Chapter 866

“You! Yuanjue! You are ruining the future of the entire Monster Race!!”

Gui Clam Wushou gritted his teeth fiercely, showing grief and anger in his eyes.

No matter why Jiuyou recognizes the holy child as the master, if Yuanjue can’t expose the true face of the divine lord and the Qinglong emperor, I am afraid that the monster clan powerhouse on the Jiuyou Mountain today will become the chess piece in the hands of the Qinglong emperor.

Even if they could punish Saint Son today, Yuan Jue and the other Nine-Rank Divine Emperor would probably not be able to die.

At that time, as long as these two people return to the Holy Religion, Beijiang… will be destroyed soon.

The plan for the present is to make all the five frontiers know that the god master is cruel and innocent, and the green dragon is despicable and shameless, and the demon clan in the northern frontier has only a glimmer of vitality, reversing the fortune of the sky.

Of course, even if the Demon Race of Northern Borders died out, the ghost clams would be guilty at best.

He understands Yuan Jue, as long as it is not the moment of life and death, she will not make an effort at all.

And just relying on that Saint Son’s entourage, I am afraid it will be difficult to truly kill the Qinglong Emperor.

Regardless of the world, the death will be worth it.

Teamfights can be lost, today… the green dragon must die! !


Yuanjue gave a cold snort, but didn’t say much.

She appeared in a battle, but she was persecuted by God’s order, but it is absolutely impossible to ask her to identify the Lord.

Seeing this scene, the smile at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth became stronger.

Obviously, this second divine envoy was an extremely life-saving person.

She has no good or evil in her heart, and the decision made is just… the point of interest.

Of course, the immortal way is unpredictable, the heaven is ruthless, and what Yuanjue did is not a fault.

There are people in this world who believe in righteousness and others who believe in profit. But whether it is profit or righteousness, you must have strength to get what you want.

The truth can be said, and the weak will say it is bragging.


And just as everyone was in a stalemate, above the void, a green-scaled palm suddenly appeared, tearing the sky, covering a hundred miles.

On the handprints, there are dense layers of scales, in which the rhyme of Taoism overflows, and the demon is full of power.

With the power of rumbling energy and blood, it evolves endless visions.

This palm was printed suddenly, and even Xiong Huan and the others did not react.


Jiuyou’s expression changed drastically, and he raised his eyes to see where the green seal fell, which was exactly where Ling Xiao was.

However, Yuan Jue hesitated slightly, after all, he did not dare to force the Qinglong Emperor, which was obviously a full-fledged palm.


The expressions of Xiao Beifa, Xing Shen and others changed. Even if they had seen Ling Xiao’s many methods, they still didn’t believe that this young man could escape his life under the full force of a Ninth-Rank God Emperor.

But at this time, Xiao Peng, Huahua and others did not see the slightest panic on their faces. Even the young man with the cyan palm prints did not flash in his eyes, but was rather playful.


The sky shattered and there were thousands of cracks extending for hundreds of miles, and the ups and downs became scars.

The terrible power fell from the sky, raising Ling Xiao’s black robe, her hair fluttering, but it was a little unruly.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes were clear, and there seemed to be infinite radiance blooming in his eyes.

Within a hundred li, all soul consciousness is within its perception.

But in the end, Ling Xiao was still a little disappointed.

At this time, he did not detect a trace of vision, so it seemed that most of his guesses were wrong.

Or, did the strong man who killed the eight god emperors in the Tianji Gate casually know that Zi Yan existed?

Being a villain, Ling Xiao suddenly had a bold guess, how could there be no protector behind him?

What’s more, when his Taoist body returned to the Ling Clan, the shock that Ling Tianlin showed was a bit beyond his imagination.

From beginning to end, his old father didn’t give him a life-saving hole card that was too tyrannical.

Even if Xuanyuanyue, a darling demon, cared for him since he was a child, he didn’t seem to worry about his safety outside.

Is this reasonable?

At the beginning of the sea battle, the layout of Lingxiao was rigorous.

But even he had never thought of the true identity of Dugu Yunluo.

This has nothing to do with his scheming, it is really not enough experience.

These old things that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years have terrible trump cards in their hands.

Even if Ling Xiao attracted the demons and Zi Yan into the game, and the Taixuan Dao master took shelter from the side, once the Eight God Emperors of the machine gate appeared that day, the battle would be extremely tragic.

But at the critical moment, the eight emperors were killed inexplicably, causing Dugu Yunyu to be isolated and helpless, and died at the hands of Ling Xiao.

Of course, even if Zi Yan or the Great Demon died, Ling Xiao had arranged the Taoist body to hide thousands of miles away, so he could hide in the realm at any time and leave the battle.

But in this way, his plan will be delayed.

Now it seems that the strong man hiding in the dark has given Ling Xiao a great fortune invisibly.

Who is this person?

Ling Xiao has mostly seen the strong among the Ling clan.

But as he knew more, he felt that the identities of Ling Tianlin and Xuanyuanyue were not simple.

Perhaps, they had arranged a means behind themselves to save his life?

The protector of the road, put it to death and live.

This person never showed up, because Ling Xiao had never faced a real death.

only! !

Although this kind of speculation was reasonable and reasonable, Ling Xiao did not dare to take any risks.

After all, luck is exclusive to the destiny, we don’t deserve it.

So at this time, seeing the Qinglong Emperor rashly acted, Ling Xiao just released his spiritual knowledge, and wanted to find out some clues.

But now it seems that he was thinking too simple.

The unification of northern Xinjiang is imperative.

As long as Zi Yan reveals her true body, whether it is Qinglong Emperor or Qinglong Brother, it is impossible to escape death today.

And with Yuan Jue’s temperament, the battle will be clear by the time, and I am afraid that he will not hesitate to kill the Yaozu.

In this way, it is truly foolproof.

However, the four borders have all been under Lingxiao’s control, and what he has to do next is to go to the middle borders and punish the gods.

And this war was the key to Ling Xiao’s ability to step out of this world.

Barry is only half of 90.

Ling Xiao would never allow a slight accident to happen during this period, so today, he must figure out whether there is a guardian behind him.

In fact, Ling Xiao had thought of going back to the Ling Clan before and asked his father why.

Can Ling Xiao’s understanding of his parents, they have never mentioned it, and specified that there is a last resort.

This Saint State map now looks more and more like a conspiracy, a test.

Only by relying on his own strength to pass the test, maybe he can get some recognition and know more of the secrets of the world.

“That’s it…”

Ling Xiao’s eyes gradually drenched, and he had an idea in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, the Azure Dragon Emperor was plotting his own dragon bones.

However, the monster race has the absolute upper hand, and he can be completely crazy only if the master of the monster race falls into despair.

“Zi Yan.”


Suddenly, there was thunder in the sky, inextricably linked, outlined in arrays.

I saw a terrifying monster shadow coming through the ages, appearing above Ling Xiao’s head.

It was a graceful figure of a woman, with long hair like a waterfall, golden eyes like the sea, and majestic beauty.

Then, she only stretched out a finger and lightly printed the green dragon seal that had fallen from the sky.

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