Chapter 842

In the northern frontier, thousands of miles are empty.

Between the world and the earth, there is a sudden devilish energy, and the lines of the Taoist are floating and sinking.

The blue sky turned dark, and the sun sank, only to see a Nine Dragon Golden Necklace, exuding endless celestial glory, under the cover of that magic cloud, headed toward Jiuyou Mountain at a high speed.

“My son… why are we waiting here for seven days?”

In Ling Xiao’s arms, there was an incomprehensible color in Zi Yan’s golden eyes.

At the speed of everyone, he had arrived here as early as seven days ago, but Ling Xiao didn’t show up in a hurry, but stood upright in the sky, drinking and enjoying the sun.

Of course, in these seven days, the double shadow has sent back countless information.

Ling Xiao had a general understanding of the situation in northern Xinjiang.

It is true that Ling Xiao did not rush to the northern Xinjiang at the beginning, precisely because this territory is the most dangerous place in Sijiang.

The monster race is already powerful, if it weren’t for the shackles of heaven, it would not be suppressed by the holy religion.

But even so, there are still countless great monsters entrenched in northern Xinjiang.

Especially the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons, it is the real master of this territory. It is said that the green dragon has been repaired with dragon scales, and the combat power can be imagined.

To remove the second divine envoy, Ling Xiao’s first thing to do is not to find his trace, but to completely disrupt the situation in northern Xinjiang.

Needless to say, the land of Western Xinjiang has been conquered by hundreds of dynasties for years.

Even in the eastern and southern Xinjiang, there are still demons in chaos, and they are enemies of the human race.

Only in northern Xinjiang, the three monster emperors shocked the world, and no one dared to chaos.

But the situation is too stable, how to fish in troubled waters?

Besides, even though Ling Xiao didn’t know what kind of agreement the Divine Lord and Qinglong Emperor had reached, it was nothing more than a talk of interest.

Because of this, Yaozu and Shengjiao cannot be the same enemy.

And he, with only a few tricks, can completely anger this territory that has been suppressed by the Humans for hundreds of years.

The demon is bloodthirsty and cannibalistic.

Once the human race slaughtered creatures in northern Xinjiang, do you guess the demon emperors would sit idly by?

As for how to draw the second envoy into the game?

Ha ha, don’t forget, Ling Xiao has another identity, Shengjiao Shengzi.

At that time, the two sides conquered, no matter who died or was injured in the end, they had nothing to do with Ling Xiao.

Everything is under control.

Only the vision of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain in the mouth of Duan Ying gave Ling Xiao a bit of interest.

Not a treasure, but a destiny.


“You just have to follow me obediently, don’t interfere with other things, understand?”

Ling Xiao lowered his head and glanced at Zi Yan with a clear gaze, which immediately made the latter tremble, nestled in Ling Xiao’s arms, and let out a grieved “meow” sound.

In the land of northern Xinjiang, suddenly there are dark clouds and ups and downs, and there are murderous opportunities everywhere.

But Ling Xiao and the others finally stopped hesitating and went straight to Jiuyou Mountain.

At the same time, on the top of the Jiuyou Mountain, there was a thousand zhang demon splendor blooming, and the roads collided.

The blue sky is shattered, and the sun is dull.

Only a terrifying demon shadow stood up in the sky, shocking Cang Ming.

“Youwang! If you don’t understand, don’t blame the old man for being ruthless!”

Above the void, a golden lion shadow raised to the sky and roared, and a pair of golden eyes were pouring out like gold, exuding bloodthirsty and ruthlessness.

Immediately, I saw him blast out with a punch, instantly piercing through the void of thousands of miles, and falling towards Jiu You’s head.

This punch seemed unremarkable, but it contained Wan Jun’s blood.

The entire Jiuyou Mountain suddenly burst into pieces.

Even Jiuyou’s eyes revealed a touch of despair.

She took a deep breath, and a purple-black flame began to rise on the soles of her feet, lingering, and in a short moment, she turned into a pillar of flame to reach the fist mark.


The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and thousands of monsters roared on Jiuyou Mountain, turning around to flee here.

But, at this moment, a series of patterns suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, linking them into a net, imperceptibly enclosing the entire mountain.

But at this time, under the offensive of an eighth rank god emperor, Jiuyou’s beautiful body trembled suddenly, and even the flames outside his body shattered in one breath.

Then, she raised her head and looked towards the sky, looking at the terrifying shadow of the fist that fell like a big star, her eyes were calm, and the corners of her mouth even raised a smile.

If the son wanted her to die, then she must have a reason to die.

But, I haven’t seen him in the past two years, Young Master, Jiuyou really wants to take a look at you before he is dying.


Between heaven and earth, the piercing sound of a knife suddenly resounded.

The eyes of all the demons who had escaped suddenly showed extreme fear.

At this moment they seemed to see that Wanli Void suddenly split into two neatly.

Only a ray of black light, tearing the curtain of clouds, like a nine-day great abyss descending on the world.


In just an instant, the black light fell down, flashing away from the golden light.

But the lion tu’s bloody punch suddenly collapsed and opened, turning into the sky and disappearing without a trace.

The heaven and the earth are quiet, and everything is gone.

Everyone looked at the fleeting black light dumbfounded, and swallowed fiercely.

Above the void, Lion Tuyi looked at the shattered Jinhui blood under him with a shocking expression, and said nothing for a long time.

At a certain moment, he seemed to feel something, suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky.

I saw there, a statue of Nine Dragons Golden Necklace came out of the sky, standing in the sky of clouds.

On top of the golden scorpion, a young man dressed in black, with a fairy face and peerless face, was holding a snow-white civet in his arms, looking calmly at the demons.

It was a young man with a fairy charm, gentle and elegant, like a god of jade.

He sat there, and although there was not a trace of aura, the world seemed to surrender under his feet.

“So courageous, you dare to hurt even my maidservant.”

Ling Xiao lowered his eyes and looked at the shocked Lion Tu.

Eight-Rank God Emperor, the strongest here.

It’s just that now, an eighth rank god emperor has long been ignored by him.

Whether it was Xiong Huan or Zi Yan, they were easy enough to kill them.


The young man behind the golden lion made Ling Xiao smile.

God king seven products, four thousand luck.

There is neither a spiritual body nor a way, just the whole body, surrounded by an extremely mysterious aura.


In Ling Xiao’s arms, Zi Yan suddenly let out a cry of exclamation, but she glanced at the young man in a moment with a little fear, and hurriedly shut her mouth and dared not make any more movements.

She knew that Ling Xiao didn’t ask her to show off her strength, so she would definitely stay at the last moment and use it as a trump card.

Once she disrupted Ling Xiao’s plan, the latter’s temperament still didn’t know how to deal with her.

Hmph, what can I do, I have been planted with a soul mark by him, and it is not how he wants to clean me up!


“Human Race?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and the light in his eyes became more and more interesting.

Unexpectedly, I met so soon.

However, judging from the young man’s age, he was obviously not much older than Xuan Xuan and the others.

But his realm is really a bit… horrible.

Of course, this kind of horror is only for the ordinary young Tianjiao, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, he is still an ant that can be pinched to death with his hands.

I just don’t know, what kind of secret is hidden in this ant?

Interesting, the man of destiny has a miserable life experience. Although the young master of the Jiao Ren was born noble, but…

I went out and went through a training session. When I looked back, the clan was gone, and all the families were slaughtered. Are you miserable?


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