Chapter 876

“Look! It’s Fairy Xuanyuan, Fairy Xuanyuan is here.”

In the north of Qingcangjie, barren hills and ancient forests.

There are piles of sacred trees and mountainous peaks. There is a waterfall falling from the top of the mountain, like the Milky Way, making a deafening noise.

At the top of the mountain, a beam of golden light stirs the clouds, and the glow of the clouds is ups and downs, evolving endless charm.

I saw a slender and tall shadow slipping down, standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the golden light blooming place.

The woman is dressed in red, her fairy face looks like a painting, her eyes are glazed, her three thousand hairs are not tied, she dangles the back of her head at will, exuding a scorching glow.

A pair of jade feet are white and delicate, with a red rope tied between the feet and necks, which is a little enchanting inexplicably.

Only at this time, her face was extremely cold, as if she had never noticed the eagerness in the eyes of everyone around her, and she had an aloof and dusty temperament.

Xuanyuan Lengyue, a well-known beauty in the Qingcang realm, no matter his family background or talent cultivation base, he is absolutely outstanding.

The Xuanyuan clan was originally an emperor in this world.

Among them, the ancestor of Xuanyuan claimed to have led the human race to occupy a domain in the era of chaotic war between gods and demons, and the god of war defeated demons to protect the peace of the family.

At that time, heaven and earth luck was in the three clans of immortals, demons, and demons. There was no emperor in the human race, and the Emperor Xuanyuan sealed the sky with holy blood, shocking the eternal!


With the immortal clan dominating for nine days and the human clan falling apart, either becoming lackeys or being suppressed, the Azure Realm will eventually fall into the hands of the realm master, while the Xuanyuan clan has lived in seclusion from the world for thousands of years.

The world only said that Emperor Xuanyuan is unparalleled in the world.

But the immortal clan is domineering, and who remembers that in the chaos of the heavens, who sheltered the clan under the holy blood?

Xiantu’s sadness is evident.


As the abandoned emperor clan, Xuanyuan is now even more alienated by all the clan, and he doesn’t dare to get close at all.


Even if it is lonely, no one in this Qing Cang realm still dares to underestimate the word Xuanyuan.

“Since the fairy is here, I am afraid that good fortune here has no chance with me.”

“Hi! To see Fairy Xuanyuan, to you and me, isn’t it just the good fortune of heaven and earth?”

There was a tumult from the crowd, and the golden glory in the mountain had soared into the sky for three days, and it must be the immortal treasure.

But Xuanyuan Lengyue was talented to be close to a demon, with the ancestral blood, and his cultivation base had long been arrogant to his peers. With her, everyone did not dare to fight for treasure.

“Hehe, who am I? Isn’t this the emperor of the Emperor Xuanyuan?”

At this moment, an enchanting sneer suddenly came from the forest.

Immediately afterwards, several figures came in file, dressed in luxurious clothes and a touch of arrogance on their faces.

In the first place, a beautiful woman in a golden robe looked sarcastically, with a beautiful face, staring coldly at Xuanyuan Lengyue.

“It’s Du Wanqing from the Changsheng Du Family!”

“There is also the Nangong Feihai of the Hidden Ancient Clan.”

“That is the second prince of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, Ji Erxiao.”

“No, why do you sound a bit sarcasm?”

“You care about me! But how did these three get together?”

“Have you not heard? Both Nangong Feihai and Ji Xiaotian are pursuing Fairy Du.”

“Is it so exciting? There is a good show here.”

Before the mountain forest, many Gu Zong disciples’ faces flashed with excitement.

This Du Wanqing’s appearance can be called beautiful, but the temperament is slightly inferior to Xuanyuan Lengyue.

The two are similar in age and are often compared by the world.

But whether it was his natural appearance or his background, Xuanyuan Lengyue was obviously stronger.

It’s just that the Xuanyuan Clan, as the Qing Cang Fei Emperor clan, has always been targeted by the Realm Master Hall, and now lives in seclusion outside the world, and dare not make enemies at all.

