Chapter 855

“Ancestor, don’t we…really don’t go to see Zhixi?”

On the top of the green hill, the queen of nine-tailed fox has a sad face and a lot of thoughts.

At this moment, how could she not see the tens of thousands of miles of demon cloud pervading the direction of Jiuyou Mountain.

Obviously, this time the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain came out, and it moved the determination to completely destroy Jiuyou Mountain.

Since the Qinglong Emperor dared to move this idea, I am afraid that he has also made plans to completely tear his face with the holy religion.

“What if we go? It is said that there is a demon emperor from the sacred mountain of Ten Thousand Demons, who is the blood of the true dragon, and the Azure Dragon emperor has come personally. If the divine lord does not show up, even if we go, we will not change anything.”

Bai Qian’s old face was also full of sadness.

I can’t see clearly, is this Shengjiao Shengzi really arrogant and ignorant, or is Shengjiao in the next big game?

With the strength of the two emperors, the Azure Dragon and the White Elephant, and the eight great demon kings to follow, the entire holy state is afraid that only the god master can solve this crisis.

But, even if the divine master comes, do you really dare to slaughter the monster race?

I am afraid that once he does that, the prestige established by the sacred religion for thousands of years will be completely shattered.

The holy religion controls the world with kindness, and emphasizes the equality of all souls.

Despite such rhetoric, any strong person with some insight would not believe it.

However, this is a bottom line, and it is also the way of holy teaching and imperialism.

But this is also the reason for Bai Qian’s confusion.

What exactly is the saint son of the saint who suddenly appeared plotting?

“But… Patriarch… Once Zhixi has an accident, the Demon Emperor may not let my Qingqiu clan go, it’s better…”

There was a gloom in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, and now the situation of the Qingqiu clan was on the verge of life and death.

Regardless of whether the battle today is the Shengjiao victory or the Yaozu victory, for the Fox tribe, there is no half advantage.

This family, seemingly neutral, is it a dilemma?

“Zhixi is now in the same camp as Shengjiao. I’m afraid Qinglong Emperor already regards me Qingqiu as an enemy, but you and I know that Zhirou is uncompromising. Sooner or later, the god master will do something to my clan…”

Bai Qian lightly sighed, her expression particularly lonely.

She hoped that the monster clan would uproot the sacred religion, so that Qingqiu would not have to be oppressed by the divine lord.

However, Baizhixi is now mingled with the holy son of the holy religion, and there are even rumors in the northern border that the holy son killed the thousand monsters that day in order to save the holy son.

From this point of view, Shengzi is very good to Baizhixi.

When there is a dilemma, it is necessary to make a decision.

Especially now, Qingqiu’s survival is only on the front line.

“Let’s watch the changes, now the fate of my Qingqiu is in the sky, not you and me.”

In the end, Bai Qian sighed and turned and walked towards the depths of the Qingqiu.

She was going to see Bai Zhirou, and asked her what secret she had concealed in the whole Shengzhou.


The queen of nine-tailed fox clasped her hands tightly, tears were already in her beautiful eyes.

Could it be that Qingqiu is really going to be destroyed in his own hands?

On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, Ling Xiao slowly sat upright, looked up at the golden robe figure that walked out from behind Wan Yao, a faint surprise flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that this invincible starting demon saint ancestor was mostly a man.

Unexpectedly, she was such a coquettish woman.

Seven thousand air luck, six ranks of the god emperor, five elements of the law of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

It is worthy of being an invincible stream, this kind of template start, except for the final boss, can basically be in seconds.

However, what really interested Ling Xiao was not the woman’s talent, but the woman’s bones.

True Dragon Sacred Bone?

No wonder that even the Qinglong Emperor and the dignified Ninth-Rank Demon Emperor had to bow their heads to this woman. The true dragon bones, and the dragon power alone, were afraid that a green dragon would not be able to resist.

