Chapter 867


Between the heaven and the earth, the thunder pattern shook violently, and the tide was surging.

I saw the ancient thunder light array that originally stood in the void, suddenly rushing and spinning.

There are thousands of feet of Lei Hui descending from the sky, like a milky way, full of purple Yan.

Then, above his fingertips, the god thunder galloped straight into the sky like a thunder dragon’s light and shadow.

In terms of bloodline, Zi Yan was much better than Qinglong Emperor. Now, the demons are in the thunder formation arranged by her, which can be called the right time and place.

I saw that Thunder Dragon phantom burst out of the sky, crashing into the blue seal with the momentum of crushing the world.

The Wanzhang Xiaguang suddenly lit up, and the whole Jiuyou Mountain illuminates the silvery white.

The Qinglong Emperor’s expression changed, and he stepped back a few steps in a hurry, crushing the barren hills beneath him, and the void collapsed.

With just one finger, the monster master had shown his frustration! !

There was a dead silence in the world, everyone looked at the beautiful shadow that stood in the sky, and there was nothing in their eyes except shock.

At this moment, Zi Yan stood with her hand in her hands, her entire body was radiant and she was faintly in harmony with the world.

She was standing there, but she gave people a dominance over the world, making people want to bow down and worship for no reason.

Another one, Nine Stage God Emperor? !

At this time, don’t say that the monsters are strong, even Jiuyou, Yuanjue and others have a look of shock on their faces.

No one thought that behind this Shengjiao Shengzi, there was a Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor standing behind? !

One finger forced the Qinglong Emperor back, and the cultivation base of this golden-robed woman was afraid that it was still above the Qinglong!

But, when did Shengzhou have so many ninth rank powerhouses?

“Nine-Rank God Emperor.”

Qinglongdi’s eyes were gloomy, especially when he felt the mighty Longwei on Zi Yan, his heart jumped even more.

Originally, he thought that this woman must be a strong Saint Cult, but apart from Yuan Jue among the Saint Cult, no one from the Demon Race has been heard.

Where did this woman come from?

“Kill them all.”

Ling Xiao raised his head to look at the demon kings and emperors on the void, and waved his hand gently.

Hearing this, the faces of the strong people suddenly flashed with shocking warfare.

Especially Xiao Peng, standing proudly in front of others with a single knife, his eyes filled with arrogance and domineering, “A group of ants, dare to be presumptuous in front of the Lord! Today I want a dozen!”


At the moment when Xiao Pian’s words fell, six demon tigers covered in black stripes roared out of nowhere, and they stepped on out of thin air. They were actually six powerful god emperors.

Xiao Peng looked stunned, and instinctively stepped back, only to see that both Xiong Huan and Zi Yan had fallen into a melee, and no one paid attention to him at all.

For an instant, Xiao Pangfei saw cold sweat on his face.

He has comprehended the principles of time, but recently he hasn’t practiced very seriously except for pretending to be forced, so that his realm has not improved much, only at the level of the third rank of the god emperor.

If this is against a fourth-rank and fifth-rank powerhouse, it can be crushed by talent.

Can six god emperors?

Um? Looks like a six-headed tiger demon?

Oops, is it the feeling of pretending to be overwhelming?

Either… secretly shouting Dad? It is said that Tiger Poison does not know children?

“Several brothers, you have misunderstood, I mean…I want to do the six of a dozen six…”


The terrifying mighty sky opened, shattering the sky.

There are colorful rays of sunshine blooming thousands of miles, and the thundering sky descends like the world.

Zi Yan took a step forward and teamed up with Xiong Huan to trap the Qinglong Emperor in the void.

The chaos in northern Xinjiang today is, in the final analysis, all because of this old Jiao.

As long as he is dead, this group of strong monsters can only be the fish on the chopping board, and they can be ruled by the master.

The void in a radius of thousands of miles was broken and opened.

It was like ice crystals, bursting out with terrifying power.

The Qinglong emperor’s face was gloomy, and there were endless Dao patterns tumbling and upswing all over his body, and his breath turned into a phantom of the green dragon, which crisscrossed the world and shattered the ages.


With the strength of the Qinglong Emperor, he could barely fight against Xiong Huan or Zi Yan alone.

But at the same time facing the two nine-rank god emperors, there was no power to fight back at all.

What’s more, at this time Zi Yan directly used the Thunder Dragon Shengwei, with the help of the power of the formation, to suppress the Qinglong Emperor to death.

Xiong Huan punched out, crushing the void completely.

The magic light of ten thousand meters rises up into the sky and runs through the world. There seem to be countless magical shadows stepping on them, and thousands of demons roar together, shocking people’s hearts.

Countless strong monsters looked pale, looking up at the three figures above the tens of thousands of miles of void, their eyes were already full of fear.

Today, the various races of northern Xinjiang are coming violently, but they did not expect to be forced to such a situation by a human race boy.

Once the Qinglong emperor is defeated or falls, who in the entire Northern Xinjiang can compete with these two nine-rank god emperors?

Although the ants are united, they are addicted to giant elephants, but they don’t know that the fall of this ant is in the millions.

Yuanjue stood volley in the air, looking suspicious.

She is the second divine envoy of the Holy Church, although she is restricted by the current divine lord, she can’t take care of her affairs.

However, when did Shengjiao have two more Nine-Rank Divine Emperors?

Moreover, it seems that these two nine-rank god emperors are under the orders of the saint son?

Inexplicably, Yuan Jue’s heart was rising, and the fear of the power of the Holy Religion was undoubtedly stronger.

“Bai Xiangdi, I’ll take you on the road.”

In the end, Yuan Jue stepped forward, flicking his jade hand lightly, a seemingly unremarkable palm, but stirred up the wind and clouds, instantly causing the blue sky to fall, and the sun and the moon were dark.

I saw a golden bird’s shadow falling from the sky and rushing towards Emperor Bai Xiang.

Now it seems that the general situation is set.

The demon clan of Northern Xinjiang will be destroyed today.

In this way, she has nothing to hesitate.

“court death!!”

The Qinglong emperor hissed out, revealing his body out of thin air.

The Qianzhang demon’s body covered the sky and the sun, with clouds and mist rising above its four claws.

even! !

At this time, the dragon emperor’s body had begun to take shape, with long beards and horns stabbing the sky.

only! !

Under the shadow of Xiong Huan’s fist, the scales on his body had already shattered countless, and the blood was spilled, inexplicably depressed.

Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind, looking up at the void melee.

At this time, all the demons had already lost the momentum that they had just moved forward.

Failure is the general trend.

Can! !

Just as Ling Xiao was secretly pondering, he saw a sudden ripple in the void above his head.

Immediately afterwards, a Jin Hui figure suddenly flashed over, and a pair of long wings stretched for hundreds of miles, curling up a fishy wind, and suddenly appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

“Holy Son of the Holy Cult! You kill my heirs, and you will be paid with blood today!”

It is the first of the ten demon kings, the Golden Eagle King!

The golden eagle clan was originally a kind of soaring and borrowing the wind, and disregarded the demon clan at the speed of the wind.

At this time, the Golden Eagle King Eighth Stage Emperor Realm rashly attacked, not to mention Xiong Huan and others, even Ling Xiao’s face flashed with surprise and panic.

However, under this astonishment, there was a faint smile on the corner of the boy’s mouth.

The reason why he sent Zi Yan out was to expose a flaw to the demons.

One, an opportunity to make them feel relieved of sneak attacks.

In this way, Ling Xiaofang could really test out the origin of the strong behind the scenes.

Everything is under control, and all beings are pawns.

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