Chapter 891

“Father, your daughter has reported your hatred!!”

The Su Family Hall was full of withered bones, but there was no trace of blood.

I saw Su Yan kneeling on the ground, eyes scarlet, but it was hard to shed a tear.

At this time, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, her breath was sluggish, and she looked rather tired.

Ling Xiao raised his foot and walked to her side and sighed softly, “Yan’er, if you are tired, go back to the realm to rest. Holy Religion, I will help you destroy it.”

“No! I want to see the destruction of the holy religion with my own eyes!!”

Su Yan’s silver teeth clenched, turned his head to look at Ling Xiao, and returned the Samsara Demon Blade with both hands.

“The son of great kindness, Yaner will never forget it!”

“Why do we both need to be like this?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and stretched out his hand to pull Su Yan from the ground, “After all, these people are just greedy and mischievous, trying to seize the wealth of the Su family! It’s a pity that Uncle Su was so clever and confused for a while. Don’t worry, I’ll be annihilated. The sacred religion will return the glory of the Su family in the past.”

“Do not.”

Su Yan shook his head slightly, his eyes lighted sadly, “Young Master, Yan’er only wants to stay with the Young Master for the rest of his life. The Su Family…there is no more Su Family.”

After this catastrophe, Su Yan had already seen through the absurdity of this world, the so-called status and wealth, but just a passing glance.

Only the true feelings cannot be disappointed.


“My son! I have countless treasures in the Su family. Now that the Su family is over, these things will be in charge of the son.”

“This… Yeah, I’m not…”

“My son! Why do you need to explain between you and me?”

Su Yan snuggled in Ling Xiao’s arms, his tone gradually softened, “My son, Yan’er is so tired.”

“Well, Xiao Peng, lead the people to find all the Su Family’s spiritual treasures, and we must not make the Zhongjiang group of hypocritical villains cheap!”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, his expression seemingly determined.

And Xiao Peng straightened his back immediately and patted his chest, “Don’t worry, Lord! I guarantee that after today, there will be no other items in the Su family that can sell spirit stones!”

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiao nodded and walked out of the hall with Su Yan.

At this time, the rain stopped at the beginning, and the world was clear.

The fragrant fragrance of earth concealed the blood, and the rays of the sun pierced the remnants of the clouds, pouring down, and shone the golden light from a high mountain in the distance.

This mountain is the center of the five borders of Shengzhou and is also the place where the Holy Pope’s Gate is located. It is honored as a sacred mountain by the world.

“My son…actually…you are so happy that you can help me kill these ancient sect people, let’s…leave Zhongjiang.”

Even though Su Yan couldn’t figure out why Ling Xiao slaughtered the strong in Central Frontier so blatantly at this time, Shengjiao didn’t react at all.

However, as long as the God Lord does not die, this world will still be in charge of the Holy Church.

Ling Xiao now seems to have reached a height beyond her reach.

Even the three powerhouses with a leisurely and terrifying aura were willing to recognize him as their master, but… when he thought of the God Lord Tianwei, Su Yan felt a burst of powerlessness.

The son must have experienced many dangers during this time.

On this immortal way, there is no good fortune that comes for nothing.

Inexplicably, Su Yan felt a little heartache again, and Yushou held Ling Xiao’s arm tightly.

Suddenly, I didn’t want anything, I just wanted to walk across the mountains and seas with him and watch the sunset and the stars.

“The holy religion deceives people too much and doesn’t kill the god master. Why do I want to cultivate this body?”

Ling Xiao shook his head indifferently, her eyes firm.

And these words fell to Su Yan’s ears, and they were like a genius and tender heart.

“The son!!”

“Yan’er, you don’t need to say anything, I’m determined.”

Ling Xiao didn’t give Su Yan another chance to open his mouth, and raised his foot towards the direction of the sacred mountain.

Behind him, Zi Yan, Taixuan Daozhu, and Xiong Huan were hidden in the void and disappeared without a trace.

The entire Zhongjiang suddenly fell into a strange silence.

At this time, many small clan powerhouses are aware that the ancient Xianzong that used to be like a city in the past, noisy and prosperous, seems to be particularly quiet today.

It should have been clear after rain.

But there are clouds gathering in the sky, suppressing people’s hearts.

“Stop! Where the holy church is, mortals stop.”

Until Ling Xiao and Su Yan walked side by side under the sacred mountain, two handsome young men suddenly descended from the sky and stopped the two of them.


Only this time, Ling Xiao didn’t say a word of nonsense, cut out the magic blade in his hand, and instantly cut off the heads of the two.

Seeing this scene, Su Yan’s eyes trembled lightly. After all, he didn’t dare to say much, and he followed Ling Xiao and walked slowly towards the top of the mountain.

On the sacred mountain, there are thousands of Xia Dao, and the fairy spirit is beautiful.

There is an extremely strong aura erupting, evolving thousands of visions.

Bright fog is lingering, golden runes gleaming in the sky, and the depths of the clouds seem to be ups and downs.

An extremely magnificent golden palace stands at the end of that distant mountain, straight into the sky, magnificent and high.

It’s just that compared to the ordinary Xianzong, this sacred religion hardly has any defense.

Even the two sword-wielding disciples under the mountain are no more than the realm of the gods, and they are mostly used for summoning.

Of course, with the holy teaching of Tianwei, even if there is no one on this mountain, no one would dare to visit here.

The strong will is the order of heaven.

The world’s admiration for immortals is not just for the longevity of the immortal, but for the immortal to live for nine days, free and easy.

“Huh? There are two people on the mountain road?”

On the sacred mountain, several sage elders frowned slightly, as if they felt the wave of the foot of the mountain, they walked out of the main hall and looked into the distance.

But in that verdant place, two figures walked side by side, stepping along the mountain without rush.

The breeze blew up the robes of the two of them, and the green silk was floating, which was quite like a goddess and family.

“Why didn’t you listen to Yamashita?”

In the first place, an old man with white hair and majestic face in a golden robe gave a soft sigh.

Behind him, an elder suddenly bowed and bowed, “Second elder, I will go down the mountain to find out.”

“no need.”

The second elder of Shengjiao was named Baishan, a strong man of the eighth rank of God Emperor.

Now that the four great envoys have not returned, and the whereabouts of the great elder is unknown, the holy son returns to the mountain regardless of educational affairs, and all matters are decided by him alone.

However, an eighth rank god emperor, if it was a year ago, would be considered a threat.

It’s just that now, without Zi Yan and others taking action, Ling Xiao can cut with a knife.

“Is it finally here?”

Above the distant mountain, a figure in white clothes stands on the top of the mountain, overlooking the cloud dome below.

The mountains and forests are cascading, the fog and clouds are entwined, and she is like a solitary solitary fairy, out of the dust, but inexplicably lonely.

Meng Yuan Dai’s eyebrows are sad, her eyes are staring at the tall and straight figure in black, not knowing what she is thinking.

In the next moment, she saw her stepping out with jade feet, embodied in shock, stepping from the void, and walking towards Ling Xiao.

“Huh? The Son?”

Seeing the figures floating above their heads, a group of sage elders suddenly bowed and bowed.

“Holy Son, someone has trespassed on my sacred mountain…”

“He is an old friend.”

Meng Yuan looked calm, but only she knew what kind of waves were in her heart at this time.

After a few months, she often…remembers her face!

Damn it, devil! !

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