Chapter 868


Above the void, Zi Yan and others’ complexions changed drastically.

Only at this time, there was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the Qinglong Emperor.

Above the green scales, there are layers of Dao patterns flowing, and the brilliance blooms, stopping the two of Zi Yan out of thin air.

At the speed of the Golden Eagle King, even if the two of Zi Yan made a move now, they couldn’t stop it at all.

As long as Ling Xiao dies, the demons can retreat first, and then seek other things.

With the dragon bone in hand, the Qinglong Emperor will have enough confidence to step into the realm of nobleness and achieve the supremacy of heaven and earth.

When the time comes, don’t talk about the two Ninth-Rank Divine Emperors, even if the Divine Lord is close, what does it matter?

Before, he hadn’t thought about killing Long Xuan and snatching the keel.

It’s just that the True Dragon Sage Prestige is too much to suppress the blood of the Jiao Clan, and Long Xuan’s talent is unparalleled, and even the Qinglong Emperor feels jealous.

He just didn’t expect that this demon tribe saint ancestor would die in the hands of the saint child so easily.


Above Ling Xiao’s head, there was infinite golden brilliance, and a demon shadow was faintly visible from breaking through the air. The moment the demon claws protruded, the space was confined, and there were various ways and order.

The full blow of the Eighth-Rank Peak Divine Emperor, even if Ling Xiao was on guard with all his heart, could hardly resist.

What’s more, at this moment the Golden Eagle King rashly attacked, and there was no time for Ling Xiao to react at all.

But the more so, the game becomes more real.

Smart hunters have always appeared as prey.

even! !

In order to make the scene realistic, Ling Xiao didn’t tell Zi Yan and others in advance, so…the tension and anger on everyone’s faces at this time are also real.

Only Xiao Peng, who showed despair, was forced to flee from the east and west by the group of monsters and tigers.

This lord is about to fall, what will happen to me as a soul slave?


Ling Xiao’s brows were tightly furrowed, and the spirits bloomed outside his body, and several Taoisms appeared alternately, transforming into thousands of idols.

The waves of fire surged, the divine wood broke through the sky, and the thunderous intent of thousands of feet rose up, the piercing sword roar resounded loudly, and the magic blade of reincarnation in Ling Xiao’s hand was lifted high in the air, and slashed abruptly.


The endless demonic roar spreads through the eight wilderness, shocking the universe.

I saw a demon shadow stepping through the void, manifesting from the blade, and stepping towards the golden eagle demon shadow step by step.

Thousands of magic patterns evolve layer by layer, and the monstrous divine power is gathered on top of one sword.

Ling Xiao’s face was solemn, and for the first time a look of panic appeared in his eyes, but he secretly looked forward to it.


The blade of light swept across the sky, cutting the whole world apart.

Faced with this shocking blade, the Golden Eagle King’s eyes also flickered with shock.

This knife was enough to threaten his life.

It’s just that under Ling Xiao’s haste, the sword intent is obviously a little vain, and today Beijiang is dead.

Only by slaying this holy child, the demon race will have a ray of life.

Thinking like this, in the eyes of the Golden Eagle King suddenly there was Jin Hui, who covered his demon body in an instant, and his breath rose again in an instant, faintly approaching the category of ninth rank.


A cry resounded across the sky, looking from a distance, the golden eagle king at this time was like the same sun, with scorching eyes, and falling from the sky with the power of breaking the sky.


The void of thousands of miles was distorted and shattered, and the sword intent that Ling Xiao cut out eventually disappeared in the infinite golden glory.

At the same time, a strong bloody breath wafted open, and the film of blood had not yet been spilled, and it was reflected by the golden sun.

The figure of the Golden Eagle King finally fell from the sky, covering Ling Xiao’s figure completely.

His speed is really fast to the extreme.

Even if Zi Yan and Xiong Huan joined forces to force the Qinglong Emperor back, they were still a bit slow, and could only watch the black dress being swallowed by Jin Yang.


On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, there were sorrows in an instant.

However, everyone in the Yaozu seized the opportunity to fight back and instantly reversed the situation.

only! !

As the golden sun gradually dissipated, the entire Jiuyou Mountain fell into a dead silence inexplicably.

Everyone looked at the tall figure standing on the top of the mountain with the demon’s power scattered all over their body, in addition to fear, there was a touch of absurdity in their eyes.

At this moment, in the vest of the Golden Eagle King, a black blade passed through his body, and the vitality of his body was fading quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“How… how?”

The Qinglong Emperor and others stood in the air, staring at the next scene with a dull expression.

How could a Human Race teenager kill an Eighth-Rank Divine Emperor?

“Dare to hurt my lord and die.”

In the void, a cold and gloomy voice suddenly heard.

Behind the Golden Eagle King, the space was rippling slightly, and a ghost hand protruded out of the void, clasping it tightly on the Golden Eagle King’s neck.

It was a dark and dry black palm, slender and weird, and it seemed to be covered with magic patterns, making it a taboo for the eyes.

It was him who controlled the Golden Eagle King with one hand at the crucial moment, allowing Ling Xiao to penetrate the latter’s heart with a single knife.

But… how is it possible?

Even if it is a Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, it would never be so easy to capture the next 8-Rank Great Demon with one hand.

But right now, the Golden Eagle King, the head of the Ten Great Demon Kings in Northern Xinjiang, turned out to be like an ordinary wild bird, and was imprisoned with only one hand by the figure shrouded in black robe.

Such a scene is really strange and shocking.

Even Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed with surprise.

“This breath…”

Xiong Huan and Liang Yi stood in the void, looking at each other from a distance, their eyes trembled suddenly.


In a short moment, the golden eagle king’s body quickly dried up, and all his blood and soul were swallowed by the reincarnation magic knife, and even the terrifying power contained in the demon pill was reduced to the nourishment of the sky.

As his figure disappeared, Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a faint smile.

The protector of the Tao can break the meaning of the Tao in the dead.

Just with Ling Xiao’s disposition, how could he put himself to death so easily?

He was really hard to contend with the Eighth Stage Emperor Realm.

What’s more, the Golden Eagle King rashly attacked and showed his full strength.

But Ling Xiao had a puppet that had been rewarded by the system before.

So even if this black-robed figure had never appeared, he would never be in danger.

And seeing the smile at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, under the black robe, there was a sudden flash of surprise on that cold and determined face.

“Uncle Ghost, long time no see.”

Ling Xiao retracted the magic blade and stood in place, dispelling the confusion in his heart.

Ghost, originally the most mysterious and powerful of the Ling clan.

Even about his origin, no one in the entire Ling clan knew.

The more mysterious the things, the greater their origins. Ling Xiao had doubts before, but he didn’t expect the ghost to hide so deeply.

Eight-Rank God Emperor, you can kill easily.

Could it be that he also came from the upper realm?

Moreover, what surprised Ling Xiao the most was that this ghost image called him not Young Master, but… Lord!

“Meet the Lord.”

Ghost Ying shook his head slightly, but a rare smile was raised on that Gu Jing Wubo face.

At this time, he had guessed that all things today must be under Ling Xiao’s control.

Even the sneak attack by the Golden Eagle King was within Ling Xiao’s expectations.

He deliberately allowed Zi Yan, Xiong Huan and others to take action, but in fact he exposed his flaws and attracted the demon god emperor to wait for an opportunity.

This kind of xinxing method is worthy of everyone’s painstaking efforts.

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