Chapter 852


Suddenly, thunderclouds gathered on the sacred mountain of Ten Thousand Demons, and the sky thunder fell into the world.

The endless demon power crushed the world, trying to break the blue sky.

In the area of ​​thousands of miles, all the people of the demon race looked in the direction of the holy mountain with fear.

But at the top of the mountain, the space was torn apart, and there were several demon shadows fighting together, which was extremely tragic.

In particular, one of the centipedes was besieged by the demons, and it was torn to pieces by the students in a short period of time.

only! !

When he was dying, outside the Poison Centipede Emperor, there was also a demon radiance covering the sun.

Above the poison seal, the blue light circulates, and the monster pattern is enveloped, which contains the horror trend of shattering vitality.

At the same time, Poison Centipede’s body also had blood floating and sinking, and his soul power died.

Obviously, this offensive was a dying fight for this demon emperor.

Seeing this scene, Rao Shi Qinglong’s eyes flashed with a touch of horror, and immediately his figure suddenly stepped out, gently waved his palm, and smashed down a seventh-grade demon king in front of him, blocking the terrible poison mark. .

This demon is also the Zerg Demon King, but a highly poisonous golden scorpion, always looking at the head of a poisonous centipede.

Such a demon may not have two hearts, so…death is not a pity.


Without the slightest surprise, the moment the poisonous seal fell, the dignified Seventh-Rank Demon King directly turned into a cloud of blood and dispersed into nothing.

“I won’t let you succeed! Even if I die, I want you to be buried with you!!! I curse your descendants to be poisoned with my blood soul!!!”

The Poison Centipede looked up to the sky and roared, the flesh and blood on his body had long been blurred into pieces.

Then, I saw something suddenly spit out from his mouth, it was a turquoise demon pill the size of a human head. Before the demons could react, it broke into nothingness.


Endless poisonous radiance fell from the sky, like a green sky, wanting to shroud towards the sacred mountain of Ten Thousand Demons.

And the corpse of the Poison Centipede also turned into decay under the erosion of that poisonous mist.


The Qinglong Emperor’s complexion changed, and he wanted to stop him, but at this moment, under the poisonous fog, a golden light burst into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon phantom stretched for hundreds of meters, blocking the poisonous curtain.

Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain cheered and worshiped, and countless demon races knelt on the ground and roared.

Once the poisonous mist had just fallen, this sacred mountain of ten thousand demons would be truly dead, and all demons would have fallen.

Long Xuan’s expression stood up in the sky coldly, her golden robe dazzlingly sacred, she lowered her head to look down at the demons, like a god of salvation.

With her mind, how can she not know what control is.

With the incomparable power of dominance, he will kill the rebellion, and with the supreme compassion, he will save the people from desperate situation.

In this way, this land of northern borders should respect her as a god.

An 8-Rank God Emperor Great Demon?

Hehe, I, Long Xuan, walked the way of invincibility. You are so fortunate to follow, you can be said to be… three lives fortunate!

“Holy Ancestor Divine Power!!”

“The demon king is righteous!!”

The entire Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain suddenly burst into cheers, and all the beasts in the mountain knelt to the ground, showing piousness.

Even the Azure Dragon Emperor and the Eight Great Demon Kings bowed and bowed, and there was no more doubt on their faces.

If even the poison of the Poison Centipede can’t kill the Lord Ancestor, can it be said that she is an immortal body?

“The sacred religion has deceived our clan for hundreds of years, and now is the time to erase it! All the demon kings listened to the order, and the Hui convened the strongest members of the clan. Three days later, follow the emperor to step down on Jiuyou Mountain!”

Long Xuan sneered, and her figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Although she resisted the erosion of the demon poison with the power of the dragon’s bones, she was also extremely depleted.

Dragon bones can use the rhyme of heaven and earth to restore physical strength. This talent can be called heaven-defying.

However, although the rhyme of heaven and earth is endless, this kind of recovery also takes some time.

