Chapter 889


Seeing Su Wenye who was smashed by the palm of Su’s elder, Su Yan’s eyes flashed with sadness.

It’s just that the matter is over, she doesn’t resent anyone.

In the final analysis, all the disasters in the Su family were caused by his father alone.

If he is content and sits at ease to enjoy the wealth of the world, he will not force the Su family to such a death.

It can be contented, how many people in this world can really do it?

After all, the higher you stand, the greater your desire.

“Hahaha! Su Wenye, your death date is here!!”

The expressions of a group of strong ancient immortals were shocked, and they immediately rushed towards Su Wenye.


At this moment, there was a frightening hot breath rippling quietly between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow in a red dress fell from the sky and stood in front of Su Wenye.

At this time, Su Yan was full of flames, and even the hair was sparkling like flames, like the same female god of fire, exuding an amazing aura.

“If you want to kill my father, kill me first!!”

The girl’s voice was cold, her fairy face was picturesque, and even the space in her eyes was burned into nothingness.

Tiandi Linghuo is the top god in this world, and its power is enough to frighten the god emperor.

Although Su Yan’s cultivation is only in the realm of Shenhou, but such a hotness has changed the complexions of many ancient sect experts present.

“This breath… is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth?!”

“This Su family eldest lady has a heaven and earth spiritual fire in her body!!”

For a while, the greed in the eyes of many strong ancient sects grew stronger. Compared with the huge wealth of the Su Family, this spirit fire and the method of fusing it seemed more attractive.

“Niece Su, the Shengjiao ordered to punish your father. If you are acquainted, please let go. Maybe Guan Mou can be seen in the past and protect your life.”

In the crowd, an old man with white beard and hair snorted coldly.

This person is the master of Guanyun, Guan Ju, and the highest cultivation among the god emperors, in the eighth rank emperor realm.

“Don’t think about it!”

Su Yan’s red lips pressed tightly, facing dozens of god emperors alone, and his lonely figure revealed a bit tragic.


Just as she stepped forward and wanted to walk towards the emperors, behind her, Su Wenye suddenly reached out and pressed her shoulder.


“Sect Master Guan, are you serious about this?”

Su Wenye looked calm, without a trace of panic.

Now he has long looked down upon life and death, and his only concern is Su Yan in front of him.

“Guan always pays attention to one word.”

Guan Ju said indifferently, his imperial might swayed violently, and there seemed to be misty clouds all over his body, an indescribable mystery.


Su Yan’s beautiful eyes shuddered, and even her voice trembled a little.

“Yan’er! Live…for the Su family!”


Suddenly there was thunder in the world, and a shower fell down.

It’s just that for the cultivator, this rain curtain is hard to wet the clothes, but Su Yan’s body is completely scattered, standing blankly in the rain, letting the rain wet his hair and clothes, moving and beautiful.

“Everyone! The elder of the Shengjiao only said that he would take Su Wenye’s life, but he did not say that he would destroy the Su Family Man. I will bring this Su Yan back to Guanyun Sect, do you have any comments?”

Guan Ju’s eyes swept across the god emperor powerhouses beside him, his tone calm and idiosyncratic.

Su Yan’s talent is too defying.

It’s just that he didn’t dare to really violate the will of the Holy Religion and protect this woman.

He only promised to protect her for life today, but he didn’t say to protect her for the rest of her life.

A godly person, he naturally has countless ways to make her open her mouth and spit out the secret of spiritual fire.

“Hehe, since Sect Master Guan has this heart, I naturally have nothing to say, but… since the Sect Master wants Su Yan, why not just leave it to me to wait for Su Wenye?”

The remaining two sects and two clans have a gloomy face and laughed coldly.


Guan Ju frowned, but in the end he didn’t say much.

“Yan’er! Be sure to remember, no matter what happens… to live…”

“Father! No… I…”


Just when Su Yan looked sad and hesitated in his heart, he saw Su Wenye suddenly waved his hand and smashed his Heavenly Spirit cover severely.

