Chapter 884

Another ten days.

It wasn’t until somewhere in the realm that Jin Hui rushed into the sky suddenly, and the rhyme of Taoism evolved, and Ling Xiao walked out of the Tianchi and looked up at a phantom of a dragon that was hundreds of feet long in the void.

In the next instant, his figure suddenly disappeared and appeared under the dragon’s shadow.


At this time, Ling Xiao saw that under the infinite celestial glory, Xi’er’s whole body was misty, and Taoist idols appeared alternately.

There was a faintly heart-pounding general trend of heaven and earth, spraying out of the girl’s body.

Obviously, Xi’er had completely merged the keel at this time.

“The son!”

Xi’er’s beautiful eyes opened, and there was a flash of undisguised joy.

It wasn’t until she merged this bone that she understood what an amazing good fortune Ling Xiao had given her.

In this keel, there is the sacred meaning of the Great Dao, and there is a kind of unending, immortal spiritual wave.


Ling Xiao smiled gently, but the depth of his eyes suddenly flashed and killed the general trend.

After half a month of rest, you think I’m only listening to music, drinking, and sleeping…beautiful?

As early as half a month ago, Ling Xiao had dispatched secret guards to rush to the east, west and south three borders with his tokens, summoned the three border powerhouses, and secretly rushed to the border areas of the middle borders, waiting for him to transfer orders.

The double shadow is to personally enter Central Xinjiang to search for information.

Moreover, this period is also an opportunity for Ling Xiao to test Mengyuan.

Now the holy religion has nothing to do, and most of the holy woman who wants to come has never betrayed herself.

God masters retreat, which can be called Tianshi.

The four borders are fully grasped, and the geographical position is favorable.

There are thousands of strong people willing to die, which can be called harmony.

The time and place are right and the people are in harmony, and the sky will be occupied. This battle is a great victory!

“It’s time to leave for Zhongjiang.”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and he looked at the red robe figure in the void that was sitting quietly in the distance.

When he woke up from Jianxin, it was time to step on the emperor.

Suddenly, there were strong winds over the northern Xinjiang.

I saw a dragon shadow passing across the sky and walking away on the clouds.

at the same time.

In the four borders, there are countless tyrannical auras coming out of the high mountains of the main hall and gathering towards the middle borders.

Although these people are supreme in their cultivation, they deliberately hide their traces.

Inexplicably, the entire Saint State suddenly became quiet and weird.

Just like ink painting on one side, only black and white can be seen, but the remaining color is not seen.

Even ordinary people felt a kind of repressive horror.

Look, it’s getting dark.

“Young Master Ling Xiao, Ye Qingchan is now in the sacred religion, and has been suppressed and sealed by the divine lord.”

Just as the Lingxiao Yulong traveled to the border region of the Central Frontier, Mengyuan’s voice suddenly came from the sound transmission talisman.


Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, but there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

This result, he guessed.

It’s just why the god master didn’t kill Ye Qingchan, Ling Xiao guessed that it was mostly related to her identity.

No matter how Ye Qingchan escaped his life last time, he still failed to attract Ye Clan’s attention.

Perhaps, when she was reincarnated at the beginning, Zhou Yandao did it deliberately. Otherwise, how could he predict in advance that Ye Qingchan has returned to the Holy State and send four great envoys to Xinjiang to hunt down?

Among them, there must be some hidden information that Ling Xiao doesn’t know.

“Now Zhou Yandao sets up the formation method to refine Ye Qingchan and Dengxiantai together, Young Master Ling Xiao, if you want to save Ye Master, it’s better to be quicker, oh… there was a report from the sacred secret spies, saying that there are a large number of strong in Sijiang. People gathered, this matter was suppressed by me.”

Meng Yuan’s voice was low and hurriedly cut off the voice transmission of the soul.

Ling Xiao’s eyes seemed to flicker with a sense of thought, and in the end he didn’t rush to the Holy Religion, but fell under a barren mountain in the border area of ​​Central Frontier.

Although Ye Qingchan’s luck was not as good as Ling Tian’s, but it was also extremely terrifying, and he couldn’t die for a while.

Now that he is new to Central Xinjiang, although he is fearless, he has to act cautiously.

