Chapter 857

“Let’s talk about it! What did you do when you came to my Jiuyou Mountain.”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and stepped on Ao Qing’s face, with a gentle smile on his face.

Only at this time, his actions fell in the eyes of Long Xuan, but it was a kind of humiliation for Chi Guoguo!

What a shame! !


Long Xuan took a deep breath, but the Qinglong Emperor spoke through the spirit, “Holy Ancestor, don’t worry, there is a breath hidden in this mountain, and there is a trace of formation fluctuations, I am afraid that there will be fraud, he is deliberately irritating you.”

“How about the formation? What about fraud!”

Long Xuan’s silver teeth clenched tightly, and the golden light in her eyes was shining, and even her hair was burning, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

“Let him go, otherwise today, I will call this mountain there will be no grass.”

“Hehe, how could the Long Xuan Demon Emperor be so angry? The previous Ao Qing brought ten thousand demons to my Jiuyou Mountain and said to capture my maidservant and kill my subordinates. Is it wrong for me to kill a few strong demons?”

Ling Xiao smiled playfully and completely reversed the positions of the two parties in one sentence.

Look at each of you all in desperation, why, now you understand my original anger?

It is only natural for me to kill ten thousand demons, and now I am acting to make you feel the same!

“I’ll say it again… let it go…”


only! !

Before Long Xuan opened her mouth again, Ling Xiao suddenly raised her foot and stepped heavily on Ao Qing’s head, instantly smashing his head to pieces, and the blood mixed with brains shot to the ground, extremely miserable.

At the same time, a mechanical sound suddenly came from Ling Xiao’s soul sea.

“Di, congratulations to the host for successfully displaying the Heavenly Talisman. You can kill the Mandate at will to get rewards.”

“Di, congratulations to the host for killing the Son of Destiny. The plundering luck is worth 2500 points, and the villain is worth 25000 points.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for the extra reward: 2% of the casting value of the destiny.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for gaining the Dao and a chance to complete it.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for obtaining an eight-level spirit pill Xuantian Jade Pill.”

“Human ants!! You are looking for death!!!”

Finally, Long Xuan shouted angrily, and disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he had reached the place three feet in front of Ling Xiao, and on that bare jade foot, the golden light was shining, as if cast by gold, carrying the general trend of shattering the world, he stepped on Ling Xiao’s head fiercely.

In the faint, there seemed to be a golden dragon phantom falling from the sky, crushing all the void and crashing down.

She would use Ling Xiao’s method to crush his head likewise! !

But at this moment, Ling Xiao didn’t see the slightest fear on his face. This Long Xuan was worthy of Aotian’s template, and even under his anger, he hadn’t exerted all his strength.

Although this kick is a serious kick, it does not contain the power of Taoism, nor does it have the power of the gods and bones. It is only used in the realm of the flesh.

Of course, perhaps in Long Xuan’s eyes, Ling Xiao is a human teenager, even if his background is terrifying, his cultivation level is naturally far inferior to her.

The more understatement she kills, the more powerful she proves that she can also play a better role in slapping her face.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sudden wave of Linghui, which was a dazzling silvery white.

I saw Ling Xiao’s body, with thunder light reflecting three thousand miles, covering everyone’s eyes.

Then, with a fierce punch, he pierced through the space and smashed into the golden dragon shadow.

And under the cover of thunder that the demons could not see, Ling Xiao’s entire arm had long been covered by a dense and terrifying black scale.

Densely dense, revealing evil spirits.

That’s right, although this Celestial Demon Battle Armor was conceived by the Harmony and was born congenitally, the scales on this arm armor were made by Nine Heavens True Dragons.

As we all know, a true dragon has only one inverse scale, which connects the heart and fu-organs.

And the color of this inverse scale is not black at first, but it has been soaked in the intent of the devil for hundreds of thousands of years before it has turned into such a deep and terrifying color.

It is hard to imagine how many real dragons must be slaughtered in this armband before it can be completely sacrificed.


The terrible collision sound instantly resounded, and the space where Ling Xiao and Long Xuan’s fists and feet touched, suddenly turned black.

Like the Nine Heavens Demon Abyss, it reveals profoundness.

And the faces of all the demons flashed with surprise, not that they thought Long Xuan would be defeated, it was really shocked by a human race, and could be unscathed under the foot of the holy ancestor.


A sound of broken bones came quietly, and then, Long Xuan’s figure flew out under everyone’s gaze, smashing the ancient temple, and falling down.

At this moment, her internal organs all showed signs of shattering, a ray of blood flowing down the corner of her mouth, and those golden eyes filled with an unspeakable shock.

Smoke and dust are everywhere, and the broken walls fly across.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

On the other hand, Ling Xiao, dressed in black clothes, with a detached temperament, slowly retracted his arm, the indifferent expression on his face was more like a mockery, and he slapped the demon emperors and demon kings severely on the faces.

although! !

Everyone knows that Shengjiao Shengzi must shake the sky by means, and his talent is terrifying.

However, they still didn’t expect that this young man would blast away the Sixth Rank of God Emperor, the Demon Emperor Long Xuan who contained the True Dragon Shengwei!

Crush the invincible?

“Provoke the majesty of the holy religion and die!”

Ling Xiao stood with his hand in his hand, not giving Long Xuan a chance to breathe at all, his fingers stretched out, and a sudden sword roar spread through the fields.

Thousands of god patterns flowed from his fingertips, and a vast sword intent came out horizontally, like a star falling, hitting the place where the smoke and dust floated.

“Boy! You dare!”

The Qinglong Emperor’s expression changed drastically, but when he was rushing out, trying to stop Lingxiao’s sword intent, he saw a golden light in the depths of the ancient temple, like a scorching sun shining on the world.

The runes rushed into the sky, and the rays of the rays of light were thousands of times.

There are layers of Dao Yun covering the world, transforming thousands of idols, blocking the sword intent out of thin air.

And at the place where the golden brilliance was scattered, a figure walked out slowly, the golden robe on her body was already shattered, revealing one of the golden silk inner armor, which set Long Xuan’s figure more and more beautifully.

only! !

What makes people feel surprised is that there are countless totem stabs on this demon emperor’s body, with demon and scales, complex and ancient, revealing an indescribable evil vicissitudes.

Even on her two jade arms, there are countless green and red marks entwined, like ghosts and gods inscribed, a little more domineering.

At this time, she looked somewhat embarrassed, with red hair falling and the corners of her mouth bleeding, but her eyes were not half slumped, and she was faintly excited.

“Good! You are good! I haven’t been so excited for a long time!”

Obviously, Ling Xiao’s power didn’t hit the demon king’s Dao Heart, but instead made her more fighting spirit.

“I originally thought that I was invincible in this world. Even those who stand on the top of the sky are nothing but time. I didn’t expect…this Holy Land, there is such a terrifying talent and evildoer! Holy Child, you are worthy You can fight me!”

Long Xuan wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, revealing a cruel and domineering smile.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao’s face didn’t fluctuate at all, but there was a hint of playfulness in the corner of his eyes.

With a punch just now, he had already smashed this Long Xuan’s ankle bone by the power of the Wuxuan Demon Armor.

But at this time, the injuries on her body disappeared inexplicably?

Interesting, is the power of the true dragon bone?

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