Chapter 849

The entire northern Xinjiang was turbulent.

Among the countless ancient tribes, the demon qi is rushing into the sky, and the gods are mighty, and there are layers of demon clouds that almost encompass the northern border.

Even some long-lost Demon King and Great Demon walked out of the cave one after another, rushing towards the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain with an angry expression.

The holy son of the holy religion returned to the demon clan with the Fengfeng clan. On the Jiuyou Mountain, he slaughtered thousands of strong men of the demon clan and Tianjiao, and even the descendants of the Sifang royal clan died in the hands of this holy son.

This hatred is no longer a matter of a single clan, but is related to the entire northern border monster clan.

The sacred religion is arrogant, and everyone knows it.

It’s just that the demons really didn’t think that this holy child of the holy religion was so arrogant to this level.

Even, according to some rumors, this holy son actually threatened that the demon clan in the northern borders were just beasts raised by the holy religion.

Extremely arrogant! !

Of course, these words were all arranged by the shadow guards to spread them out, with the purpose of completely angering the monsters in the northern borders.

The best hunters often appear as prey.

Now in the eyes of the demon in Northern Xinjiang, Ling Xiao is undoubtedly the prey that will undoubtedly die.

And the current situation is beyond the control of a Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain.

It’s just that this matter involves the Holy Sect after all, and it’s said that there is a Ninth-Rank God Emperor who protects the way next to the Sage’s Son. Therefore, the masters of all the monster races gathered at the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain and asked the Qinglong Emperor to come forward and kill it. Son, give an explanation to all ethnic groups in northern Xinjiang.

But at this moment, among the major monster races, a figure in black fell from the sky and turned away.

In the absence of the Demon King, the strongest among the several great demon races is no more than the Seventh-Rank Emperor.

With the strength of Huahua and Ziyan, these monster elders and powerhouses hardly have much resistance.

What’s more, at this time no one could think that Ling Xiao would take the initiative to walk out of Jiuyou Mountain and descend on all races.

The sacred mountain of all monsters, the demon spirit rushes into the sky.

There were countless roars resounding from the top of the mountain, and only a large demon gathered in the hall, with an angry expression. If it were not for the fear of the god Tianwei, I am afraid that he would have already killed the Jiuyou Mountain and swallowed the arrogant son alive.

Above the hall, the Qinglong Emperor looked solemn, and he always felt something strange in his heart.

When the divine lord came, he did feel the coercion of the latter that far surpassed the divine emperor.

However, this kind of coercion is far less terrifying than the previous gods.

On the contrary, in the current divine lord, he actually noticed a touch of magic.

As the true master of Northern Xinjiang, almost every god Lord, Qinglong Emperor had visited.

Only this divine lord reveals weirdness everywhere.

However, only this divine lord came out with a temptation that he could not refuse at all.

One strand, true dragon holy spirit!

Although there are many powerhouses in Shengzhou now, when it comes to age experience, the first demon emperor in northern Xinjiang is even more terrifying.

He once heard that this place was originally a real dragon ancestor, and a nine-day real dragon was born.

This dragon is born through the luck of heaven and earth, and is the true innate god, who has the sole control of the order of heaven and order in this realm.

However, for some unknown reason, it was eventually slaughtered by people, with its soul and bones being extracted, and it was suppressed in the Holy Land.

Originally, the Qinglong Emperor didn’t believe this rumor until… the holy ancestor was born.

According to the ancestor of the demon tribe, it was the ancient immortals who slaughtered the dragon god at the beginning, and the purpose was to make the sacrifice of this world into a prison, use the dragon god’s aura to suppress the monsters, and change the secrets of heaven.

At the beginning, in order to seal the true dragon bones, the people of this fairy clan even selected five demon clan’s supreme arrogances, and used their flesh as a matchmaker to seal the dragon bones under the sacred mountain with the power of the five elements.

At the same time, with this bone, another thing is suppressed.