The villain, died of Tuo Da!

Since the Blood Soul Temple is the Lord’s minion, Ling Xiao has no reason not to uproot it.

What’s more, Bai Ling never heard any news, could it be exposed?


The double shadow’s figure descended from the sky and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

“Can something big happen in Zhongjiang?”

Ling Xiao looked at a verdant and lush ancient mountain in the distance, watching it hide in the clouds and mist, but inexplicably revealing a touch of immortality.

That’s right, the name of this mountain is Qingcang Mountain, which is where the sect of the Blood Soul Temple is located.

It’s just that there is a layer of illusion outside the mountain, and those who are not the most powerful can not wait and see.

“Back to the Lord, since the Divine Lord retreats, the forces in Central Xinjiang have been quite stable, and…”

The double shadow was trying to say something, but Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, “What else?”

“The Yunlai Business League secretly colluded with several sects in an attempt to break away from the control of the Holy Cult. It has been leaked out by the secret guards according to your instructions.”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his expression indifferent.

When he first met Su Wenye, he saw his ambition

The Su family controls the financial lifeline of Shengzhou, and has been running the business alliance for hundreds of years. It has long been the largest wealthy family in Shengzhou.

only! !

What if your family is rich and the enemy is rich?

In the eyes of Shengjiao, or the Lord of God, this Su family is nothing more than a tool for making money.

Shengjiao randomly dispatched an eight-ninth rank god emperor to easily destroy this wealthy clan, and then support one clan at will to completely replace the Su family.

After all, this Su family has countless treasures, and it is precisely in this accumulation of wealth that gradually loses its mind.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are the heritage of a family, and wealth and tools are nothing but foreign objects.

In these hundreds of years, the Su family relied on the wealth of Lingbao, and perhaps recruited countless powerful men to sell for it.

But when this kind of hard work is hitting a rock with a pebble, who would die willingly?

Is it difficult to choose Lingbao and life?

Therefore, Ling Xiao had long expected the destruction of the Su family, but only secretly pushed Su Wenye.

At the beginning, he used the chess game as the world and deliberately disturbed Su Wenye’s mind. It can also be said that as a bystander, Su Wenye was completely rebellious. The purpose was to use the Su family’s financial resources to disrupt the Holy State.

But Su Wenye’s forbearance and cautiousness slightly exceeded Ling Xiao’s expectations.

In the past three years, he didn’t show his ambition until a few days ago, and he was not tolerated by the holy church.

“The Su family tried to win over the three ancient sects of Central Xinjiang with the spirit stone treasures, and my dark guard has secretly handed this matter and evidence to the holy religion…”

Duel Shadow smiled gloomily, the business alliance only had profit calculations in his eyes.

But on the contrary, in this immortal journey, all beings fought to cross, and what they cross is immortality, longevity, not treasure.

“and then.”

“The Shengjiao ordered that those with the head of Su Wenye can obtain the inheritance of the Su family and become the new wealthy clan of Shengzhou.”

“How is the Su family now?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, Su Wenye was immortal, he didn’t care at all.

It’s just that Su Yan’s body is good for luck, and he is proficient in business, and in the future…may be of great use.

He wanted to get everything from the Su Family in a fair way, but he couldn’t get around Su Wenye anyway.

But this person, Ling Xiao can’t kill, otherwise Su Yan will be grudged.

So… it can only be troubled by the Holy Church.

Oh, in other words, it was not the holy religion or Ling Xiao who killed him, but…greed.

As for the reason why Shengjiao didn’t directly kill the Su Family, there were two reasons.

To frighten other forces, this wealthy clan is supported by the divine lord after all, but once betrayed, it is the enemy of the world.

How can I maintain the prestige and kill people and annihilate the clan?

“The Su family has a profound background, and ninety-nine and eighty-one spiritual formations have been arranged in the clan land. Now the three sects and four clan powerhouses in Central Xinjiang have joined forces to besiege for several months, and it has broken 80!”

“There is still one unbroken? Then it’s not in a hurry.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and turned to look at the green hills in the distance.

Blood Soul Temple, I don’t know what the master’s cultivation is, and what identity?

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