However, this woman is indeed surrounded by a wave of dragon power, even more terrifying than Huahua.

It’s just that her bloodline fluctuates, but it’s not a dragon.

“Has a keel merged?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and his eyes were clear.

According to Zi Yan, in the history of Shengzhou, only one true dragon was born, which is the origin of the dragon soul in Shengzhou.

Now that the dragon has fallen, it is reasonable to have bones scattered on the land of Shengzhou.

“You are the Son of the Holy Church?”

Long Xuan’s golden robe was floating without wind, and her long fiery red hair rose like flames, revealing gleams.

She stood on the top of the sky, like a god overlooking the common people, with indifference in her eyes.

“Let’s talk about it, how do you want to die? Do you want to die obediently, or just struggle.”

“Who are you?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, really arrogant, he didn’t even look at Shengjiao Shengzi.

“Hmph, this is my Northern Border Demon Emperor, Long Xuan!”

The Qinglong Emperor snorted coldly, his eyes swept across the several figures behind Ling Xiao.

only! !

When his gaze fell on Huahua, he clearly felt a…extremely inexplicable heart palpitations.

“Long Xuan?”

Ling Xiao smiled softly, “I heard that only the true dragon family is worthy of the dragon character as the surname. You are a miscellaneous monster, merged with a keel, and you want to pretend to be a true dragon?!”


The killing intent in Long Xuan’s eyes was awe-inspiring, and a pretty face suddenly fell down.

Beside him, the Qinglong Emperor stepped out and wanted to fall towards the sky.

However, at this moment, Xiong Huan’s figure stood in front of Ling Xiao first. Those vicissitudes of life in his eyes made the first demon emperor in the northern frontier feel a kind of horror again.

What’s the matter with him?

How could any follower of this young man be able to shock the emperor’s Dao Heart?

“Human ants, I admit… you a little irritated me!”

Long Xuan took a deep breath, and a gloomy sneer suddenly appeared on Qiao’s face. Then, she looked down at Jiuyou and others, her beautiful eyes condensed slightly.

At this moment, she could feel the power of Jiuyou and Huahua’s body, and a ray of evil thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

Even though Huahua concealed her breath and bloodline at this time, she still felt an extremely strange bloodline induction the moment Long Xuan touched her eyes.

“Is it possible that the wave of the same origin that I felt before is this young girl?”

Long Xuan’s eyebrows clustered lightly, and she snorted coldly in her heart. In any case, as long as all these people in front of her were killed, all the secrets would come to light.

“Since this matter was done by Shengjiao Shengzi, I will give you Jiuyou Mountain a chance. Now I kneel and surrender. I can leave the blame for the previous things.”

At this time, in Long Xuan’s eyes, this holy child of the sacred religion was not arrogant, he was simply reluctant to live and die.

That’s right, she is indeed not a dragon, with humble blood, but a mountain and wild dragon, not even as good as a Jiao.

Because of this, she only changed her surname to Dragon after the dragon bones were merged, just to cover the past and start an invincible rebirth.

But she really didn’t expect that this human saint was so arrogant, and even dared to ridicule her at this time.

In this way, it seemed too cheap to kill him.

Long Xuan decided to make him fall into regret and despair step by step, and finally tore him to pieces with her own hands.

What shit sacred religion, in the future the Holy State will be renamed Longzhou! !

“What?! There is such a good thing?!”

Hearing what Long Xuan said, the faces of the Jiuyou Mountain God Emperor suddenly raised a touch of excitement.

But when I saw the black flames in Jiuyou’s eyes, I felt cold again.

But even so, two god emperors knelt on the ground with a “plop” and shouted loudly, “Demon Emperor! Demon Emperor Tianen.”

Seeing this scene, Long Xuan’s face increased with a smile.

Have you seen it? This is reality. As long as you are strong enough, you won’t have enemies.

It’s just… just when she lowered her head to see the look of the holy son of the holy religion at this time, her eyes were quietly stunned.

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