Chapter 870

“Ah!! Don’t! Please forgive me…”

“No! No! I’m very strong, I can kill the enemy across the border, don’t punish me!!”

On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, screams came and went one after another.

Countless powerful monsters were killed by the blood guard, and Xiong Huan and Zi Yan were shocked, these gods and gods did not dare to make a second.

There are thunder formations covering up, and the fishy wind here has not spread to northern Xinjiang. Even if there are a few strong monsters who are hiding in the void and peeping here, they are invisibly killed by ghosts.

“Ghost, you come with me.”

Ling Xiao waved his hand to collect the ghost image into the realm, leaving Xiong Huan and Zi Yan Xie Jiuyou to deal with the funeral in the mountains.

Looking at the young man who disappeared in place, Jiu You bowed deeply and couldn’t afford it for a long time.

The reason why she followed Ling Xiao at the beginning was actually because of her ulterior motives.

But she never dreamed that Beijiang would return to her Liaofeng clan in just three years.

At this moment, Jiuyou’s eyes were filled with tears, and Zhu’s mouth was lightly squeezed. The gratitude in his heart for Ling Xiao has gradually surpassed the hatred in his heart.

Originally, she was alive in the world, but it was just to avenge this blood feud for the Liaofeng clan.

But now she was just worried whether Ling Xiao would be too dangerous to face the Divine Lord.

After all, the Qinglong Emperor, Yuan Jue and others, are only the realm of the Ninth Stage.

Even the mysterious black-clothed powerhouse may not really step out of the shackles of the world.

But the Divine Lord is a true realm powerhouse, fusing the natural blood of all souls into his body.

Ling Xiao’s talent is strong, and his temperament is also terrifying.

With the power he controls now, there are few opponents in the holy state, except… the god.

Sometimes, no matter how many ants, although they can swallow elephants, they…cannot kill gods.

In the Territory Heaven Palace, Ling Xiao stood with his hand holding his hand, staring into the sky.

Now the situation in northern Xinjiang has been set, and the remaining three areas in the east, west and south are all under his control.

But even so, Ling Xiao still didn’t feel that he could really contend with the Divine Lord.

There is no way to break the shackles of the world.

Originally, he still suspected how the god master took the last step, the devil bone?

But now it seems that Horror’s guess is wrong.

The one who can really break the shackles of this world is mostly the dragon soul suppressed by Zhongjiang in the Holy State.

In other words, even if the god master did not completely integrate this soul, I am afraid that he has already gotten huge benefits from it.

Behind him, the ghost bends slightly, her eyes calm.

Although he was forced to show up today and exposed his whereabouts, he was not irritated at all, but rather pleased.

After all, based on his disposition, he could not escape Ling Xiao’s calculations. The land of the Holy State, or the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms, is also very accessible to the Lord.

“How should I call you?”

Ling Xiao suddenly looked back and looked at the ghost behind him.

Although he always felt that this ghost uncle was very strong, he didn’t expect to be so strong.

With his method of cultivation, he must still be above the Supreme Profound Dao Master.

Especially at this moment, the trace of spatial fluctuations lingering around the ghost is several times more terrifying than Baizhixi.

Obviously, his guardian is proficient in the technique of space. Although he has no luck, his methods are strange.

Otherwise, with Ling Xiao’s spirit level, how could he never notice his existence.

only! !

What Ling Xiao was slightly puzzled was that when he was in the Ling clan, he didn’t see the power of Dao on the ghost. What was going on?

“Heavenly Demon Palace, the ghost of the nine generals will be ghosts, and see the Lord!”

The ghost bends down and bows, but he hasn’t gotten up yet, but Ling Xiao’s face doesn’t have a hint of surprise.

“So, you were the one who killed the eight god emperors in the sea? You always knew who I was?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and there were many speculations in his mind.

“Yes! Not only the eight god emperors of Tianjimen, but also the hidden children of the sacred religion in the four frontiers were killed by their subordinates, including Ye Qingchan’s reincarnation body realm, and Ling Master ordered to conceal his traces, not only the end general, All this is planned by the lord of the upper realm, and the purpose is to return to the Lord.”

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao nodded silently, the Shengjiao’s eyeliner spread all over the four borders, and he appeared in the eastern borders by the means of the lonely cloud. If it hadn’t been arranged behind Ling Tianlin, he might have noticed Ye Qingchan a long time ago.

After all, her appearance name is no different from her previous life.

It’s just that Ling Xiao didn’t know the origins of Ye Qingchan, so he couldn’t defend it at all.

From this point of view, the reason why his journey was so smooth was thanks to Ling Tianlin’s secret support.

As for Xuanyuanyue, her own mother has always had this temperament regardless of world affairs.

But, who is the grown-up in Ghost’s mouth?

“This lord, is also a member of the Heavenly Demon Palace?”

“Lord! It is unexpected for me to show up at this time. There are some things that I don’t know. You should return to the Ling clan and ask the Ling Lord yourself.”

