Chapter 890

“The son? It turned out to be a deceased from the Su family.”

Guan raised his brows lightly, his face extremely gloomy.

But at this time, he didn’t dare to do it easily, and he felt more uneasy in his heart.

How could a young man oppress him so much?

Seeing that he looks unfamiliar, he is not like a person in Central Xinjiang. When did such enchanting appear in this holy state land?

“Young man, the Su family has betrayed the sacred religion, and now it has been wiped out by the whole family. I advise you not to be nosy, so as not to cause murder.”

“Sacred religion, be extinct.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and with a light wave of his palm, he saw the tarp bamboo umbrella suspended in the sky, blocking the rain curtain, but his figure had already turned out of shock.

In his hand, the magic blade of reincarnation bloomed with biting magical intent, and even the arm holding the knife seemed to have layers of inverse scales, strange and terrifying, and an ancient horror breath revived.


The piercing sound of the knife suddenly resounded through the world.

I saw a biting black light suddenly straddling thousands of miles, encompassing the world.

Endless visions evolve layer by layer, the world will be dark forever, and the world will be bright.

Faintly, there seemed to be a great demon descending from the sky, stepping through the ages.

The immortal gate god emperors only felt the time freeze, and suddenly fell into a dream. When the rain curtain fell, they only felt a coolness in their necks, and their vitality disappeared.

But the black-clothed boy already embraced Su Yan, turned around and walked away, raising his hand to take the bamboo umbrella that fell from the sky, lonely and peerless.

“Xiao poor.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

To be honest, although this man of heaven has a wretched personality, unexpectedly, Time Dao is indeed a sneak attack.

Of course, Ling Xiao hadn’t thought of plundering this time.

But Xiao Peng was involved in upper realm cause and effect after all, and might bring Ling Xiao some other surprises in the future.

This forced the Liuli Ancient Pagoda to comprehend the Taoist rules, and was conquered by Ling Xiao as soon as it appeared.

I am afraid that his good fortune is still in the Qing Cang realm.

When the time comes, he will trigger the chance and Ling Xiao will get it. Killing will be nothing more than a luck plundering talisman.


“Call them, there is no dead body.”


The rain is torrential, and the green peaks are stained with greenery.

And Su Yan just stared at the indifferent face close at hand in front of him, tears falling in his eyes, and his lips trembled, but he couldn’t say a word.

“I’m late.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand to hug Su Yan in his arms and sighed softly against her ear.

“My son! Why did you come! Why did you come! If you can come one day earlier… Father…”

Su Yan cried bitterly and was not surprised at this time.

With one knife, the four emperors were killed, which seemed to her to be justified.

In other words, from the time when Ling Xiao rescued her from life and death for the first time, Su Yan had a belief in her heart.

My son is a hero.

He will fall from the sky when I am in a desperate situation and kill all enemies.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Su will not die in vain, I will make Shengjiao pay the price.”

Ling Xiao patted Su Yan’s shoulder lightly, her tone a little dignified inexplicably.

“My son! Yan’er has no home! Yan’er will have no home in the future.”

Su Yan hugged Ling Xiao tightly. To her now, there is only one family member left in this world, Ling Xiao.

“No, with me, you have a home.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly, “Let’s go, I have ordered people to suppress the two powerful clans and clans in the Su Family Hall. This blood feud will be avenged by you personally.”

“The son…”

There was a gloomy flash in Su Yan’s eyes, and even the breath of the whole body was as cold as ice.

At this time, her Taoism is extremely simple, killing the enemy of the father and the grace of the son.

Today, the mist and rain fell in Shengjiang, one person holding an umbrella and two people walking.

Under the endless rain curtain, the red skirt was stained with blood for Junling.

It wasn’t until the two of them walked to the Su Family Hall that the grief on Su Yan’s face was completely dissipated and turned into a strong bit of resentment.

I saw several figures standing quietly in the four directions of the main hall, their bodies trembling in spirit and power, confining the world to prison.

“Everyone… I’m a vassal of the Sacred Church, so you are not afraid of being known by the Sacred Church if you act like this?”

