Chapter 843

“The breath of reincarnation.”

While Ling Xiao was secretly groaning, beside him, Liang Yi’s face suddenly flashed with surprise, and turned to look at Ling Xiao, “Lord, it’s the breath of reincarnation.”

“The breath of reincarnation? No wonder.”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, stepped forward, and walked straight towards Jiuyou and the others.

Under his feet, there are Dadao Qinglian manifested out of thin air, thousands of divine splendor evolving visions, such as the arrival of a real immortal, shocking people’s hearts.


Even Na Ao Qing and the others had a flash of shock and horror in their eyes at this time, and they felt a hint of chill rising from the bottom of their hearts inexplicably.

Immortal attitude and Taoist rhyme are powerful and natural.

What a peerless son!


“The son!!”

The faces of Jiuyou and Baizhixi suddenly bloomed brilliantly. Even Xiao Pian hurriedly wiped a handful of blood stains from the corners of their mouths and bowed to Ling Xiao with solemn expressions, “Master! Fortunately not insulting!”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and threw a universe bag to Xiao Peng casually, “Thank you.”

Although, he knew that he was born as a poor dog, he was mostly pretending to be at this time.

But, did I give him a pill for good luck because he shed blood and worked hard?

Of course not, I just like his humble and pleasing gesture.

“My son! I really want to kill you! Why did you come here! I have been waiting for you all day on Qinglan Mountain.”

Bai Zhixi pouted her small mouth, and Jiuyou also bowed deeply, her pretty face was excited, and there was mist rising in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zi Yan’s golden eyes flashed with surprise.

At this moment, she had a lot of doubts in her heart, why this young man was so cruel and ruthless, but the women around him showed great affection for him one by one?

Also, how could Miss Yi’s indifferent temperament tolerate these Yingyingyanyan beside him.

Of course, we are a spiritual pet, and I dare not say anything at this time. I can only watch that petite figure fly over and hung in Ling Xiao’s arms, making her majestic, the Ninth-Rank God Emperor almost overwhelming.了shape.

“My son, Zhixi… miss you so much.”

There was silence on the top of Jiuyou Mountain.

All the strong monsters and young masters of the demon race stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded. Apart from the shock, there was only… endless jealousy.

I… Gan!

What did i see? !

The dignified King, who dared to kill the elder and young master of the Golden Eagle Clan, bowed his head to the Human Clan youth, looking eagerly forward?

In addition, Baizhixi, the nine princesses of Qingqiu, the peerless evildoer whom the three monster emperors fancy, have actually embraced the human youth?

What is even more annoying is that there is no trace of joy on the young man’s face, he is always calm and indifferent?

I… Gan!

This is a master! This is a master! !

“Human race, who are you?”

Ao Qing looked solemn, even a little frightened.

With Youwang’s strength, although there is still a gap between the three major demon emperors, he has now become an emperor.

In just one year, he was born, killing the sixth-ranked god emperor, and was able to deal with the eighth-ranked emperor realm.

I have to say that this Youwang really has some tricks.

However, it was such a cold, arrogant and terrifying Demon King who bowed his head to a human youth.

It is hard to imagine what identity this young man is in front of him.

Looking at the holy state, although the human race is now the ruler of the holy state, when it comes to background talent, I am afraid that only the mysterious son of the holy religion has such power.

Apart from that, Ao Qing could not think of anyone who could have this kind of scenery in northern Xinjiang.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is that if you dare to hurt my maidservant, you will give me an explanation today.”

Ling Xiao patted Bai Zhixi’s fragrant shoulder lightly, signaled her to calm down, and then looked at Ao Qing calmly.

Jiao Terran?


Your ancestors were all killed by me. How dare a young master yell in front of me?

“Give you an explanation? This is Northern Xinjiang. My demon tribe saint ancestor named Bai Zhixi to bring back to the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain. Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy.”

Although Ao Qing spoke arrogantly at this time, he was already panicked in his heart.

Just now, this young man was able to smash the Lion Tu offensive with a single stab. Not to mention him with such a combat power, I am afraid that even the strong god emperor will not be able to bear his power.

“Kill without mercy?”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, his eyes calmed, “Then kill without mercy.”


Thousands of miles are empty, and suddenly there is a mighty demon.

I saw a number of figures stepping across the sky and appearing above the sky.

Especially for the first tall figure wearing armor, it is even more majestic.

He stood there, about to cover the blue sky, and the day was dark.

The light of the sky and the earth are all annihilated, leaving a ray of eternal hegemony.

That’s right, Xiong Huan had arrived from the sea in seven days.

The blood shark clan is originally the sea royal clan, second only to the existence of the Jiao Ren clan.

With the assistance of Gu Xun and Xiong Huan, in only seven days, this royal family swept the sea and achieved supreme accomplishment!


Ao Qing’s face changed, and she felt a panic of fear instinctively.

In front of him, the lion’s golden eyes shone and shocked. He raised his head to look at Xiong Huan, and the sea of ​​blood and magic behind him, only feeling a coolness rising from the soles of his feet.


But at this time, Xiong Huan didn’t say a word of nonsense, stepped out and stamped a punch.

The void collapsed, although this punch seemed to be an understatement, but the hegemony contained in it made the heavens and the earth eclipsed, and the universe was reversed.

The lion’s expression changed drastically, gritted his teeth fiercely, and the whole body was also blooming with demon glory, turning into a golden lion shadow out of thin air, the size of a hundred meters, roaring and rushing towards the fist mark.

At this moment, Xiong Huan’s figure appeared extremely small in front of the demon shadow, but there was no wave of waves on his face.

I saw that under his fist mark, there were ten thousand magical intents intertwined and entwined, like a millstone of exterminating the world, killing time without any existence.


The moment the two touched, the entire Jiuyou Mountain suddenly caused endless ripples.

only! !

The golden lion, which was fierce and mighty in the eyes of the demons, couldn’t even hold up a breath of time, and when the fist stamp fell, it shattered.

But Xiong Huan’s figure never stopped for a moment, stepped through Cang Ming, fell from the sky, and smashed down on Lion Tu.


At the time of life and death, the Eighth Stage God Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain directly manifested his body and screamed from the sky.

Around his body, Yaohui burned his eyes, like a round of sun, exuding terrifying golden light.


Even so, at the moment when Xiong Huan’s fist stamp landed on his head, Shi Tu’s eyes still had a touch of despair.

Ten thousand magic lights rushed into the sky, killing the world.

It was like a curtain of rain and blood falling from the sky, and then everyone trembled at the sight of…the lion tu’s demon body exploded into blood mist out of thin air, floating, and disappearing without a trace.


The world is silent, only the sound of swallowing saliva resounds on the top of the mountain.

What did i see?

An 8-Rank god emperor, just like that, was killed by a punch? !

Ao Qing’s body trembled violently, and his whole body was icy.

Even the god emperors of Ten Thousand Demons Mountain stood in the void, at a loss.

It’s just that in everyone’s eyes looking at Ling Xiao, in addition to curiosity and doubt, there is more fear.

“Di, the Son of Destiny is unstable. Congratulations to the host for plundering luck for 500 points, and the villain for 5000 points.”

Hearing the prompt sound coming from her ears, Ling Xiao’s face was not half happy, but rather slightly disappointed.

At this time, he found that although there were many Tianjiao in Northern Xinjiang, there were not many who carried luck.

How is this going?

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