Chapter 850 Three Demon Emperors

Hearing the sound, the faces of the Nine Great Demon Kings were stunned, and they looked at the Azure Dragon Emperor in the palace with a little surprise.

Then, everyone was stunned to see that the ruler of Northern Frontiers, the only Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor of the Monster Race, suddenly got up, stepped down from the throne, and bowed deeply to the shadow that came from the depths of the hall.

“Welcome to the holy ancestor!”

“Holy Ancestor?”

For a while, there was no sound in the hall, and the needle fell.

The nine great god emperors looked at each other, their eyes flashed with shock and fear.

How terrifying and ancient is a person who can be greeted by the Azure Dragon Emperor?

“Clang clang.”

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, until a graceful figure in golden robe walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of the demon kings, and there were shocks in the hall.

At this time, they were shocked, not because of the Saint Ancestor’s realm cultivation, but her enchanting and peerless perfect fairy face.

Even with the mindset of the Nine Demon Kings, when I saw Long Xuan at this moment, her eyes flashed with a touch of deep surprise.

Especially the temperament that flows from the latter, domineering and elegant, and every move is a trend of self-respect.

It’s just that, instead of irritating the demons, this kind of dominance has an inexplicable impulse to surrender.

“Holy Ancestor, why did you come out?”

The Qinglong Emperor’s eyes condensed slightly, but his heart was a little surprised.

Long Xuan had previously told her not to reveal her identity for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

But today she took the initiative to show up, is it because she has the confidence to fight against the gods?

Inexplicably, Qinglong Emperor felt a trace of excitement in his heart.

For these three hundred years, the monster race was kept here like a livestock by the holy religion, lingering.

You know, this world is respected by demons!

That kind of pride flowing in the bones, even after tens of thousands of years, will not be extinguished at all.

Originally, the Qinglong Emperor surrendered to the Holy Religion, but he was just coveting the possibility of breaking through the shackles.

But now with the birth of the saint ancestor, the covetousness in his heart has become desire.

The monster race is about to rise! !

“I have heard of what happened in Jiuyou Mountain.”

Long Xuan raised her foot and walked to the throne, sat on it, overlooking the demons.

“My demon race was originally the vener of heaven and earth, but now I am so humiliated by a human race youth, what is the explanation for this hatred?”

“Holy…Holy Ancestor!! Only by killing this son will I be able to solve the hatred in my heart!!”

The Golden Eagle Demon King gritted his teeth fiercely, and the young master of the Golden Eagle, Jin Yi, died tragically at Jiuyou Mountain. Even the two elders of his clan were also slaughtered.

For the golden eagle clan, it can be called a catastrophe.

You know, the stronger the bloodline of the monster race, the lower the probability of giving birth to an offspring.

However, after the demon god and demon emperor, most of them were accompanied by heaven, otherwise it would be difficult to be born.

When Jin Yi died, the golden eagles lost half their luck.

“Kill this child?”

Long Xuan’s eyebrows clustered lightly, her eyes seemed to have disdain, and then a magnificent trend suddenly squeezed away.

I saw a golden dragon shadow coming through the ages, standing up in the sky, enclosing Long Xuan’s figure.

The vast Shengwei crushed the world, and even the Qinglong Emperor felt a panic rising from the bottom of his heart.

Even compared with before, the dragon luck on the saint ancestor seemed even more terrifying.

However, her realm does not seem to have changed, what is going on?


The expressions of the demon kings changed drastically, and they knelt down one after another. Instead of a trace of terror in their eyes, there was a touch of reverence and excitement in their eyes.

True Dragon Shengwei! ! This is the true dragon Shengwei! !

When was the true dragon born in my northern border demon clan? !

“From today, my monster race no longer has to bow to anyone.”

Long Xuan’s tone was cold, and her beautiful face was unquestionably domineering.

Around him, there are thousands of rays of light rising into the sky, and endless visions alternately appear.

Among them, there seems to be a golden tiger bowing its head, a white elephant kneeling on its feet, and a condor descending from the sky, seeming to worship the true holy spirit of this monster race.

Just yesterday, Long Xuan finally perfectly integrated the power of the dragon’s bones into a spine and attached to the body.

With this keel, she can be said to be immortal in this world.

even! !

Long Xuan could clearly feel that in the middle frontier of the holy state, a dragon roar stunned Si Ye, as if calling her to go.

Can! !

What made Long Xuan a little puzzled was that she faintly felt that in this northern Xinjiang, there was a power of the same origin as her, as if it had been deliberately suppressed.

It’s just a breath that occasionally exudes, but it makes her feel kind.

“Holy Ancestor Tianwei!!”

The Qinglong Emperor raised his head and shouted, even in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain, two great demon woke up from their deep sleep, and stepped toward the hall of the top of the mountain. It was the other two demon emperors of the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain, Poison Centipede. Emperor and White Elephant Emperor.

The two emperors nowadays have been in retreat for a hundred years, ignoring mundane matters, and enlightening them.

It’s just that even in the past hundred years, they still haven’t really stepped into the Ninth-Rank Emperor Realm, only at the 8-Rank pinnacle level.

But the kind of demonic power deposited over the years is enough to make all demons panic and all sentient beings surrender.

“Big Brother! This is…”

Emperor Bai Xiang was dressed in a jade-white robe, was three feet tall, had fair skin, and even his voice was soft and charming.

At this time, his face was also a little shocked, especially the holy will exuding from Long Xuan’s body, which seemed to be of the same origin with heaven and earth, which made people dare not rebellious in the slightest.

Beside him, another old man in a green robe gave a gloomy look at the demons, and a pair of dark green eyes seemed impatient.

This demon is the poisonous centipede among the three emperors, both at the pinnacle of the eighth rank, but the demon’s fear of him is obviously stronger.

Rumor has it that this demon had made enmity with the ancient sect of the human race. With its own power, it poisoned five thousand disciples of the ancient sect and several god emperors and became famous in one battle.

His poison, the world can resist, never exceed ten fingers.

“This is my demon ancestor!”

The Qinglong Emperor looked solemn, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

He wasn’t worried that Emperor Bai Xiang would be rude, but that poisonous centipede had always been domineering, except that he never put anyone in his eyes.

Once he ran into the saint ancestor, with the dominance of the saint ancestor…

“My clan saint ancestor? When did my clan have such a beautiful saint ancestor? Brother, are you obsessed with ghosts, or are you confused?”

really! !

As the Qinglong Emperor’s voice fell, Poison Centipede suddenly snorted, his tone sarcastically authentic.

The demon way he believes in is based on strength, not blood.

Besides, he was originally cultivated by the poisonous insects of heaven and earth, and his blood was humble, or he had no blood at all.

Such a demon only recognizes killing, and even more despise the so-called bloodline suppression.

Once, his demon path was full of hardships and ridicule, but now he is called the demon emperor of Northern Frontiers, surrendering to a girl with a strong bloodline but far inferior to him?

joke! !

“Poison Centipede!!! You!!!”

The Qinglong Emperor’s complexion changed. He was originally a descendant of the dragon clan, with a ray of dragon veins in his body.

Although his strength is the best in Northern Xinjiang, the bloodline suppression Long Xuan has given him is even more terrifying.

It is an instinctive fear that cannot be broken.

Of course, the reason why the Qinglong Emperor is dedicated to assisting Long Xuan is not only for himself, but also hopes that the demon clan can re-establish the peak of the holy state and rule the world under her leadership!

“I heard that there is no solution to your poison?”

When the Qinglong Emperor looked embarrassed, a sneer suddenly appeared on Long Xuan’s face above the main hall.

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