Of course, the reason why Long Xuan chose to resist the Holy Cult at this time was the same thing as Invincible Tianzi. The most important thing was that she needed the dragon luck suppressed by the Holy Cult.

Only by integrating this transportation into the body can she truly be called invincible in this world.

With the power of ten thousand demons in the northern border, it would be difficult to really kill that divine lord, but what Long Xuan wanted was only some time.

Some, she was able to integrate Long Fortune’s time.

In this way, when she was born as a real dragon and crushed the so-called god master to death with her own hands, there will only be one god in this world, and that is her, Long Xuan!

Tiger Fu is deep in the mountains to listen to the wind and waves, and Longwo Shoal is waiting for the tide.

Originally, Long Xuan was still hesitating, why should he command the Ten Thousand Demons and the Holy Cult as the enemy.

Now, everything seems to be solved.

The destiny, the shelter of heaven, and the help of the gods!

“Yes! Emperor!”

The Eight Great Demon Kings glanced at each other, and there was a flash of excitement in their eyes.

Finally, the hatred that has been suppressed for hundreds of years is about to be vented!

What about holy gods?

My new emperor of the demon clan will surely step on the head of the god emperor, and step onto the top of the sky! !

“Lord, just now, the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain had a great battle, and the Poison Centipede Emperor and the Golden Scorpion King fell at the same time, and the demon saint ancestor appeared.”

In the center of Northern Xinjiang, under a large mountain, Ling Xiao casually threw a monster clan expert on the ground, looked at the sound transmission talisman in his hand, and said calmly, “Oh? Is this the beginning of infighting? Have you ever seen the monster clan clearly? The cultivation base of the saint ancestor?”

“Going back to the Lord, it should be in the realm of the sixth rank of the god emperor, but this demon seems to have some talents and supernatural powers, but it is immortal and immortal, and it merges with the world.”

The double shadow’s voice came from the autobiographical note, but Ling Xiao shook his head slightly.

There is nothing to be surprised about the general trend of Rongtiandi.

Even if Ling Xiao didn’t use the real body of the Heavenly Demon, only relying on the immortal source in his body, he would still be able to gather the power of the heavens and the earth in his own body.

It’s just… immortal?

Can a sixth-rank god emperor possess the talent of immortality?


The saint ancestor of the demon race, he heard a very strong leek.

Eat it, you can be powerful!

“I see.”

“Master! The Eight Demon Kings have returned to the clan, and the ancestor of the demon clan threatened to step down on Jiuyou Mountain three days later.”

“Stepping on Jiuyou Mountain?”

Ling Xiao put away the sound transmission note, stroked Zi Yan in his arms with his palm, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

From this point of view, this demon tribe saint ancestor is not ordinary arrogant.

However, what makes Ling Xiao a little curious is that the demon race always respects the strong, why would the Qinglong emperor’s ninth-rank god emperor bow his head to a sixth-rank demon?

Holy ancestor?

Just hearing the name, the identity of Long Xuan is not easy.

Is it possible to be a rebirth person again?

“Master, where are we going now?”

Huahua stood behind Ling Xiao, watching the meek cat in his arms with a guard.

Until today, she did not understand why the Lord dared to be an enemy of Beijiang.

It turns out that behind him, there is not only one Nine-Rank person!

“Go back to Jiuyou Mountain and prepare to welcome guests from Northern Xinjiang.”

Ling Xiao smiled mildly and looked down at Zi Yan.

The formation method, it’s tasteless, some formation geniuses can form a formation at a glance, trap and kill all enemies.

Call it horrible, but anyone with a bit of a brain will not enter it rashly.

However, it is different right now. When he stands on Jiuyou Mountain, countless prey will come to the door.

At that time, what kind of formation will the Heavenly Poison slam violently, everyone in Northern Xinjiang, you… Hi or not?

Sixth-Rank God Emperor, Holy Ancestor of Monster Race?

If this person does not have the luck against the sky, he can’t help but command the dominance of the demons!

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