Chapter 851

“Huh! A mere sixth-grade god emperor, this emperor can be killed with a wave of his hand! But with a little blood, he tried to be my monster god?”

The Poison Centipede snorted coldly, and he didn’t put anyone in the entire Northern Xinjiang except Qinglong Emperor.

Even the Emperor Bai Xiang, who was at his level, would definitely not be his opponent if he was fighting for life and death.

Looking at the northern border, although there are many demon kings, there is only one Azure Dragon Emperor who can really threaten his life.

Since the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain wanted to shock the Ten Thousand Demon, the Qinglong Emperor would definitely not be able to attack him, otherwise it would be self-defeating.

“Really? Then I want to see, how do you kill me with one palm.”

Long Xuan snorted coldly, raised her foot and walked down the hall, trying to walk towards Poison Centipede Emperor.

Seeing this scene, Qinglongdi’s face suddenly sank, “Holy Ancestor, don’t…”

He didn’t doubt Long Xuan’s strength, but this poisonous centipede was extremely poisonous and terrifying, and even he was afraid of three points.

Although Long Xuan is pregnant with a keel, instead of doing it now, I’m afraid it will be more fortunate.

What’s more, it is so poisonous, there is no solution to the world, once it is contaminated, even the Qinglong Emperor will be unable to contain it at all!

“Are you questioning me?”

Long Xuan’s eyebrows clustered lightly and turned to look at the Qinglong Emperor.

The latter suddenly felt the mighty power, a trace of fear in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and retreated to the side, not daring to say more.

“Come on, let me see how terrifying your poison is.”

Long Xuan walked in front of Poison Centipede with a calm expression.

“act recklessly!!”

Hearing that, the Poison Centipede Emperor did not hesitate anymore. He took a palm print out of thin air, and saw the sky full of blue mist rising, and the horrified demon kings retreated several feet, and the whole body was lit up with bright demon splendor. Obviously, he was jealous of the Poison Emperor. Quite deep.

But at this time, they didn’t say much.

From the bottom of their hearts, although they were shocked by Long Xuan’s blood talent, it would take a lot of time for a sixth-rank god emperor to grow to the point where he could compete with the god master.

Otherwise, once the Yaozu really becomes an enemy of the holy religion, it will be an immortal conquest!

Therefore, they also want to see the strength of this monster saint ancestor with their own eyes.


The entire hall was instantly covered by poisonous mist, and the green and faint color was really a kind of depressive scalp numbness.

Only at this time, Long Xuan did not see a trace of panic on her face, but calmly stretched out her jade hand and collided with the poisonous palm of the Poison Centipede Emperor.

Jin Hui suddenly dazzled. On Long Xuan Yu’s hand, there seemed to be a golden dragon phantom bursting out of the sky, crushing the space and suppressing the world.


The whole hall collapsed and shattered in an instant.

There are endless spiritual powers rushing to all directions, the sky is gloomy, and the vegetation is dry.

Long Xuan’s figure also flew upside down, and fell onto the palace, with a cold flash in her eyes.

She lowered her head and looked at the jade hand that was eroded by the poisonous mist. In a short period of time, the entire arm was swallowed by the poisonous corrosion, leaving only a white bone.

Moreover, such corrosion still did not stop, and it spread quickly across her body.

“Holy Ancestor!!”

The Qinglong Emperor’s face changed drastically, but the Poison Centipede sneered, and said in a frantic tone, “That’s it? You want to take control of the northern border?”


Long Xuan shook her head and chuckled, her eyes suddenly flashing with dazzling gold.

I saw that above his body, there was a bright sun-like demon light that began to go up and down, and faintly, it seemed that there was an ancient and deep breath awakening from its deep sleep.

Between the heaven and the earth, the aura is falling, and the mountain breeze rises everywhere.

The aura of thousands of miles gathered, and it fell on Long Xuan’s body.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was stunned to see that there was flesh and blood on her arm that had been corroded into white bones by the poison.

In just a breath of time, the so-called insoluble poison has since dissipated, and Long Xuan’s injuries have been completely healed! !


Even with the disposition of the three big monster emperors, at this time, I felt a chill rising from the bottom of my heart.

What is longevity is immortality.

What is eternal, immortal!

Unexpectedly, this Sixth Stage Emperor Long Xuan Saint Ancestor is actually an immortal body?

What’s more, she was originally the five elements, controlling the world and the five elements.

Who can punish such a peerless evildoer?

Especially the Poison Centipede Emperor, at this time, he felt trembling, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Thinking of him throughout his life, he has conquered countless conquests, and although he has also defeated, it is absolutely impossible for the person who fought with him to retreat.

His combat power may be far inferior to the Azure Dragon and White Elephant, and even some 8-Rank Peak Demon Kings are enough to contend with him.

Because he has no blood, no background, and no innate and supernatural powers.

The road to the public, all souls are equal.

His poison is his trump card that stuns the world and traverses the world.

But today, his invincible poison is broken!

“I am in this realm, and I am immortal, whether it is a holy religion or a god, what can I do?”

Long Xuan’s calm voice resounded in the hearts of the demons. Then, she turned and walked to the top of the hall and sat on the golden chair again, “From today onwards, I am the emperor of the demons. Either you surrender, or… forever reincarnation, kill it.”


A flash of surprise flashed on the faces of the demons.

They dare not object to Long Xuan’s title of emperor.

But killing a demon emperor like this is too domineering?

Emperor, can’t be insulted?

This can no longer be described as domineering, this demon emperor is simply domineering! !

“What are you still hesitating?”

Long Xuan looked at the Qinglong Emperor with cold eyes, and finally a touch of decisiveness surged in the latter’s eyes.

“Green Jiao, are you going to kill me?!”

The poisonous centipede emperor’s canths were cracked, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

Only at the moment when his voice fell, another demon shadow of several feet had fallen from the sky, suppressing him, and it was Emperor Bai Xiang.

The two demon emperors weren’t harmonious at all, especially the poisonous centipede’s unreliable character, and they never put the white elephant in their eyes.

Even if the white elephant claimed the emperor a hundred years earlier than him, this poisonous centipede came from behind, always calling itself the second demon emperor of the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain.

This kind of contradiction is nothing.

However, it has always been the normal state of mind to fall into the pit.

If you can reach the top, who would be willing to subdue to others! !

Now that Long Xuan is the emperor, she must stun all monsters.

How to frighten?

Use your mouth?

Of course it is to kill the demon, kill the big demon, kill the big demon who makes ten thousand monsters surrender!

In this way, in the future, we only need to mention that when Long Xuan came to the throne, the demon emperor killed the poisonous centipede, dare to ask if there is any demon in Northern Xinjiang that does not follow, why does the demon not kneel?

Use it for hundreds of years to accumulate prestige, exchange for a new emperor’s ritual, and all demons will worship!


The remaining nine great demon kings looked at each other, and finally did not dare to hesitate anymore, stepped forward, and the demon outside his body was majestic, biting towards the poisonous centipede.

In order to show their loyalty, even a few demon kings directly revealed their bodies.

Therefore, no matter whether you are a man or a demon in this world, you should not be arrogant, otherwise, once someone seizes the opportunity, it may be…

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