A head was shot into pieces in an instant, and the blood mixed with rainwater spilled down, dyeing the entire Su Family Hall into blood red.


Su Yan’s footsteps trembled, and instantly fell to her knees, her eyes filled with despair.


The powerful clansmen looked at each other, and the elder of the Shengjiao ordered that those who had the head of Su Wenye got the treasure of the Su family.

But now, Su Wenye actually smashed his head?

Can this cooked duck fly away?

“Sect Master Guan…”

“Su Family Treasure House, I have given way to Guan Yunzong.”

Guan Ju looked at the crowd with cold eyes, and beside him, a group of powerful people who watched Yunzong suddenly had a spirit of ups and downs, and they were obviously ready to take action.

“This… okay.”

In the end, the remaining two strong sects and two clans did not say much, and lifted their feet towards the depths of the Su family.

“Hehe, niece Su, let’s go, let me go back to Yunzong first, we are talking about where you will go in the future.”

Guan Ju lowered his head and looked at the girl at his feet, the greed in his eyes finally no longer concealed.

Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, for him, might be the opportunity to step into the Ninth Rank.

Compared with the Lingbao fairy material, this Su Yan is the greatest good fortune of the Su family!


Su Yan knelt on the ground, a touch of decisiveness gradually emerged in his eyes.

“Huh! Niece Su, you can’t come back from death. If you are obedient, I will plead with the elder and give your father a chance to go to the earth for peace, otherwise…”

Guan Ju turned his head, and winked at the two Emperor Yunzong beside him.

Upon seeing this, the two emperors immediately took a step forward, one left and the other raised Su Yan, turned and walked towards the distance.

Until a few people walked to the bottom of Guanyun Mountain, they saw that in the rain curtain in the distance, suddenly a figure in black walked slowly, holding an oilcloth bamboo umbrella in his hand, floating out of dust, like a fairy in a painting.

Mountains and waters line, seas of clouds piled upon each other.

Only that black dress was splattered like ink and waved wanton.

Su Yan’s sluggish eyes suddenly showed a touch of shock.

Immediately afterwards, two lines of tears burst into his eyes, and even a touch of grievance and resentment appeared on his face.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao watched this Su family farce from a distance.

He could have rescued Su Wenye at will, but he didn’t.

The Lord of the Su Family was alive, and it was of no use to him.

What’s more, once he overthrew the sacred religion, the Su family would be able to restore its former glory again.

Su Wenye had too many ambitions in his heart, and he was naturally rebellious and embarrassed.

Only when he is dead, Su Yan will have no worries and will be dedicated to him.

At the same time, the centuries-old heritage of the Su Family can also fall into Ling Xiao’s hands as a matter of course.

He has ordered Ziyan and Taixuan Taoist masters to arrange formations to trap the powerful four in the Su family.

Now only need to perform a belated good show, you can justify the killing.

In the fantasy world, who can kill?

But to kill, to achieve the greatest value, it is called art.

“Who are you?”

Guan Ju stood in front of the crowd with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Although the black-clothed youth didn’t have the slightest fluctuation in spiritual power, every step he took made the eighth rank god emperor feel inexplicably fearful.

The clothes are fluttering and the temperament is outstanding.

“Yan’er, here I am.”

Ling Xiao holding a bamboo umbrella, standing in front of everyone in the land of Zhang Xu, a pair of eyes seemed to contain self-blame, quietly watching Su Yandao.

“My son…how did you come…how did you come!!!”

At this moment, Su Yan could no longer contain the grief in his heart, and cried bitterly.

The world is in the same sorrow, and the rain is thousands of miles away.

The only thing that comes out of the dust in the black clothes is that it doesn’t fall in love or lose sight of the world.

Look at this rain, born in the sky, died on the earth, or hit an umbrella to pieces, how different from life?

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