Chapter 887


The ultimate killing methods are often simple and unpretentious.

It wasn’t until the Blood Soul Palace Master’s body cracked from it and the blood was scattered all over the place that Ghost Shadow put away the dagger and turned to look at Ling Xiao.

Between heaven and earth, there is a sudden wave of soul and power.

I saw Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly vacated, swallowing the fragments of the soul of the Lord of the Blood Palace into the sea, and a flash of playfulness immediately flashed in his eyes.

Like today’s fetters, his spirit realm really can’t take a step forward.

But as long as he stepped out of this realm, he was afraid that his soul palace would surely rise by a thousand feet and achieve a new level.


In front of the main hall, Bai Ling’s face was dull, and he looked at the blood master’s corpse that fell from the sky somewhat inconceivably.

She never dreamed that this master, who is as high as a god in her eyes and controls the life and death of the world, would just… split?

Suddenly, there was a chill in Bai Ling’s heart.

Especially the two powerful shots who stood respectfully behind Ling Xiao at this time, this scene gradually made Bai Ling’s eyes tearful.

If it were in the past, she could follow her brother with confidence and conquer the world with him.

But now, her Pill Sea is broken and her cultivation base is completely lost, which is of no use to Ling Xiao.

What’s more, the current elder brother has become a sky that she can’t look up to.

He won’t love himself anymore, will he?


Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky and took the blood soul hall master’s body into the ancient glazed pagoda before looking at the thin and lonely figure in front of the hall.

Although he had guessed about the identity of the Hallmaster of Blood Soul, he did not expect that this person was actually the elder of the Holy Cult, but behind his back he was the Hallmaster of the most evil force in the Holy State.

Of course, both Taixuan Dao Master and Ghost Shadow are ancient powerhouses, and their character and spirit are by no means comparable to the Divine Emperor of Shengzhou.

Although the master of the Blood Palace is the same as the Ninth Rank, the technique of technique is just restrained by the two.

Nowadays, the Ninth Grade God Emperor of Shengjiao, two dead and one official, most of the remaining are some stinky fish and shrimps.

In the world of comprehension, there cannot be only one villain.

Obviously, the group of sacred people headed by the god Lord Zhou Yandao is no longer the Ye Clan powerhouse who was sent here by the Immortal Clan to suppress the Devil Bone.

To a large extent, God Lord Zhou Yandao is the biggest villain in this world.

This can be seen from the fact that many of the children of the destiny that Ling Xiao has encountered all have life and death feuds with Shengjiao.

But, who stipulated that the villain could not kill the villain?

Zhou Yandao is now guarding the greatest destiny of Shengzhou, and that dragon soul is likely to be the opportunity for the Ling clan’s dedication to rebirth in this realm.

Besides, this divine lord is still fused with the remains of a heavenly demon.

What are you thinking about?

I killed him, of course, not for good luck, I was for the common people of the world!

“elder brother…”

Bai Ling’s body trembled lightly, her silver teeth clenching her red lips.

It’s just that compared with the lively and naughty of the past, she has already lost that childlike interest.

Especially Ling Xiao’s current status gave her a deep sense of inferiority.

When I first saw him, he was a good brother that Lin Xi had entrusted to him.

Even if he was the young master of the ancient clan, this identity still didn’t make Bai Ling feel any pressure.

At that time, in Bai Ling’s view, both of them were extremely talented, and Xiantu would definitely be able to advance together in the future.

But now, in just three years, Brother Ling Xiao has been able to make the Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor bow his head.

Not only did she fail to complete her brother’s request, but instead revealed her whereabouts and was abolished.

The difference between heaven and earth, how can Lingshi dare to shine with Haoyue?

After all, people of two worlds.

“Ling’er, you have suffered.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly and stretched out his hand to embrace Bai Ling in his arms.

The girl’s expression was stunned, her body was a little tight and extremely nervous.

“From now on you will follow me and I will take care of you.”

There was no trace of expression on Ling Xiao’s face, Bai Ling’s talent was visible to the naked eye.

Besides, as a man of destiny, doesn’t it seem that the more miserable he comes, the more powerful it is?

Now, he only needs to give her some care, presumably in the future, this girl will become the most competent leader of the dark guard.


