Chapter 856

Before the hall, Ling Xiao looked at the two Jiuyou Mountain God Emperors who were kneeling on the ground and crying for mercy, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised a bit of playfulness.

See if there is no loyalty in this world.

Especially on this immortal way, everyone cherishes their lives and pursues longevity.

I can’t believe them?

I have seen a lot of people’s hearts.


Jiuyou’s expression shrank, and his steps abruptly stepped forward, and when the two great god emperors saw this, they immediately got up and rushed towards Long Xuan.

“Demon King, help!!”

“Those who betray me Jiuyou Mountain, kill without mercy!!”

The figure of Jiuyou soared into the sky, and there seemed to be purple inflammation burning all over his body.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a terrible heat spreading across the sky, and there were waves of thousands of miles in the void.

only! !

At this moment, I saw Long Xuan’s figure suddenly disappeared, and in the next moment, she appeared directly in front of Jiuyou, “I think you have a good talent, a dignified monster, why do you need to be a slave? Follow me, I give Your Lord of the Demon King.”

“Huh! You deserve it too?”

Jiu You snorted coldly, but his face was a little inexplicably solemn.

In terms of realm, she was not Long Xuan’s opponent, but as a family of Liaofeng, her bloodline was a bit more terrifying than Qinglong Emperor.

There is a ray of dragon mighty power on Long Xuan’s body, but the whole world, except for the son, who is worthy to make her bow her head? !


Without even giving Long Xuan a chance to pretend to be forceful again, Jiu Youyu reached out and acted first.

Thousands of miles of emptiness, instantly fluctuating.

Layers of purple inflammation turned into a wave and swept towards Long Xuan.

Suddenly, the entire Jiuyou Mountain fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the figure of a woman whose whole body was enveloped in flames in amazement, obviously they had never imagined that this You King would dare to directly act on Long Xuan.

You know, the true dragon sacred prestige in the latter body, not to mention a fifth-rank god emperor, even the Qing Jiao, Bai Xiang and others, are deeply afraid.

How courageous is a little demon king? !


Feeling the terrible power contained in the black flames of Jiuyou, a voice of suspicion suddenly came from above the void of thousands of miles.

“Have a temper! But… to die.”

Long Xuan’s face became more cold, and now in front of the entire northern frontier, the Shengjiao Shengzi was arrogant and rude, and even a demonic tribe of the fifth rank of the emperor dared to disobey her?

At this point, Long Xuan suddenly had Jin Hui rushing into the sky, and then lightly printed it with her palm.

The void burst suddenly, and a golden palm print was crushed out of thin air, suppressing the heavens and the earth, and falling towards the sea of ​​fire.

Jiuyou’s face changed, purple flames in his eyes jumped, as if a phoenix shadow was about to break through the sky.

And the flames that were originally surging suddenly turned into blossoms, blooming in the sky, surrounding, wrapping, and swallowing the golden handprints.

The heaven and the earth are silent, the imaginary collision did not appear, but as the sacred flowers bloomed, all the aura and dao rhymes disappeared.

Long Xuan’s eyebrows clustered lightly, and a faint surprise flashed in her eyes.

Especially the shadow in black clothes under the dissipated purple inflammation, more like the demon emperor who controls the world, demon, charming, and graceful.


The Qinglong Emperor and the others looked at each other, their expressions also a little shocked.

Although Long Xuan’s palm seemed random just now, the true dragon Shengwei was extremely mighty.

Just this power alone, can anyone resist it?

Inexplicably, a chill suddenly appeared in the hearts of the demons.

Come prepared!

Originally, they only thought that this holy child was extremely arrogant, but now it seems that the people standing behind him are not as simple as they seem to be on the surface.

“Huh! I didn’t expect you to have some skill!”

Long Xuan snorted coldly, and the surprise on her face only flashed by.

Although the fire was weird, it could only bear a palm of her hand.

In other words, she wanted to kill Jiuyou, and she would definitely not take too much effort.


Before the hall, Ling Xiao suddenly laughed softly.

How could he not see that Long Xuan was not serious, but Jiuyou’s Liao Huo was already the trump card.

Once the two confronted each other head-on, Jiuyou died forever.

Hearing Ling Xiao’s voice, the woman who was originally standing in the void with a pretty face suddenly fell from the sky and stood respectfully behind Ling Xiao.

“Huh! Holy Son, I admit I underestimated you, but today you will still die.”

Long Xuan held her hand and looked down at the crowd, while Ling Xiao shook her head and smiled, “I am a gentle person, and I don’t like killing. It’s just that your monster race is domineering and cruel. It’s really bullying. Why, you don’t teach me. Is it in your eyes?”

“Gentle by nature?!”

Hearing this, a group of strong demon kings suddenly gritted their teeth.

Three days ago, blood flowed into a river in Jiuyou Mountain, and thousands of Yaozu Tianjiao died of unfavorable lives.

Are you gentle by nature?

Is my monster deceiving too much, or is your holy religion defiant? !

“Presumptuous! You slaughtered nearly a thousand people from my monster clan Tianjiao, how dare you slander my clan like this? Sacred religion, don’t you really put the Saint State Ten Thousand Clan in the eyes?”

Emperor Qinglong stepped out and stood in front of Long Xuan.

He has seen the arrogance and dominance of this demon tribe saint ancestor, but… if the demon tribe wants to oppose, there must be a reason for the opposing behavior.

Only in this way can all parties in the Holy State respond and completely overthrow the rule of the Holy Religion.

A sacred son, he waved to kill.

But if you want to plot the world, you have to be more cautious.


Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and said calmly, “Bring you here.”

In the main hall, Liang Yi walked out quickly, throwing an embarrassed and weak figure in front of Ling Xiao. It was Ao Qing who had been dug out of the mark of reincarnation.

“Do you know this person, the Demon Emperor?”

Ling Xiao raised his head to look at Long Xuan, her eyes were clear and deep, and the new emperor of the demon race actually felt a faint heart palpitations.

“Ao Qing!!!”

Seeing Ao Qing, whose face was bloody and bloody, and the whole body aura was extremely weak, Long Xuan’s eyes suddenly flashed with a bit of murderous intent.

Long Xuan does not have too deep feelings for this licking dog, but… this does not mean that others can hurt him.

When her blood was humble, she was really ridiculed and contemptuous.

Even if she was talented against the sky and crushed her peers, she would still be cold-eyed wherever she went.

Especially those monsters who have a slight relationship with the dragon clan, they regard her as a shame to the dragon clan.

Therefore, on the day Long Xuan accidentally merged the keel and walked out of the seal, she vowed to let Wan Yao kneel in front of her.

This kind of power and status in controlling the fate of others gave Long Xuan a kind of unspeakable pleasure.

As for Ao Qing, he was the Jiao Clan’s Tianjiao, and his bloodline was terrifying.

In him, Long Xuan saw some shadows of herself.

And because of his bloodline of the Jiao Clan, he now bows and bows his knees, which makes Long Xuan very satisfied.

What kind of real dragon, dragon, demon emperor and demon king, must kneel in front of my Long Xuan! !

“Holy Son of Human Race, I admit, you have completely irritated me.”

Long Xuan took a deep breath, red hair dancing, clouds gathered at the end of heaven and earth, and the sky turned thunder.

Obviously, this demon emperor who considers himself invincible is on the verge of breaking out.

Even if it hadn’t been blocked by the Qinglong Emperor, she would have been unable to bear the killing intent from the bottom of her heart and would kill Ling Xiao on the spot!

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