Chapter 875

“Ling Tianlin! After all, your family plan is the most important thing.”

Xuanyuan Yueyu held the Jin Ling in her hand, resentment in her beautiful eyes.

It’s just that under this bit of resentment, there is still a touch of sadness that can’t be hidden.

That’s right, she didn’t realize until the moment Ling Xiao was born that she and even the entire ancient Xuanyuan clan had been deceived by Ling Tianlin.

The reason for her is that one of the most treasured Xuanyuan clan inherited from generation to generation, the world-breaking magic rune.

Xuanyuanyue was originally the most enchanting Tianjiao of the ancient Xuanyuan Clan, the bloodline of the emperor, and the young master of the lineage.

It’s just that this name hasn’t completely resonated in the Qingcang billion realms before it disappears in an instant.

The Primordial Ling Clan, the Hidden Ancient Clan, is the most mysterious and oldest force in the hundreds of millions of realms.

Even the Xuanyuan Clan, the human overlord who used to control the Qingcang realm, could only bow down in front of him.

But she really did not expect that a love relationship that year was actually the beginning of her fall into the trap.

But what?

After all, Ling Xiao was the flesh and blood that fell from her body, even if he was the body of a demon, he could not change this blood relationship.


After being hurt by Ling Tianlin, Xuanyuanyue now regards Ling Xiao as her only relative.

If Xuanyuan Ancient Clan didn’t know this kind of conspiracy, Xuanyuanyue didn’t believe it at all.

But it’s the exchange of some interests, and the status is involved.

The world is suffering, only self-deal.

Over the years, she has avoided the world from this mountain to nourish her heart with pill.

I thought I had already let go of my grudges, and I didn’t think about it. When I saw him, I started thinking about it.

“Xiao’er…your path is destined for you to go alone, but if the Ling clan dares to hurt you, even if you die desperately for the mother, he will also destroy his Manchu.”

Xuanyuanyue raised her head and looked at Yuankong, with tears appearing in the corners of her eyes.

One is not two empty, this fairy way is really boring.

“The clan leader, there is news from the Shengjiao that Zhou Yandao should be in retreat.”

In the Holy Land of Pill Yuan, three hundred miles to the west, Ling Tianlin stood with his hand holding his hand, with a calm expression.

Behind him, a black-robed figure bowed and bowed, with a rather solemn tone.

“Since Xiao’er is so anxious to suppress Northern Xinjiang, he must have received news that the holy child of the holy religion should be in his hands.”

Hearing this, Ling Tianlin didn’t have a hint of surprise on his face.

The ghost image has been following Ling Xiao all the time, and none of his actions can escape Ling Tianlin’s eyes and ears.

Naturally, Ling Tianlin was extremely satisfied with Ling Xiao’s character.

With this kid’s method, even if he went to the Qing Cang realm, it would definitely be wind and water.

In this way, he was at ease.

As for the ancient order left to Xuanyuanyue just now, it was his trump card to counterbalance the Ling clan.

That’s right, the origins of the Ling clan can be traced back to the age of the fairy demon, but he is not a servant of the heavenly demon, and he cannot refuse the grand plan of the clan.

But in the end, Ling Xiao was not only a demon, but also his heir in his eyes.

Xuanyuanyue’s feelings for Ling Xiao was in his eyes. If this woman wanted to return to the upper realm, she would have already left.

But she didn’t, but suppressed all the resentment, silently guarding the holy state and guarding Ling Xiao’s side.

And this is why Ling Tianlin trusted her.

“The master of the clan, Master Ghost’s trail was noticed by the son.”

“I see.”

Ling Tianlin said indifferently, if Ling Xiao’s cruelty and decisiveness were based on the foundation, then his scheming was just the upper limit of Xiantu.

In three years, Ling Xiao has taken every step of the way.

Even Ling Tianlin sometimes felt terrified.

Being able to perceive the existence of ghosts and dispel all doubts, Ling Xiao’s actions are already perfect.

It’s just that sometimes, it’s not that he can’t count it, but some people hide it too deeply.

In a chess game that is conspiring for a thousand years, the world and all souls may be the pawns in the game.

Even if Ling Xiao was scheming, after all, he entered the game too late and knew too little.

