Chapter 874

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao nodded calmly, guessing in his heart.

I’m afraid this Qing Cang Ling clan was mostly created by the old part of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t know why they escaped the hunting of the immortal clan.

The main hall of the world is a force used by the strong immortal clan to suppress the ten thousand clan.

If you come back on the upper boundary wheel, there is a risk of exposure.

What’s more, in the land of the Holy State, the time order is weird, which can greatly shorten the time of reincarnation.

And that dragon soul can suppress the devil’s will, if it can be merged by oneself, or it can really cover up the aura of the devil.

This chess game cannot be said to be loose.

I’m afraid that even the fallen powerhouses like Xiong Huan and Liang Yi don’t know.

Swire Ling family?


“Lord…you and the Taikoo Ling clan…”

“If you shouldn’t ask, don’t ask.”

Ling Xiao said calmly, and Zi Yan suddenly spit out her small tongue and nudged Ling Xiao’s arms.

What is fierce fierce it!


It wasn’t until the two of them walked under the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain that their figures fell from the sky and landed at the gate of the mountain.

Today’s Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain is no longer prosperous in the past.

The mountain powerhouse either died on the Jiuyou Mountain, or was directly planted with the soul mark by Jiuyou and became a slave.

The three major demon emperors in northern Xinjiang died two and one fell, and it only took seven days.

Now in Northern Xinjiang, the name of Emperor Jiuyou has been passed down to all the people.

Even if someone has doubts, they dare not disobey.

“Welcome to the Son!”

At the top of the mountain, a tall figure descended from the sky and respectfully bowed down to Ling Xiao.

It was the White Elephant Emperor who was sent back by Jiuyou before, oh, it should be called the White Elephant King now.

As for the other strong monsters, they retreated when they saw Ling Xiao, and didn’t dare to look directly at them.


Ling Xiao nodded lightly and raised his foot towards the back of the holy mountain.

According to Long Xuan’s memory, the place where monsters were suppressed was at the bottom of this holy mountain.

There was originally a seal of formation, but with the birth of Long Xuan, this formation has long lost its power in the past.

But even so, the immortal clan’s methods are still not to be underestimated.

Of course, as far as Ling Xiao is concerned, a remnant formation can’t be called an obstacle.

Soon, Ling Xiao’s figure appeared in front of a cave mansion at the bottom of the mountain.

Feeling the ups and downs of magic in it, Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile.

“Zi Yan, you stay here, no one can enter.”

“Yes! Lord.”

Zi Yan jumped out of Ling Xiao’s arms and stood at the entrance of the cave, while the latter’s figure disappeared in place.

Until Ling Xiao reached the deepest part of the cave, his vision suddenly became clear.

I saw a golden light ancient formation covering all directions, completely blocking his footsteps.

The ancient formations were distributed with five elements, and there was a corpse sitting cross-legged at the corners of the formation, except for the lack of the fire position in the east, which is where Long Xuan was previously suppressed.

Even if Ling Xiao couldn’t pass through the formation road, at this time, he could see that the eyes of the five square formation road were not the power of the five elements, but a sarcophagus in the center of the formation.

Now the coffin is empty, and most of the keel is placed in it.

“Using the power of dragon bones to suppress the devil bones, I didn’t expect to create a destiny in the end.”

Ling Xiao smiled. According to Long Xuan’s template, if he hadn’t met him, he would definitely fight against the Divine Lord in the end, and might even win the dragon soul in Zhongjiang, thus embarking on a way of fighting the gods of war.

Unfortunately, she was born in the wrong time and was too arrogant.

Of course, it was not Long Xuan’s character that really moved Ling Xiao’s heart.

On the contrary, this kind of Long Aotian template woman is actually easier to conquer.

No routines, no acting skills, as long as she can convince her, she can only follow loyally.

The reason why Ling Xiao wanted to kill her was to force the Qinglong Emperor to take action, and the other…

An earth dragon, humble blood, even if there is bad weather, the upper limit is limited.

However, Xi’er is the true heir of the ancestor dragon, and if he obtains the dragon bone, and then has the blood of the ancestor dragon, the probability of fusing the dragon soul is undoubtedly greater.

Dragon Girl, doesn’t she enjoy playing?


Ling Xiao held the Boundary Breaking Talisman and printed it towards the ancient formation.

I saw the golden light suddenly flourish in that burst, and the power of the five elements gushed out, seeming to resist, but after all, it was broken open by Ling Xiao’s palm and dissipated completely.

Then, Ling Xiao saw that after that formation, a pitch-black skeleton was placed on a jade platform, on which the magical thoughts flowed, becoming a universe of its own.

There were endless demonic roars resounding loudly, and in front of Ling Xiao’s eyes, there seemed to be a big hand descending from the sky, carrying the intent to destroy the ages, and want to kill him completely.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao’s mouth smiled more intensely, and he directly manifested the heavenly demon’s body and greeted the demon hand.


The world was overturned, and the entire Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain was shattered.

Ling Xiao’s figure also disappeared and appeared in the realm.

In front of him, the remains of the celestial demon turned into streamer, covering his left arm.

Ling Xiao sits cross-legged on the spot, like a round of magic day, blooming with magical splendor.

Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Dongjiang, the Holy Land of Pill Yuan.

Above the void, Xianhui suddenly waved, and then, a figure in white clothes stepped from the sky and landed directly in front of the mountain hall.


only! !

At the moment when the white figure fell, a wave of fire suddenly swept across the hall, transforming the gods in all directions, and fell towards him.


Ling Tianlin laughed bitterly, and the whole body’s own clear light rose up, evolving into the god curtain out of thin air, blocking the endless fire mark.

All around him, there is a faint ray of demonic air permeating, revealing the immortal majesty.


Xuanyuanyue walked out of the main hall, her brows were slightly shocked.

“Yue’er, I’m here for Xiao’er’s business.”

Ling Tianlin sighed lightly, and there was a touch of vicissitudes on a handsome and majestic face.

Everyone knows that when Xuanyuanyue left the Ling Clan, she left with anger.

Even Ling Xiao thought that the relationship between the two was broken because Xuanyuan Yue forcefully dug Ling Tian Danhai.

In fact, this is not the case.

“Ling Tianlin, I said that I won’t have anything to do with you again in this life. If it weren’t for Xiaoer, I would have returned to the ancient Xuanyuan clan. Do you really think you do what I can forgive you?”

Xuanyuanyue’s expression was cold, her eyes filled with resentment.

“Yue’er, I was wrong to lie to you at the beginning, but without the Breaking Talisman, Xiao’er would never have stepped out of this realm. The shackles of the world, with the power of you and me, are simply hard to break. I think you can understand. ”

Ling Tianlin sighed lightly, the pain in his eyes did not seem to be false.

“So, after all, you chose me because of this sacred treasure of my Xuanyuan clan, right?”

Xuanyuanyue smiled back in anger, and slowly closed her eyes, “Get out! I don’t want to see you again in this life.”

“Yue’er, Xiao’er has suppressed Northern Xinjiang. Next, it should be the last step. Today, I am not here to beg your forgiveness, but… there is something to ask.”

Ling Tianlin shook his head, waved his hand and threw a golden ancient decree towards Xuanyuan Yue, “Yue’er, if there is a change in this battle, Xiao’er will be handed over to you. With the support of the Ling and Xuanyuan ancient clans, with Xiao’er You should have something to do with your character, but if… the Ling clan is not good for you, you can use this order to deal with, there is an incarnation of my soul in it.”

When the words fell, Ling Tianlin turned around and left, leaving Xuanyuanyue’s eyes mournful and lips trembling, but in the end he didn’t say a word.

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