Chapter 892

“Old man?”

The sage elders looked at him for a moment, then they seemed to be a little surprised in their hearts.

The saint son’s posture in the sky, now returning from experience, what is the fuss about knowing a few Xiantu Taoists?

Besides, the young man in the mountain is full of fairy charm, where he walks, there are avenues of lotus blooming in layers, and he is obviously a peerless person.

It’s just that the Son of God is not happy at this time, but is sad?

What kind of look should an old friend meet?

It wasn’t until the two Ling Xiao reached the top of the mountain that they appeared in front of a group of sage elders, and a gentle smile bloomed above their faces.

“Sage of Mengyuan, don’t come here unharmed?”


All the saints and elders looked dumbfounded, looked at Meng Yuan, and then at Ling Xiao.

Even Su Yan, a strand of surprise clustered between Dai’s eyebrows.

Especially at this time, Mengyuan was dressed in white with a corset, and she was clearly dressed as a man.

“Master Ling Xiao.”

Mengyuan sighed softly in her heart, trying to restrain her feelings.

Don’t come unharmed?

Ling Xiao, do you know who my broken Dao Xin looks like?

“Are the holy elders here?”

Ling Xiao’s gaze swept across the group of strong priests in front of him, nodding lightly.

Even if he had killed several Shengjiao god emperors, there were still two eighth-rank and four seventh-rank god emperors in front of this sacred mountain.

Not to mention, the original Dugu Yunyu, Yuanjue, and Shengjiao Grand Elder were all nine-ranked people.

Such a background, even if there is no god master, who is a powerful person in the realm, it is enough to overwhelm the five borders and control the world.

“Yes! The great elders have not returned home, and the rest of the sage elders are here.”

Meng Yuan nodded indifferently. Since the god master is a demon, in her eyes, these elders are also demon servants, and it is difficult to make up for her Dao heart without killing.

“The Great Elder can’t come back.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but the faces of all the elders of the holy sect were changed.

How do you listen to the conversation between Shengzi and this young man, as if the two people were discussing and punishing them?

Me… Gan?

Is it an illusion?

“Let’s go, and meet the God Lord.”

Ling Xiao took Su Yanyu’s hand, went straight through the crowd, and walked towards the depths of the sacred mountain with Meng Yuan.

Behind the three of them, a group of sage elders looked at each other. At this time, they only felt their scalp dazed, and there was a kind of unspeakable confusion.

“Kill them all.”

Ling Xiao said coldly until the three of them disappeared.

The sky and the earth were gloomy for an instant, and only three figures were seen manifesting from the void, and there were divine brilliance all over the body.

One of the humanity rhymes is natural, like a Taoist god descending to the world, revealing his divinity.

A person is surrounded by purple thunders, and his face is full of the world, and the other is a demon with ups and downs, covering the sky and the sun.

There is one person standing in the sky, and the whole body is a hundred meters away, the sky and the earth are all bright, and they are plunged into eternal darkness.

only! !

The breath of these three people has reached its peak, surpassing the world.

Endless sounds of Taoism, demon chants, and demon howls resounded throughout the world, and the whole sacred mountain fell into the night overnight.

Dark clouds gathered, and the thunder fell from the sky.

When the fairy rhyme on the top of the mountain rushed into the sky, at this time, he was also eroded and broken by this layer of demonic intent, like a robbery domain.

Ling Xiao and Mengyuan’s figure stagnated in the depths of the sacred mountain, looking at a golden pillar of golden light reaching the sky in the distance, their expressions were always calm.

At this moment, he could feel an extremely terrifying force, rushing over the god pillar, trying to seal the sky.

Obviously, Zhou Yandao should be in the golden light, and most of Ye Qingchan was also here.

“Where is this sacred mountain suppressing the dragon veins?”

Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked at the girl beside him, only to see Meng Yuan’s beautiful eyes drenched in an indifferent tone, “The Holy Church has a forbidden place, except for the gods, no one can set foot, I don’t know if it is the place you are looking for, and …Your Qi Yan Rune will be returned to you.”