In the main hall, the lord of the ancient sect looked furious and shouted in a deep voice.

It’s just that Zi Yan, Xiong Huan, Taixuan Daozhu and others didn’t pay attention to it.

The three ninth ranks, such combat power, are enough to destroy the ancient immortal clan on any side of the holy state.

even! !

Even now, two clans and two clans count ten god emperors, in front of the three emperors, they did not dare to have the slightest heart of disobedience.

“Look! Someone is coming! Help! Help!”

In the distance from the rain curtain, suddenly two figures stepped on slowly, holding an umbrella together, and the fairy clouds followed, like a fairy outside the world.

only! !

The eyes of the gods and emperors flashed with joy, and when they shouted, their expressions suddenly condensed.

At this time, they saw that one of the women in red seemed familiar.

“Yes… Miss Su Yan from the Su Family!!”

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically, and their eyes trembled.

Especially the tall and tall young man with black hair tied around her, it made people feel a little bit chill in my heart.

Dao Yun is ups and downs, and inexplicably reveals endless magic.

Especially the face of the young boy who is pure and handsome, it is a bit domineering.

At this time, Ling Xiao’s mouth seemed to have a gentle smile, but this smile fell in the eyes of the emperors, but for no reason they made them cold all over, only feeling cold on their backs, and a kind of fear of dying.

“Meet the Lord.”

Just now! !

The three god emperors who had originally stepped on the heavens and the earth suddenly bowed and bowed neatly, and shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing this scene, the four sect god emperors’ expressions suddenly became dull, their eyes widened, and it was difficult to make a sound.

Among them, a few people who were not determined, staggered and fell to the ground in panic.


The three nine-rank god emperors were actually called a young master?

And looking at his behavior with Su Yan, it seems to be… extremely close?

“Go, Yan’er, kill with this knife.”

Ling Xiao stopped, stood in front of the hall, reached out and handed the Samsara Devil Blade to Su Yan’s hand, then raised his head and glanced at the three of Zi Yan.

In the next instant, the three of them had auras shining outside at the same time, and three indescribable terrifying trends fell from the sky, instantly crushing the figures of the dozens of god emperors on the ground, unable to move.

Today, among the four god emperors of the Su Clan, the most powerful are no more than the seventh rank of the god emperor, and there are only two, and there are some ancient elders left, mostly in the realm of the fourth or fifth rank of the god emperor.

And whether it is Taixuan Dao Master or Xiong Huan, the cultivation base has already surpassed the god emperor, and the general situation in his body is comparable to the ordinary nine-rank god emperor.

Even Zi Yan is of Thunder Dragon’s blood, with a ferocious aura, which makes people shudder.

The three of them work together, and the power alone is enough to easily kill the god emperor!

Su Yan silently took the magic blade and walked towards the hall with his foot raised.

From beginning to end, she never doubted Ling Xiao at all, or that she could not break Ling Xiao’s holy words and principles at all with her realm.

The son said, he came late, then he must be late.

Ling Xiao also folded the bamboo umbrella and followed closely behind.

Although his spirit realm is now at the peak of the holy state, it is difficult to step into it anymore.

But these nourishment fills the soul sea, as long as he walks out of this domain, the realm of the soul will surely rise rapidly.

“No…no! God Lord won’t let you go!!!”

“Help! I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it! Spare my life!”

Suddenly, the Su Family Hall was full of voices, and the atmosphere was warm.

But Su Yan didn’t say a word, walked into the hall, raised his jade hand lightly, and inserted the magic blade of reincarnation into the hearts of the emperors over and over again.


In a short moment, the bodies of a group of god emperors quickly shrivelled, seeming to be swallowed by monsters.

Even the soul was refined into nothing at the moment when Ling Xiao’s eyes fell.

Purgatory on earth is nothing more than the case.

“Ah!! Demons!! Demons!!!”

The rain is pouring, and there are two dead souls in the world.

Ling Xiao dressed in black, looking towards the sky with his hands held down, his eyes deep and stubborn.

Dare to ask the gods and gods, I saved the world and slaughtered people, is there a fault?

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