Ghost Ying sighed slightly, and suddenly fell on her knees, “Hiding the Lord is not the last intention, but your return here is of great importance. It is a first-line opportunity that you have only found after tens of thousands of years of planning for the Lord… Wait until the Lord steps on. When you leave this world and return to the long river of time, the adults will personally inform that the ghost’s life will be within the Lord’s thought.”

“So, the land of the Holy State was carefully selected?”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, guessing in his heart, I am afraid that his appearance was not accidental, but was deliberately arranged.

Ling Xiao didn’t know why it was the Ling Clan and why it was in the boundary of the Holy State.

But most of it is related to the dragon soul and the remains of the demon.

“Yes! Lord, this realm originally existed at the beginning of Hongmeng, and it gave birth to an innate holy spirit named Taixu Universe Dragon. The talent of this dragon lies in the way of time and eternity. At the beginning, the upper body of the Lord fell, and the bones and spirits were sealed. In this world, the immortal clan originally wanted to use the dragon energy to transport blood and bones and suppress the devil’s intent, but unexpectedly, it achieved the grand plan of my Heavenly Demon Palace.”

The ghost image stood up and looked at Ling Xiao with an extremely respectful expression.

“It’s just that this place is guarded by the immortal clan after all. If the strong of my Heavenly Demon Palace come to you, it will definitely cause turmoil, so I can only figure it out slowly…”

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao sighed lightly. From the very beginning, he felt that the time order in this Saint State was rather strange.

Whether it is the Immortal Demon Armor or the Ancient Reincarnation Blade, they all exude a sense of vastness and predominance.

But the history of the Holy State is only a thousand years old, which is obviously inconsistent.

Now with the ghost explanation, he wanted to understand the reason.

The fairy clan used this to suppress the heavenly demons, while the Ling clan’s plot was in the dragon soul.

“How does your combat power compare to the God Lord? And why did I see you before and didn’t notice the aura of Dao in your body?”

There seems to be a magic pattern in Ling Xiao’s eyes, even if the ghost appears unexpectedly, the combat power is far from that of Xiong Huan and others.

This is a living demon general. Even if he is bound by the world and his realm falls, his combat power is by no means comparable to that of the Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor. With his help, the sacred religion may be destroyed.

“Lord, those who appear in the Ling clan on weekdays are just a shadow of me. This world is suppressed by the dragon soul of the Taixu Universe Dragon. No one in this world can step out of the noble state. My combat power is at most The ninth rank is stronger, but it is impossible to win against the superior realm.”

The ghost sighed, the Taixu Zhoulong was originally transformed by the will of this world, even if it was slaughtered by people, it still suppressed the Holy State Heavenly Dao.

And the reason why the Ye Clan God Lord is not bound, I think most of it has the same homology with Zhoulong.

But even so, the aura of this realm is so thin that it can no longer be compared with that of a thousand years ago, and the realm of respect is also the upper limit.

“Is that so? So, you still have to merge that dragon soul.”

Ling Xiao nodded, his thoughts turned a lot.

Now that Sijiang has taken his hands, with the power of the Sijiang, it shouldn’t be a big problem to trap the Divine Lord.

And as long as there is enough time for Xi’er to fuse the dragon soul, he can hide in the realm and practice with peace of mind.

It is only a matter of time before punishing the god master and flying to the upper realm.

However, according to Zi Yan, when Ye Qingchan returned to the holy religion, he was already severely injured, and Zhou Yandao found the opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop.

So, who is the one who hurt Ye Qingchan?

“I see, you hide your figure for the time being, hide in the dark, don’t expose it.”

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t say much, raising his foot and walking towards a certain place in the domain.

The adults in Ghost Ying’s mouth should be the strong ones in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

And at the moment this Holy State Realm, or an experience for him to hone his own mind and will.

In other words, it was an opportunity for the demons to quietly regenerate and rise.

After all, no one would have thought that the place used by the people of the immortal clan to suppress the devil bones would be the place for the rebirth of the heavenly demon.

In other words, time is sealed, even if there are many changes in this world, there is no opportunity for growth.

However, this dragon soul is left by the innate holy spirit. It can suppress the devil’s will and seal the time, and the power can be imagined. If it can be integrated, it must be the good fortune of the sky.

It might even really conceal the meaning of the Heavenly Demon in Ling Xiao’s body.

This holy state is barren, the strongest is no more than a noble state, but the Azure Realm is afraid that there will be real mighty ones.

With their vision, they might not fail to see Ling Xiao’s true identity.

And Dragon Soul may be the key to hiding the body of the demon.

Today’s ghost appearance is really unexpected, but even if Ling Xiao doesn’t know the origin of this dragon soul, and wants to punish the god, stepping out of this world, he must find a way to fuse the dragon soul.

Therefore, these thousands of paths, the ultimate point, are above the dragon soul!

Interesting, worthy of being a character tens of thousands of years ago, such a layout strategy is really frightening.

It seemed that as long as Xi’er merged with the true dragon sacred bones, Ling Xiao should also leave for Zhongjiang.

But before that, he would go to Qingqiu, meet the princess, and ask her about a period of three hundred years ago… the past.

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