And the saint ancestor was one of the five demon tribe’s supreme arrogance that was sacrificed at the beginning.

Only in the end, the saint ancestor did not die, but merged the cultivation principles of the four peerless Tianjiao in the formation, and refined the sealed dragon bones, achieving the uniqueness as it is today.

To speak unceremoniously, the current Saint Ancestor is the existence that replaces the position of the Dragon God. As long as she can integrate the true Dragon Qi machine in the Sect, she will truly become a god.

Of course, the news about the True Dragon Qi Machine was only speculation by the Saint Ancestor and the Azure Dragon Emperor.

After all, the dragon spirit in the hands of the god master is indeed the breath of the dragon god.

Therefore, the Qinglong Emperor guessed that the true dragon’s luck in the mouth of the holy ancestor was in the holy religion!

However, judging from the responsibilities of the sacred religion, they did not dare to easily integrate the dragon fortune, because this thing is still the key to suppress this world.

And with the strength of the Dragon God, it may be difficult to refine it even in a small area. This is why the fairy clan dared to seal such divine objects here and sent a human clan to guard it.

You can watch, but you can’t take it away.


Even if the Nine Heavens Co-Masters of the Immortal Clan were not counted, after a thousand years, Saint Ancestor Long Xuan accidentally broke the seal of the formation and reappeared the world.

Although her realm has fallen to the level of God Emperor Sixth Rank in the millennia, as long as she is given time, judging by the true dragon sacred bones on her body, sooner or later, she will step on the top of the sky again and lead the monster race to become the master of the holy state. !

“Dragon Emperor! The Holy Church is arrogant. Just because a maidservant was wounded, the Holy Son ordered someone to kill my younger generations. This hatred, I will avenge it in Northern Xinjiang!”

“What maidservant was injured! That Youwang took the initiative to provoke the rules of Northern Xinjiang, I think it was premeditated! Shengjiao wanted to use this to deter Northern Xinjiang, cut my blood, and make my monster race never come out!”

“Yes! My monster clan has been lingering and panting these years, and has accumulated strength secretly. The Holy Cult must be scared, and I just came up with such a trick!”

The demon kings shouted in grief and anger, and their expressions were quite agitated.

But after hearing what the demons said, the Qinglong Emperor fell into a long silence.

The ancestor was born, but the Yaozu didn’t know it.

The safest way now is to wait for the holy ancestor to step into the noble state, and then seek the world.

According to the holy ancestor, the Dragon God was originally the incarnation of the will of the heavens in this world, and the so-called shackles of heaven and earth did not restrict her too much.

As long as she can find a way to get that dragon luck, she can achieve a new god position.

But now, the holy son suddenly arrived, slaughtering the monster clan, it seemed like a conspiracy no matter what.

Once he retaliates impulsively, it is inevitable that he won’t give the god master a reason to take action.

But if this breath is swallowed, I am afraid that in the future, the Emperor Qinglong will lose half of his prestige in northern Xinjiang!


Today, the ten great royal clans, except Qingqiu, are hidden from the world, and all the nine demon kings are here.

Among the nine people, three have reached the eighth-rank cultivation base, and the remaining six are in the seventh-rank realm.

With such a strength, the Saint State can be said to be invincible, but the Qinglong Emperor feels a headache when he thinks of the divine lord Tianwei.

Although the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain is a monster totem, it is also because of him, the Ninth Stage Emperor.

But right now, once losing the awe of these nine great demon kings, the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain could almost be regarded as…self-breaking arms.

Afterwards, if you want to use their power to plot the dragon luck that is suppressed in the sacred religion, it will be difficult.


The Qinglong Emperor sighed secretly, and fell into a dilemma for a while.

At this moment, in the depths of the main hall, a cold and domineering voice suddenly came, “Oh? Shengjiao Shengzi? Slaughter the monsters? Really knowing how to live and die.”

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