Chapter 885: Blood Soul Palace Master

“Now that the divine master is in retreat, and several big forces are besieging the Su family, I am afraid that there are no strong people among the sects, Zi Yan, Xiong Huan, Xiao Pian, and Song.”

The glow in Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, and three figures suddenly appeared behind him.

“The four of you will follow me and visit these ancient fairy gates.”

“Yes! Lord!”

The three of Zi Yan bowed and bowed, and the Lingxiao Taoist body suddenly stepped out of the sky, swiftly rushing towards Zhongjiang.

This kind of act of copying people should not be too public, otherwise it will be disrespect for others!

Zi Yan, Xiong Huan, Xiao Peng, and Feng Ruge followed. Except for the Holy Religion, any power in this central Xinjiang, Ling Xiao, could crush at will.

What’s more, most of these clan powerhouses are now besieging the Su family to replace them.

In the most sacred Middle Territory of the Holy State, no one would have thought that anyone would dare to be so bold!

Before Ling Xiao was still worried that the Four Xinjiang Powerhouses rushing to Central Xinjiang will definitely make a lot of noise, but now Mengyuan, the holy lady of the sacred church, is in harmony with the outside, but it saves Ling Xiao a lot of trouble.

Of course, this chess piece, at most even a scratch, with her or without her, the general trend is set.

The three ancient sects and two ancient tribes, regardless of their background, are mostly loyal to the sacred religion, otherwise they would not monopolize the land of the sacred state of Zhongjiang.

Tu, just in case there is a change.

What? Am I cruel?

If these powerful ancient sects had not been greedy and wanted to destroy the Su family, could they leave me with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

My little rich woman Su Yan, just take care of inheriting the Su family’s billions of fortunes. I have reported my uncle’s hatred in advance!

“Let’s go, it’s time to meet this mysterious Blood Soul Palace Master.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, he raised his head and glanced at the direction of Void, and raised his foot towards the misty green hills in the distance.

Now that the Four Frontiers are all on the borders of Central Frontiers, as long as he gives an order, there will be countless god emperors stepping out of the void and giving their lives for him.

This Blood Soul Palace Master is indeed mysterious and extraordinary, even more so than Dugu Yunyun.

It’s a pity that now the Saint State can really threaten Ling Xiao, and I am afraid that only the Divine Lord is alone.


Until the young figure fell from the sky, looking at the ancient Qingcang peak that was close in front of him but far away from the horizon.

This peak is misty and retreats.

In other words, as long as you are one step closer, the peak will take a step back.

If ordinary people reach this point, even the strong god emperor will never be able to touch the Tao.

But this kind of illusion is meaningless in front of Ling Xiao.

I saw him lightly holding his palm, and the Boundary Breaking Rune instantly bloomed mysteriously, a ray of clear light rippling leisurely, and all the illusions in front of him suddenly disappeared.

A straight mountain path stretched from the top to the foot of the mountain, but Ling Xiao was slightly surprised that at this time he did not notice a trace of spiritual power fluctuations at the gate of the blood soul temple.

Could it be that Bai Ling really exposed? So that this force has abandoned the sect here?

“Lord, there are strong men on the mountain.”

Suddenly a hoarse voice came from Ling Xiao’s ear.

The ghost image’s method lies in a dark word, especially the control of space is not comparable to Ling Xiao.

“Can the ghost be condemned?”

“Don’t worry about the lord, but under your dignity, your subordinates are invincible.”

Hearing this, Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate anymore, raised his foot and walked along the mountain road towards the peak hall.

On the Qingshan Ancient Road, the young man dressed in black and walked calmly.

At this time, he was alone, but he was not afraid, like a fairy outside the world, walking on the mountain.

“You are finally here.”

In front of the Hall of Blood on the top of the mountain, an old man sits in front of the case, sipping a cup of tea.

At this moment, he did not look at Ling Xiao, his eyebrows were indifferent, and there were wisps of Taoist rhyme flowing around his body, which was in harmony with the heavenly Tao, detached from things.

Nine Stage God Emperor.

It was just different from what Ling Xiao had imagined. There was no trace of evil aura on this Blood Soul Palace Master.

Even the appearance is a kind eyebrow, the appearance of an ordinary old man.

The beard and hair are all white, and he puts a bun on the back of his head.

“Do you know I’m coming?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and before walking to the hall, there was no trace of tension on his face.

“You are much younger than I thought. Let’s just say, what kind of technique do you cultivate? Even my blood soul holy technique can’t be broken.”

The Lord of the Blood Soul Palace drank all the tea before raising his head to look at Ling Xiao.

I saw a ray of blood rising from the bottom of his eyes, and in just a moment, his eyes were completely bloody.

At the same time, there was a sea of ​​blood in Ling Xiao’s eyes, and he wanted to swallow his soul sea.

Can! !

In an instant, the sea of ​​blood dissipated again, and the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a faint sarcasm.


The Lord of the Blood Soul frowned slightly, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

With his Ninth Stage Emperor Realm, there is no one to stop using this blood pupil illusion.

How old is this boy in front of me, 20 years old? How could he break free of his pupil skills so easily?

“You really surprised me more and more.”

The Lord of the Blood Soul nodded lightly, and he noticed it when Ling Xiao appeared under Qingcang Mountain.

It’s just that he couldn’t figure out how did a young man have the courage to walk alone in front of him?

He knew about Hedong for thirty years and Hexi for thirty years, but when outsiders entered this mountain, no one could leave alive.

When the Hallmaster of the Self-Blood Soul noticed Elder Li’s abnormality, he guessed the cause of the matter.

Bai Ling sneaked down the mountain and went to the land of Eastern Frontier. Only she had the courage to betray her in the entire Blood Soul Temple.

After all, this young girl’s character, he had seen it since he was a child, there was nothing in it.

In addition, the swordsman he had sent to kill the Lin clan had been missing for a long time. I am afraid that Bai Ling must have known something by coincidence.

only! !

Originally, the Blood Soul Palace Master thought that with his means, he could easily break through the White Soul Sea and find the real person behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, he failed.

The Blood Soul Palace Master has only seen the Divine Master, but the Divine Master has no reason to control the Blood Palace.

Therefore, he has been waiting, waiting for Ling Xiao to come to Qingcang Mountain, so that he can ask about the mystery of this spirit technique.

The fetters of heaven, all spirits cannot enter the deity.

But he took a different approach and cultivated the illusion of the soul pupil, so that even if he had no hope of becoming a dignity in his life, he was enough to look down on the god emperor.

“Where is Bai Ling? What have you done to her?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, especially indifferent.

At this moment, he could feel an extremely weak breath in the distant hall, and a trace of anxiety was inexplicably in his heart.

“When the Lin clan was destroyed, there was a young man who escaped his life and his whereabouts were unknown. Later, I sent someone to look for him, but I never found him. If I guess right, you are Bai Ling’s brother, Lin. …Tin?”

The blood soul hall master raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, a gesture that had already understood everything.

In other words, in his eyes, the land of the holy state is not the most powerful than the divine lord, so why should he scruples other people?

What’s more, this is Qingcang Mountain, Zhongjiang.

A teenager who is not nineteen or twenty years old can make waves.

“The god master controls the world, the Su family is in charge of wealth, and the first divine envoy is in charge of killing. If I am not mistaken, you should also be a member of the Holy Religion, in charge of the intelligence of the Holy State.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but instantly made the blood soul palace master’s face quietly stunned.

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