What Ling Tianlin had to do was not to tell the secrets, but to turn things around at the most critical moment.

In this way, Ling Xiao really understood what is immortality and demon, and what is the vastness of the world.

He was born in the holy state and grew up in the desolation. Although he was the body of a demon, he did not have the memory of the demon.

Therefore, after all, I have never seen the real waves of this immortal way, nor can I appreciate the sinister heart of the people.


Set him to death and live afterwards, break the ten thousand calamities, and help him to reach the top of the sky.

“Let’s go, I haven’t made any moves for hundreds of years, Qing Cang realm, I am afraid that the legend of White Clothes Linxian has long gone.”

Ling Tianlin shook his head and smiled, turned his head and glanced at the direction of Pill Yuan Holy Land one last time, and raised his foot towards the distant mountains.

It’s another seven days.

When in the domain, the black light suddenly dissipated, and the golden sun fell.

That repressive horror demon just quietly dissipated.

Ling Xiao stood on the top of the sky, looking at his arm, slightly hard.

The void instantly shattered, and there was a mighty divine might open away.

At this time, his realm had entered the fifth rank of the god emperor, and with Ling Xiao’s current combat power, even if he didn’t use the real body of the celestial demon, he was afraid that even the eighth rank god emperor would be enough for a fight.

“The son!!”

In the distance, there was a cry of exclamation in the sky.

I saw the figure of Bai Zhixi shuttled from the void, and arrived in front of him in an instant.

“My son! I heard them say, Jiuyou has become a demon emperor? Did you shoot down Beijiang and give it to her?”


Ling Xiao smiled mildly, and stretched out his hand to rub Bai Zhixi’s little head, “It just so happens that I’m going to Qingqiu, you come with me.”

“Huh! Young Master! I also want to be the Demon Emperor, you let Jiuyou abdicate and you make me the Demon Emperor, okay!”

Bai Zhixi’s face suddenly bulged up with two small meat buns, threw into Ling Xiao’s arms and shook his arm.

“Then you have to think clearly, if you are a demon emperor, you can’t get out of this northern frontier on weekdays. Do you want to stay with me or be the master of this northern frontier?”

Ling Xiao smiled, holding Bai Zhixi’s jade hand, and disappeared.

“Demon Emperor? Young Master? Oh, of course I am choosing Young Master! But… Young Master, don’t let Jiuyou abdicate, you let her guard the northern border, and you can make me a named Demon Emperor! Let them all know that I am Baizhixi It’s amazing.”

Bai Zhixi turned her pink eyes and suddenly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

“You little clever ghost.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, waved at Zi Yan, and raised his foot towards Qingqiu.

Now that Sijiang is in his hands, there will be thousands of creatures willing to die for him as long as he gives an order.

However, the person who hurt Ye Qingchan really made him a little uneasy.

Perhaps, the princess of the Qingqiu clan will give him some surprises.

Of course, even if Ling Xiao finally came back in defeat, she could still learn something about her past three hundred years ago.

If Ling Xiao expected it to be right, this woman is probably Mengyuan’s biological mother.

“Okay! Son, you’re the best. My ambition from a young age is to become a demon emperor! But when I meet the son, I don’t want to work hard. The son will satisfy me once.”

Bai Zhixi pouted a small mouth, praying for authenticity.

“Okay! Then I will call Jiuyou to tell Beijiang in a few days, you are the demon emperor, but what if someone objects to it?”

Ling Xiao deliberately showed a touch of melancholy.

“Someone objected?”

Bai Zhixi Yinya bit her jade finger, seeming to be lost in thought, “Then I will write them down quietly.”


“Well! Ask the son to kill them all at that time, and then block me again, no one will object.”


Zi Yan followed behind them and couldn’t help laughing at this moment.

And the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth also raised a bright smile.

At the foot is the ancient forest of green hills, and the sky above the clouds is thousands of miles, the girl in her arms is playful and cute, and the beauty behind her is loyal and enchanting.

Is this the most beautiful scenery in Xiantu?

But without strength, why sit on everything?

But one day, if one person walks alone, the immortal demon evades, and the demon retreats, this world should be said to be stable.

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