Therefore, no matter it was Du Wanqing or the two green evil evildoers, they never regarded this deposed emperor in their eyes.

Of course, if it were placed tens of thousands of years ago, everyone would kneel before seeing the emperor.

It’s just the human heart, it has always been like this.

How arrogant to talk about the fallen phoenix.

Especially these ancient clans who had been suppressed by the Emperor Xuanyuan for tens of thousands of years, now they even want to step on the feet of the Xuanyuan clan to vent their anger.

“Miss Du said carefully, the emperor is in the past, if you call me the emperor, are you not afraid of the crime of the Azure Immortal Guarding you by deceiving the crowd?”

Xuanyuan Lengyue’s expression remained unchanged, her pretty face was slightly cold.

She had already found out that the fairy on the top of the mountain was a jade flame golden lotus. Now her realm was in shackles, and she happened to use it to break the shackles.


Her cultivation level naturally has no difficulty in fighting against any of the three of Du Wanqing, but if the three of them are in the same battle, there is no chance of winning.

“Call you the emperor, you really take yourself seriously, Xuanyuan Lengyue, you don’t want to stay in the clan as your head-shrinking tortoise, why do you come to my wood spirit realm?”

Du Wanqing snorted coldly, this area is the area of ​​her longevity Du family.

Not to mention the young master of the abandoned clan, even if the descendant of the ancient clan of the Xian Dynasty arrived, she still had to give her a bit of face.


Xuanyuan Lengyue raised her eyebrows and looked at the golden clouds on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, the rays of sunshine stretched out, and it was already at its peak. It was obvious that most of the golden lotus was about to mature.

“Puff! Xuanyuan Lengyue, do you think it’s funny that you always pretend to be pure-hearted? Humph, I don’t welcome you in the Wood Spirit Realm. Get out of here.”

Du Wanqing’s expression was sarcasm, and Xuanyuan Lengyue’s eyes were looking towards the top of the mountain, and a hint of resentment and anger flashed in the depths of his eyes.

“The good fortune of the world, those who are predestined, Miss Du is so overbearing, isn’t she afraid of attracting public anger?”

Xuanyuan Lengyue lowered her eyes and looked at the girl beside her. There seemed to be divine lines in her beautiful colored glaze eyes.

“Yes! Those who are predestined get it, but I said you Xuanyuan Lengyue is not a predestined person, what can you do? Get out of the wood spirit realm, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Du Wanqing snorted coldly, and pointed her jade finger to the top of the mountain, “Young Master Nangong, I heard that you have a unique physical ability. If you can help me pick the spiritual artifact from the mountain, how about you?”

“Feihai is willing to serve!”

Nangong Feihai’s expression was pleased, and he stepped forward, instantly turning into a horror, and swept towards the top of the mountain.


During the apprentice scene, Xuanyuan Lengyue didn’t hesitate anymore, the spirits outside her body were ups and downs, and there was a turbulent sky overwhelming Baili, and she wanted to reach the peak.

“Fairy Xuanyuan, you’d better not act rashly.”

Ji Xiao shook his head and stretched out his hand to stop Xuanyuan Lengyue. There were also Dao patterns all over his body, as if he was ready to take action.

“Xuanyuan Lengyue, aren’t you very arrogant? There are kinds of things that can be done in my wood spirit realm. I think the ancient Xuanyuan clan can’t keep you.”

Du Wanqing embraced her chest with her hands, her face becoming more arrogant.

With the strength of the ancient Xuanyuan clan, there was no problem dealing with her longevity Du family.

But the question is, do they dare to do it?

The landlord conquered the world, suppressed the tens of thousands of people, and closed their territories.

Only the Xuanyuan clan was rushed to the north of the wild desert, and the strong of this clan were strictly prohibited from stepping out of the clan, otherwise they would be treated as rebellious.

And this is why Du Wanqing dared to be so presumptuous.


only! !

At the moment when her voice fell, there was a sword roar resounding across the sky and the earth suddenly, turbulent and turbulent.

Before Du Wanqing turned her head to look around, she heard a screaming scream suddenly from the top of the mountain.

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