saw the corpses of countless dead souls that had fallen, and suddenly they struggled to climb up from the ground, and rushed towards the stalwart figure on the top of the mountain.

The sacred scripture of Yama is originally a classic handed down from the ghost tribe, and the horror is the rebirth of the soul.

Of course, this kind of rebirth is only controlled by the physical body, and the remnant soul is transformed into hostility, not the return of consciousness.

But even so, the scene of such rampant corpses still made many people’s faces changed.

Above the void, Qin Wushuang has delicate eyebrows and three thousand white hairs dancing in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, she also used ghost skills to sweep Zhongjiang.

There were layers of ghost mist rippling from all over her body, but her face was completely pale at this time, with blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, her breath suddenly wilted to the extreme.

Can! !

At this moment, at the foot of the sacred mountain, suddenly a group of figures stumbled and staggered, endless and strange.

Looking around, a sea of ​​corpses opened like the gate of purgatory, covering the top of the mountain.

“Ling Xiao… if I can help you, that’s it, die…no regrets.”

Qin Wushuang’s delicate body trembled lightly, his body lingered with death, and he actually used his vitality as a guide to summon these billions of dead souls.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, raising his head to look at the graceful figure.

But at this moment, Qin Wushuang’s pretty face suddenly burst into a heartfelt smile, bright and bright, completely opposite to that ghost.

Thousands of life is difficult, a hundred years of calamity.

Willing to live with you in this life!

The meaning of the three realms, the enemy of eternity.

Qing sacrifices blood and soul to help King’s Landing!


At the top of the mountain, the world is frightening.

At this time, there was no more panic on everyone’s faces, and some were a touch of decisiveness to die for the beloved and for the loyalty.

After all, there is no retreat for this immortal way.

Desperate, self-willed to sink.

What is immortal, what world is in a wheel, but vain, chasing unintentionally.

Meeting you from that day, for the rest of my life… it’s ridiculous.

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