Chapter 886

“You know a lot! It’s a pity that in this world, the more secrets people know, the sooner they die.”

The Lord of the Blood Soul sneered and patted his hands lightly.

I saw a young man in a blood gown suddenly walked out of that blood palace, grabbed a thin figure with one hand, and walked to Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, but there weren’t many twists and turns on his face.

Before coming, he had guessed that Bai Ling had mostly exposed his whereabouts and was captured by the Hall Master of Blood Soul.

And the reason why he didn’t rush to kill Bai Ling was probably because the latter was restrained by the spirit arranged by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao had left behind in the White Soul Sea just in case.

Once the Lord of the Blood Soul searches for the soul forcibly, the girl will fall on the spot.

As for the cultivation base of the Blood Soul Palace Master, it seems that most of them are in the spirits, so he just became interested in Ling Xiao’s exercises.

“elder brother…”

At this time, Bai Ling’s breath was extremely sluggish, blood stains on his coat and robe.

Even Dan Hai was forcibly broken by people, and his cultivation was lost.

Obviously, in order to find out the person behind her, the Blood Soul Palace Master must have imposed the most cruel punishment on her.

But she still didn’t reveal a trace of Ling Xiao’s whereabouts, otherwise, with the power of the Blood Soul Temple, she would have found it long ago.

Yes, it is loyal, in line with the basic qualities of a killer.

“Who are you… I don’t know you…”

The joy on Bai Lingqiao’s face was fleeting, and immediately she glanced at Ling Xiao with a cold expression and lowered her head again.

Looking at the pale and weak face, Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry, brother will take you home now.”

At this moment, how could he not know Bai Ling’s intentions, this silly girl still naively thought that as long as she pretended not to know Ling Xiao, the Blood Soul Palace Master could let him make a living?

After all, although Bai Ling has been honed in the blood of the corpse mountain, his mind is still too naive.

The reason why only Ling Xiao didn’t rush to do it was because he had concerns in his heart.

After all, Bai Ling’s comprehension of the Blood Shadow Principles is the most suitable commander for the Dark Guards.

Whether it is ghost or double shadow, after all, it is a bit less lucky. Even if the strength is now terrifying, the future upper limit is already doomed.

But Bai Ling was different, the more ordeal she only made her stronger.

Of course, if it hadn’t been for this time that her luck had not decreased but had increased, reaching the number of three thousand, perhaps Ling Xiao had already started to kill the Blood Soul Palace Master.

It doesn’t matter if the repair is lost.

But once the luck is dissipated, this destiny is also abolished.

“Youth! Let’s make a discussion, you will give me that soul skill, and I will return your sister to you, how about?”

The Lord of the Blood Soul smiled indifferently, a sea of ​​blood surging in his eyes, and incomparable evil fluctuations gushing out between the opening and closing.

The reason why he didn’t rush to capture Ling Xiao at this time was not because he was afraid of a young man. He was really worried that the latter’s soul sea was also arranged. Even if he was captured, he would not get what he wanted.

“Brother! Go! Ahem… he won’t let me go…”

Bai Ling’s face was pale, and his expression was extremely anxious.

A few months ago, she wanted to use the soul seal to control the blood soul palace master while she was practicing.

But I didn’t want to wait for her to move, that is, the Blood Soul Palace Master noticed her and abolished her cultivation base, and tortured in every possible way.

With Bai Ling’s understanding of this master, she would never let herself go.

Therefore, even if Ling Xiao surrendered his exercises, he would not escape death.


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but a trace of alert flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Blood Soul Palace.

only! !

Before he had the slightest reaction time, he saw that the young man in the blood robe who was holding Bai Ling suddenly shot out a bloody light from his neck.

And his head was cut off for life and fell to the ground.

The Blood Soul Palace Master’s expression was taken aback, the next moment he felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and the figure stepped out, trying to flee into the air.

A strong man who could quietly slay his blood palace disciples in front of his eyes would definitely not be inferior to him.

What’s more, what he is good at is the way of the soul, and he is confident that there is no other person besides the god master in Shengzhou who can escape his soul perception.

But before he didn’t even feel a trace of spatial fluctuations, the black-robed figure had already cut off his disciple’s head.

how is this possible?

When did such a terrifying power appear in the Holy State?

No wonder this young man looked calm and calm from beginning to end. It turned out that there was a strong person behind him!

“The elder is so anxious, where do you want to go?”

only! !

Just as the blood soul hall master’s figure appeared above the void, he saw a ray of brilliance blooming from the sky, turning into a god realm, completely blocking his footsteps.

The endless lines of Taoism undulate, and the whole Qingcang Mountain suddenly has a cold wind, and Taoism is prosperous.

I saw the figure of Taixuan Dao master stepping from afar, looking at the blood soul palace master in front of him with a smile on his face.

“Master Taixuan!!”

The Blood Soul Palace Master’s expression was stunned, and the eyebrows were gloomy.

“I didn’t expect that the famous Blood Soul Palace Master was actually the Great Elder of the Holy Sect. This is really unexpected.”

Taixuan Dao Master shook his head and chuckled lightly, and went up and down with the ghost image, trapping the Blood Soul Palace Master in the void.

“Master Taixuan! You know what you are doing! This is Central Xinjiang, not Eastern Xinjiang. As long as I give an order, the Holy Sect will use the power of the sect to destroy you Taixuan Daozong!!”

The Lord of the Blood Soul Palace’s eyes were cold, and endless blood began to overflow.

Then! !

In his hands, a blood-colored spirit banner appeared out of thin air, bursting out a dazzling and evil blood-red glow.

Above the blood streamer, there are thousands of souls huddling together, turning blood into three thousand, overwhelming the sky.

In the faint, there is a shattered circle, and the evil power that extinguishes the common people is diffused.

“I can’t help myself.”

Taixuan Dao master said indifferently and printed out with one hand.

The surging Daoyun instantly penetrated the void, causing all directions to tremble, and the heaven and the earth screamed together.

I saw a hundred-zhang clear seal descending from the sky, with endless divine radiance patterns lingering on it, heading towards the suppression of the Blood Soul Palace Lord.

The world is dark, the sun and the moon are shining.

Layers of killing intent went up and down, confining all the void in a radius of a hundred miles.

At the same time, the ghost figure suddenly disappeared in the same place strangely.

And the fierceness on the face of the Palace Master of Blood Soul solidified almost instantaneously.

Then, he looked at the place under him somewhat inconceivably, only to see a ray of black light appearing there.

I saw a pitch-black dagger smashing Cang Ming, carrying the ancient and mysterious magic power, and instantly broke through his blood streamers and souls, and disappeared in a flash.


The clear seal fell, and the heavens shattered.

But the Blood Soul Palace Master didn’t see too many fluctuations on his face, only a strong horror and horror remained.

At this time, he could feel that his physical body was splitting apart from it, and even the soul seemed to be imprisoned by some demon.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and he glanced in surprise at the ghost that reappeared, and there was an inexplicable chill in his heart.

although! !

He knew the horror of this ghost general, waved his hand to kill the eight god emperors, and was able to pull out all the hidden sons of Shengjiao under the eyelids of Dugu Yunyu.

But at this time, he was still shocked by the general trend of killing and killing that merged with the void.

This magic commander is an assassin who is truly hidden in the dark.

His offensive is not fancy, nor too brilliant.

But once the prey he was looking at was hard to escape.

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