As long as she wanted to kill the gods, Meng Yuan had nothing to hide now.

As the magic rune separated, her fox ears and fox tails were immediately exposed, and even the demon spirit outside her body surged like a tide, shocking.


Ling Xiao nodded lightly, reached out and took the rune he had previously given to Mengyuan, and then suddenly waved his palm.

The two women saw the void suddenly dark in front of them, and when they returned to their senses, the young man in front of them was already wearing a white robe, with a gentle expression.

“Mengyuan, you don’t need to go.”

“No! I’m going.”

Meng Yuan shook her head. Although she had guessed her own life experience, her heart was still full of resentment.

Master? Father?

After all, he killed the gods and rebelled against the Lord, fell into the demons and threw his wife away, and cultivated his own daughter into a cold-blooded person who killed the same kind.

How can such a person bear the word father?


Without a word, Ling Xiao stepped forward and walked towards the place where the golden light was radiant.

Suddenly, there were loud noises in the void in the distance.

I saw a road of Shenhui rising up into the sky, and was suppressed again in a flash.

The blue sky shattered, with endless cracks running through Cangyu, reversing yin and yang.

But under the joint suppression of the three Ninth-Rank God Emperors, the shocking fluctuations quickly dissipated without a trace.

At the same time, the three Ling Xiao finally appeared under that Jin Hui.

Nowadays, there is only one divine master.

The so-called conspiracy calculations are meaningless.

A hero like Zhou Yandao would never trust anyone lightly.

Moreover, Meng Yuan’s cultivation base is too low, even if it sneaks, it may not hurt a powerful person with a demon bone fusion, so it is better to control her.

If Zhou Yandao still has a trace of affection in his heart, Meng Yuan may be his fate.

For more than two hundred years, he has been practicing his demon, just to conceal his daughter’s identity?

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know how Zhou Yandao rescued Meng Yuan from the brink of life and death, it was obvious that it must have consumed a lot of mental energy.

God Lord, should I say that you are a woman of benevolence, or…have great love?

At this moment, in the place covered by the golden light, a stalwart figure sits quietly cross-legged, the whole body is surging, and a mysterious scene emerges above its head.

Shenmu Cangyun, Xinghai Sun and Moon.

He just sat there, as if he had transformed the universe, merged with the heavens and the earth, and deduced Hongmeng.

Ling Xiao did feel a breath of detachment in him.

Five elements yin and yang, killing, swordsmanship, thunder, sacred tree, even holy words… etc.

As long as Ling Xiao had seen the Taoist rules in Shengzhou, this god master had them all.

There are even several Taoist rules that even Ling Xiao has never swallowed.

For three hundred years, thousands of creatures were slaughtered, and dozens of them were gathered together.

What made Ling Xiao even more surprised was that the physique of this divine lord seemed a little special.

On the place of his arm, there is an aura that is the same as Ling Xiao, but besides that, his blood is also faintly mixed with a trace of magic.

Was it caused by the remains of a demon, or was it a demon in Zhou Yandao? !


At this time, there was a heaven lingering in his body, even if Ling Xiao possessed the Eye of Heaven Demon, the Eye of Nirvana, he had never fully seen it.

It’s like the breath of reincarnation, but it’s not, but there is a vicissitudes of life beyond the flesh.

Moreover, Dao is evildoer, and most of them will have luck.

In this way, the reason why there are so many destined people in this era is likely to be born out of catastrophe.

And this robbery, not only the demon, but also the divine lord in front of him!

“I said, my son will set foot on the sacred mountain one day and punish you.”

In the place where Jin Hui was dazzling, a light smile suddenly came.

Hearing that, the figure in the golden robe who was sitting still suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the three of Ling Xiao.

The world is overturned, and the universe is reversed.

After a breath of time, Ling Xiao actually saw the other shore of Minghai.

“Now he is here.”

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