For an instant, tears appeared in Bai Ling’s eyes.

Only at this time, she resisted the tears and shook her head slightly, “Brother, I suddenly want to go back to Dongjiang and go back to the town where the Lin family was before. Brother, I won’t be with you this time, you… what if you If you think about Ling’er, just go see me, okay.”

“Ling’er? What are you talking about?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, holding Bai Ling’s shoulders in both hands, his expression a little annoyed.

“Brother, Ling’er is a waste now! I can’t accompany my brother anymore, I don’t allow myself to be a burden to my brother!”

Bai Ling finally couldn’t suppress the sadness in his heart, and tears slipped silently.

“Ling’er, what I said, will take care of you forever.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his eyes were clear, containing an unquestionable majesty.

“My brother is going to reach the peak of the world sooner or later. Ling’er will look at his brother in Dongjiang and pray for him, but… brother… please don’t put Ling’er in a dilemma, let it go.”

Bai Ling took a deep breath, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then gently pulled away from Ling Xiao’s palm.

Tears were surging and dripped at the moment she turned around.

“Are you worried about your cultivation level?”

At this moment, Ling Xiao’s palm was stretched out and held on Bai Lingyu’s hand, “I have heard that there is a world of good fortune in the hands of the Holy Religion and Divine Lord, which can reshape Dan Hai. Don’t worry, I will help. You snatch it.”

“Brother… Brother? Are you serious?”

Bai Lingyu lightly covered her vermilion lips with a touch of excitement in her large eyes.

If you can stay together for a long time, who is willing to drift away?

Only after another thought, Bai Ling’s face dimmed again.

Holy Church God Lord?

Even if my brother is able to reach the sky, how can he win the treasure from the gods?

As the only honorable state in Shengzhou, the word God Lord is the will of heaven and earth!

“Brother, forget it, how can God Lord…”

“If he doesn’t give it, I will kill him, even if you fall into the magic way, I won’t allow you to leave me.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, holding Bai Ling’s little hand, and descending towards the mountain.

At this time, the expression on the girl’s face had already completely dulled, a pair of eyes stared at the thin and tall figure in front of her, her lips trembled, but she couldn’t say a word.

Brother… want to… fall the devil and kill the gods for me?

“Drip! The Lady of Destiny was so touched that she vowed to repay her gratitude with death. Congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 luck points and the villain 10,000 points.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and asked in a deep voice, “System, what Danhai can exchange?”

“Di, in view of the experience of the Lady of Destiny, the system suggests to exchange for the Sky Wheel Dan Sea, which can reincarnate itself.”

“Sky Wheel Pill Sea?”

The god master had something to reshape the Dan Sea, which was purely a means Ling Xiao used to fool this little destiny.

When he tamed Ling Tian, ​​the system once rewarded a sea of ​​nine layers of pill.

So Ling Xiao guessed that the system would arrange different rewards based on the experience of the destiny.

Of course, even if there is no Dan Hai in the system, the big deal will come… Ling Xiao will just dig out the divine lord and give her to her.

But… Tianlun Danhai? Can reincarnate?

Is it possible that Bai Ling still has an unopened opportunity?

Think about it, too, the man of destiny, the more miserable, the stronger!

It seems that the fairy path of the lady of destiny has just begun.

At the same time, west of Central Xinjiang, under a towering ancient mountain.

The five members of the Lingxiao Taoist body descended from the sky, looking at the energetic fairy mountain in front of them, with a faint smile on their faces.

This mountain is called Guanyun Mountain, and it is the largest immortal gate in Central Xinjiang, where the sect of Guanyun Ancient Sect is located.

“Everyone, please stay!”

In front of the mountain gate, the two beautiful young disciples of Xianzong saluted slightly, “You are here to visit me to watch Yunzong?”

“Well, I wonder if Sect Master Guanyun is here?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and there was an immortal charm on her body, which made the eyes of the two little disciples show a sense of awe.

“It’s really unfortunate to return to the son, the Sect Master and the elders have been away from the sect for half a month, and they have been ordered to punish the Su Family for rebellion.”

“Unfortunately? Haha, it’s a coincidence.”

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