Chapter 873

“No!!! Fairy clan!!! One day I will kill the gods in the world!!”

In front of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, a tall figure snarled up to the sky, just like a wild giant bear, roaring unwillingly.

At this time, Xiong Huan was already covered with scars, his aura was wilted, and his youthful face was full of despair and resentment.

But how can an ant stun the fairy even if it uses life as a curse?

Above the sky, the endless golden armor figure waved the sword in his hand, slaughtering all the creatures in this domain.

At this moment, the sky suddenly burst into a black light, scattered like marks.

I saw that the strong immortal clan who had smashed the sky suddenly stopped strangely.

The sky and the earth are dark, but the countless people of the immortal clan, like candles in the night sky, emit dazzling golden brilliance.

But just as the black light passed by, the candlelights suddenly went out and shattered.

There was no sound in the entire territory, and even Xiong Huan just looked up in horror and looked at the suddenly dark sky.

In a short moment, when there is no light in this world, the darkness recedes like a tide.

But the 100,000 immortals kept their movements just now, staying still, and there was no more vitality in their bodies.


Xiong Huan knelt on the ground, looking up to the sky and weeping.

But Ling Xiao heard a deep demon chant in his mind, “Taigu Zhutian, the third style, calm soul.”


The world began to crumble, and Ling Xiao’s soul also awakened from that endless magical intent.

At this moment, there was no trace of fluctuation on his face, and there was a faint flicker of black light on the magic blade in his hand.

On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, Ling Xiao’s figure suddenly appeared, and the busy people immediately bowed and bowed, “Master.”

“All resolved?”

Ling Xiao looked at Jiuyou with a gentle expression, and the latter’s eyebrows flashed with gratitude, “Back to the Lord, the eight great demon kings and seventeen god emperors have all surrendered.”


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, brought the Blood Guard, Xiong Huan, Xing Shen and others into the realm, with a casual move, Zi Yan suddenly turned into his body and plunged into his arms.

“I’ll go out, you can take this opportunity to dominate northern Xinjiang, but…Qingqiu stay still.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao turned into a horror and walked towards the Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain in the center of Northern Xinjiang.

In Long Xuan’s memory, under this sacred mountain, there was a terrible thing sealed.

Not surprisingly, it should be another magic bone.

Now that the ten thousand demons of Northern Xinjiang are surrendered, they are all under the control of Jiuyou, and there is no change.

When he had merged the devil bones, it was time to see the princess Qingqiu.

In this way, the last secret of the Holy State will be completely revealed.

“Zi Yan, when you were with Qing Chan, have you ever heard of Bai Zhirou’s name?”

Ling Xiao strolled around the cloud dome, with a calm and authentic tone.

“Bai Zhirou? You mean the little maid beside Miss Qingchan?”

Zi Yan nodded, she had come to Shengzhou with Ye Qingchan, but she hadn’t transformed into a human form.

Therefore, neither Dugu Yunxuan nor Yuanjue had recognized her.

However, Zi Yan at that time retreats under the sacred mountain all year round and will not show up easily.

And Ye Qingchan is indifferent, and never cares about teaching affairs.

However, Zi Yan had also heard that Miss Qingchan accepted a maid, who was a talented monster.

As for other things, she never asked more.

“Have you seen her? Where did she go?”

Ling Xiao raised her brows slightly, but Zi Yan shook her head slightly, “I hadn’t healed at the beginning, and I have been practicing under the sacred mountain. I didn’t follow the young lady, but occasionally heard the young lady mention that the young lady was talented, but she strayed into it. Astray.”

“go astray?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a touch of playfulness, and there was a story.

Suppose that Bai Zhirou was the one who injured Ye Qingchan at the beginning, and then teamed up with Zhou Yandao to set up a trap, and finally killed Ye Zhu.

But why, she was trapped in Qingqiu again by Zhou Yandao?

Also, it is said that this eldest princess used to hide from the lower realms, how did she break through the realm and appear in the Four Wastes?

Ye Fan, Ye Qingchan, one of the two people inherited the ancient glazed pagoda, the other is the reincarnation of the gods, and they appeared in the same family at the same time. Is it a coincidence, or is it… the magic of the surname Ye?

“Master, why do you suddenly ask about this?”

Zi Yan looked at Ling Xiao somewhat puzzled. In her eyes, Bai Zhirou was probably just a small person, not worth mentioning.

After experiencing all kinds of holy states, Ling Xiao discovered that it was this little character who seemed to be in the plot all the time.

“At the beginning, Qing Chan was seriously injured and killed by Zhou Yandao, but in the end he escaped a ray of soul and entered the cycle of reincarnation. Do you think…who could hurt the Qing Chan at that time? Dugu Yunyu? Or… Bai Zhirou?”


Zi Yan shook her head, “At that time, the young lady’s cultivation has already entered the realm of respect. Although it has just broken through, it is absolutely impossible to threaten the young lady with the two of them.”

“Is not it?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly. If it weren’t for these two people, who else could have injured a powerful person in the Holy State?

Will it be the father or the mother?

But they have tolerated this, how could they rashly attack the god master.

Besides, the ghost said clearly that no one can break the shackles of the world.

Even if Ling Tianlin and Xuanyuanyue conceal their strengths, they might not be opponents of the noble state, who would it be?

Suddenly, there was a chill in Ling Xiao’s heart, and there was always a faint feeling in him. There seemed to be a black hand hidden behind this holy state.

“Zi Yan, you are from the upper realm, do you know the Ling clan?”

“Swire Ling Clan?”

Zi Yan’s expression was stunned, her eyes flashed with panic, “Master…you are not a member of the Primordial Ling Clan, are you?”

“what happened?”

“Of course I know! The only force in the Azure Realm that dared to call it Primordial, and also the only force that can contend with the Realm Master Hall! There are even rumors that the Realm Master conquered ten thousand realms and went to the territory where the Ling Clan was located. But okay, I dare not take a step forward.”

Zi Yan took a deep breath.

Let me just say, Miss Tianzong’s posture, stunning in the world, how can she look at a young man from the lower realm.

It turned out that Young Master Ling Xiao also had an upper bound background, and he was still the most powerful kind.

“Oh? So amazing?”

Ling Xiao’s expression shrank, and immediately thought of his own settings.

Also, if a villain does not have a strong background, can it be called a villain?

It seems that the adult in the mouth of Ghost Shadow is the real powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

I just don’t know whether this person is a devil emperor or a devil.

“Yeah! But Lord, the Primordial Ling Clan has always been low-key. No one has ever seen their true strength. Only when the realm master reached the peak of heaven and earth, he issued a decree, saying that the Ling Clan can sit on half the border of the blue sky, almost with The main hall of the world divides the world equally, and only then did people know the horror of this ancient clan.”

There was a flash of fear in Zi Yan’s eyes, “Of course, these are rumors. The Ling clan powerhouses rarely show up in the Azure Realm, and mostly act in their own territory, but I have never heard of any forces that dare to provoke them.”

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