Chapter 869

“I’ll talk about it later, kill them all.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at Emperor Qinglong with extremely clear eyes.

No matter what the ghost image is, since he is a protector of the Tao, he will never have an alienation towards Ling Xiao.

What’s more, that sentence of the Lord has already made Ling Xiao’s heart guess.

only! !

Ling Xiao had seen ghosts’ methods.

I am afraid that the realm of his guardian is still higher than Xiong Huan and Zi Yan.

Such a hole card, the fewer people know, the more important it can play at a critical time.

Today, this Jiuyou Mountain is bound to flow into a river of blood and bones into a mountain.


The ghost shadow bowed, turned his head to look at the sky, and stared calmly on the Azure Dragon Emperor.

As long as the demon emperor is killed today, the situation in Northern Xinjiang will be completely under Ling Xiao’s control.

With the momentum of the four borders, destroy the sacred religion.

The character and strategy of the Lord felt terrifying even for him.

Be cautious and considerate, pull out the wings of the gods step by step, use all spirits as chess, and take control of the world.

If… the original master could have this character, how could he become a stranger?

The overlord of heaven and earth, never advances, has no distractions, and is not at fault.

But in this world, all immortals and gods are greedy, and want to truly unify the nine heavens, how easy is it to say?

If there is no strategy, no scheming, wouldn’t it be another reincarnation of the past?

Therefore, the hundreds of millions of creatures in the Holy State are nothing but an experience from beginning to end.

Even if these hundreds of millions of lives are slaughtered, the sky does not exist, and the great road is obliterated, as long as the Lord can realize it, that is…the death deserves its rightful place.

Heaven is impermanent, and the avenue is for the public!

Sacrifice hundreds of millions of living beings, and exterminate immortality in the palm of your hand.

Devil, heaven!

“All the demons listened to the order and blasted the formation with all their strength!”

But at this time, looking at Ghost Ying’s hollow and indifferent eyes, Qinglong Emperor only felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and his greed disappeared, leaving only endless regrets.

He should have guessed that if this holy child dares to cause this chaos, he must have something to rely on.

Originally, Qinglong Emperor thought that this reliance was at most a Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, and with the addition of Yuanjue, Shengzhou should be rampant.

But only then did he realize that he was wrong.

The four major ninth ranks, and even the fluctuations in this mysterious powerhouse, are as good as the oppression given to him by the divine master at the time.

So, if you don’t leave again, I am afraid that I will really die here today.

Hearing what Qinglong Emperor said, the powerful demon kings didn’t dare to hesitate anymore.

Although the strength of the Golden Eagle King is not comparable to that of the White Elephant Emperor, it is still among the best.

Even when it comes to speed, the Golden Eagle is even better.

But even so, he still died in the hands of the black robe figure without resistance.

I’m afraid, the strength of this person has long since broken the shackles and is above the god emperor!


Above the sky, the light is overflowing.

There was an endless divine might crashing down, heading towards the ancient thunder formation.

Zi Yan’s expression trembled, and bloodshot suddenly fell from the corners of her mouth.

But even so, although there were cracks on the ancient formation, it did not completely collapse.

The ghost snorted coldly, and stepped forward, swept across his body with mighty majesty.

With every step he fell, the sky broke into countless cracks, like an ancient demon shadow, stepping on the heavens and the earth, extinguishing the world.

Immediately afterwards, only the ghost image was printed with one hand, and there seemed to be thousands of miles in the palm, resembling a black hole, swallowing everything.

At first, his figure was on the top of the mountain, but for a moment, he was already in front of the Qinglong Emperor.

“Do not!!”

The Qinglong Emperor looked flustered, and directly transformed his body, stretching for thousands of miles.

On the whole body, the green scales bloom with infinite Dao patterns, like the scales of a true dragon, revealing their invincibility.

“Hahahaha, I didn’t want to say a farewell to the past, but I’m lucky enough to meet again with the ghost here and fight side by side.”

Standing on the top of the sky, Xiong Huan burst into laughter.

I saw him stepping forward in the same way, and with a punch, he collapsed and fell towards the Azure Dragon Emperor.

Seeing this scene, the Qinglong emperor roared in despair, and his blood rose to the sky, and the blood mist filled thousands of miles.

