Chapter 853

The sacred mountain of all monsters, which is less than a thousand miles away, is a black stone mountain.

There is no grass in this mountain, its vitality is extinguished, and it is faintly covered with a gloomy life.

At the foot of the mountain, one can see layers of white bones piled up like a mountain, and the white color indicates that the age is quite old.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a middle-aged beautiful woman wearing a plain robe stood with her hands in her hands.

White as jade skin, exquisite features, and a slightly cold expression.

It can be seen that when this woman was young, she must have been a peerless beauty.

Even though there are some years of carving on her face now, it is still difficult to conceal her detached temperament.

“Do you feel it?”

Behind him, there was a cave made of rubbish rocks. At the entrance of the cave, a rickety figure covered in black robe walked slowly, standing beside the beautiful woman, looking at everything. The direction of the demon sacred mountain.

“It’s the breath of a poisonous centipede.”

The beautiful woman in plain clothes nodded lightly, her eyebrows seemed to be clustered with doubts.

It stands to reason that the three emperors of northern Xinjiang are in charge of the world, and it is impossible for such a fierce battle to erupt.

The poisonous centipede emperor’s methods are horrifying, but in front of the Qinglong Emperor, there is still not much room for resistance.

But why does he have to fight to the death?

Could it be that what happened inside the Yaozu?

“Before March, I watched the sky at night and saw the god star descending from the sky. I thought it was a good omen from the demon race, but I saw the star fall and shattered in mid-air, burning thousands of miles of northern Xinjiang.”

The figure in the black robe slowly raised his head, revealing an ugly face full of pimple.

In particular, his pair of brown vertical pupils are even more gloomy as snakes and scorpions, revealing an inexplicable evil.

“It seems that something big is going to happen in Northern Xinjiang.”

The beautiful woman in plain clothes nodded slowly, and she didn’t see much expression on her beautiful face.

Her name is Yuanjue, she is the second divine envoy of the Holy Sect, and she is also the truly top person in this world.

Nine-Rank God Emperor, coercive to the world.

“What do you think of that holy son?”

The beautiful woman suddenly turned her head and looked at the black-robed old man beside her, her eyes showing solemnity for the first time.

“I can’t see through, or that, with my strength, I can’t break the Dao machine in him.”

The black robe old man sighed lightly and shook his head slightly.

“With your Eighth Stage Emperor Realm, you can’t tell the origin of a teenager?”

Yuan Jue raised her eyebrows and suddenly chuckled, “Ghost clam, you have lived for a thousand years, and you are known as the number one wise man in Northern Xinjiang. There are actually people who can’t see through.”

“Hey, getting old, now the world is the world of young people. If I am not mistaken, the place where the monster star fell is on the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain. You have also seen what happened on the Sacred Mountain today. , I am afraid that next, there will be an endless battle between Yaozu and Shengjiao, Yuanjue, this time, what choice will you make?”

There was a bitter smile on the ghost clam’s face, but this smile was accompanied by his ugly face, which was really scary and terrifying.

“In the past few days, there have been rumors from the monster clan that the You King on Jiuyou Mountain is the Liaofeng clan, what do you think?”

“I haven’t noticed the bloodline fluctuations of Emperor Liao’s clan, this is not true.”

The ghost clam shook his head, holding a blood-colored spirit jade in a skinny palm, “Yuan Jue, what have you found in the past three hundred years?”

“No! But… now this god is quite mysterious and domineering, I suspect… he is not a member of the Ye Clan at all.”

Yuan Jue stared into the sky, and there was a touch of vicissitudes and loneliness in her beautiful eyes.

She was originally a well-known big demon in northern Xinjiang. When the Ye Clan descended and accepted her as an envoy of the holy religion, her original intention was to maintain the stability of the world.

But over the past three hundred years, too many changes have really happened.

So far, this second god envoy actually has a trace of confusion in his heart.

Is it really a good thing to be safe in this world?

“You and Liaodi, you were good friends, but now her whereabouts are missing and her blood is broken, Yuan Jue, you really don’t want to find out the truth about that year?”

The ghost clam’s expression suddenly became cold and cold. His talent was calculated and he was not fighting. Otherwise, he would have already set foot on the sacred religion in the past three hundred years, looking for the…

That’s right, everyone says that I am a greedy person.

Is the unparalleled immortal posture of Master Yi Liaofeng, how can I be a good match for the clam clan?

But, three hundred years later, those demon king and demon emperor who once followed Master Liaofeng, now who still remember… she was soaring for nine days?

“How about finding it out? Could it be that with the power of you and me, can this world of Saint State be covered?”

Yuanjue sighed and turned to look at the old man beside him.

Toad is a kind of infatuation, and it is really bad for the wrong payment.

In her time, Wu Yao did not laugh when talking about ghost clams, precisely because he showed his sincerity in public on the day when Liaofeng came to the throne.

It is conceivable that with the arrogance of that clan, how can one look at an ugly and humble toad?

Even Yuan Jue had opened his mouth and laughed.

However, who would have thought that his true feelings persisted for three hundred years.

Over the past three hundred years, the ghost clam has been deducing Heavenly Dao Qi machine all the time, looking for the whereabouts of Emperor Liao.

Even with his talent, Ben had the opportunity to step into the Ninth-Rank Emperor Realm and achieve the supreme demon name.

But he was willing to return this demon spirit to heaven, just to…find the bondage in his heart.

Yuanjue was moved by his perseverance, and the ghost clam became the only person in this world.

“Even if it can’t be resolved, I have to return the truth to the common people and give me a piece of peace of mind.”

The ghost clam took a deep breath, and suddenly there was a ray of demon awe-inspiring world around him.

“Yuan Jue, I ask you, if… I want to kill the saint child, will you stop it?”


Yuan Jue didn’t even hesitate, but there was a touch of pain in her eyes.

“I worship the holy religion, receive the favor of the god, and swear by the Dao heart, and will not rebel for the rest of my life, otherwise he will be condemned by the gods.”

“So, after all, you love yourself more than… the common people, that’s all, let’s see if we can get what we want.”

The ghost clam was silent for a long time before he smiled freely.

Not all oppositions are feuds of life and death.

Just like he and Yuanjue, who were originally close friends, were different in their minds, and they wanted different paths.

He is willing to fight against the gods for the love in his heart, but Yuan Jue, after all, can’t abandon the Taoism, and is willing to be a slave.

“As an old friend, I would advise you that the saint son may not be the true saint son, but if he dares to provoke the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain like this, he must be dependent on it. The chess piece in the hand.”

Yuan Jue took a deep look at the ghost clam, and the figure disappeared in place.

That’s right, she didn’t believe it from beginning to end, the one on Jiuyou Mountain was the true holy child.

In Yuan Jue’s eyes, everything he did was tantamount to digging his own grave.

But no matter what his purpose, Yuan Jue did not intend to be in it.

The destruction of the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain, or the slaughter of Jiuyou Mountain, has nothing to do with her.

What she wants is to live with the sky!

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