At the crucial moment, the Northern Frontier Demon Emperor actually broke the Demon Pill, and with a single body of blood, he turned the power of the gods and smashed the two nine-rank god emperors forcibly.

“act recklessly.”

Zi Yan snorted coldly, and as the jade hand changed, the sky thunder array suddenly rippled.

I saw two thunder chains like the Optimus Pillar, punishing them from the sky, and like two thunder dragons breaking through the sky, piercing through the sky, binding the Qinglong Emperor in place.

At the same time, the offensive of the ghost and Xiong Huan finally fell, with a palm printed on the sky, and a punch on the back of the heart.


In an instant, blood spurted from the mouth of the Qinglong Emperor, and the dragon scales outside his body collapsed, and the momentum that had just risen instantly disappeared.

The rain of blood spilled from the sky, into pieces, revealing a strong bloody atmosphere.


Thousands of feet of demon body fell from the sky, smashing the dense forest of ancient mountains to shreds.

Ling Xiao stepped on slowly, standing in front of the Qinglong Emperor with his hand with a gentle smile on his face.

“Emperor Qinglong, I’ll take you one last ride.”

When the words fell, the magic blade in his hand was cut off, and he didn’t give the Qinglong Emperor a chance to open his mouth, and deeply pierced the center of his eyebrows.


The endless magical intent suddenly dispersed, covering the demon body of the Qinglong Emperor.

In a short period of time, this Northern Frontier Demon Emperor turned into nothingness, and even the remnants of the soul were not left.

Outside Ling Xiao, there was endless fairy hui, and above his head, thunderclouds gathered, covering the sky and the sun.

“Spare! Son of mercy!”

“Spare! No!!”

For an instant, the world was in grief, and all the demons cried.

Both the Demon Emperor and the Demon King were kneeling on the ground at this time, panicking.

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and suppressed the thunder intent outside of him, his eyes swept across the demons, and a ray of killing intent flashed in his eyes, “God emperor, surrender to Jiuyou, and be a slave for life, the rest, kill. ”

“Jiuyou, come here.”


The figure of Jiuyou descended from the sky. At this time, her body was also covered with scars, but the excitement on Qiao’s face was not concealed.


The soul light in Ling Xiao’s eyes flickered, forming a mark in the sea of ​​nine ghosts.

This soul seal was not to control Jiuyou, but to let her control the demons in front of her.

“Lord… Lord…”

Jiu You Jiao’s body trembled, and looked at Ling Xiao in a puzzled manner.

“This Beijiang originally belonged to the Liaofeng clan, and now it is more appropriate for you to control the life and death of ten thousand monsters.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and took a deep look at Yuan Jue and Gui Clam, “You two, what do you think?”

“Follow the will of the Son of God.”

The ghost clam nodded and chuckled, without any hesitation, and directly opened the soul sea and planted the soul seal from Jiuyou.

Liaofeng came to this world to re-administer the demon clan, which was the obsession in his heart.

Although in the future, Jiuyou will inevitably face many hardships, but this day, he has been looking forward to it for too long.

But Yuan Jue had her brows clumped, and she seemed to hesitate.

Just waiting to see the three figures of Ghost, Xiong Huan, and Zi Yan, I finally sighed and laughed lonely, “My life was originally saved by Emperor Liao, and everything in this world is empty. Sure enough… cause and effect. Not empty! That’s all.”

Yuan Jue turned his head and looked at Ling Xiao, the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, no other thoughts in his heart.

A young man conquered the tens of thousands of people in northern Xinjiang in just a few days, of course because he controlled countless powerful men.

However, if there is no scheming and shocking methods, how can he make the three great emperors bow their heads?

And this is the real reason why Yuanjue is willing to call his minister a slave.

Holy State, I’m afraid it’s going to change.

The divine master has placed restrictions in their souls, and there is no way to detect them, but the soul seal is formed, which is her willingness. Although she still can’t explore her memory, she can easily decide her life and death.

As long as this Yuan Jue does not leave Northern Xinjiang in his life, it will be Jiu You’s foothold.

Since today, there is only one emperor in Northern Xinjiang, named Jiuyou Emperor!

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