Chapter 844

Judging from the number of destiny that Ling Xiao has seen before, there will be at least a few people who are in luck in one area.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know why there were so many destiny in this holy state land, it was obvious that there were amazing secrets hidden in it.

But at the moment, all on this Jiuyou Mountain are the young masters of the great clan, the royal princes, but the one who really has luck is only one Jiao Ren from southern Xinjiang?

Is this reasonable?

Just after another thought, Ling Xiao thought of a possibility.

The land of northern Xinjiang, ten thousand demons surrendered, can be said to be a stable situation.

Once a destiny is born, it is what everyone hopes to return, and it is very likely that the atmosphere will be handed over and the start will be invincible.

Holy ancestor?

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and then remembered the information sent back by Duan Ying.

It is said that a few months ago, the Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain suddenly had a ray of sunshine, and Xianhui was ups and downs.

And the name of this holy ancestor has never been spread in northern Xinjiang.

Could it be that the destiny came to the world?

At this point, Ling Xiao silently put away the Qi Luck Plundering Talisman, and turned to look at the demons on the top of the mountain.

Since he wanted to provoke a war between Shengjiao and the three major monster emperors, he had to create irreconcilable contradictions for the two parties.


With Ling Xiao’s mind, it is easy to guess that when the Qinglong Emperor surrendered to the holy religion, there was definitely something tricky.

However, the Qinglong Emperor is the Qinglong Emperor. Although he is in charge of Northern Xinjiang, he can hardly represent the will of the ten thousand people.

“Who are you? You… You killed me Elder Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, you…”

Originally, Ao Qing wanted to say a few threatening words to deter Ling Xiao.

But when the words came to his lips, he felt pale and weak again.

This young servant girl killed the young master of the Golden Eagle clan, and he ordered the lion to be killed. It didn’t seem like a master who could be shocked by a few words.

No matter how much you finish at this time, the end will only be worse.

“Ten Thousand Demon Mountain? The whole demon clan is a beast raised by my holy religion. I kill anyone I want to kill. What about Ten Thousand Demon Mountain?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckles, raising his head to look at Ao Qing who was standing in the void.

“Sacred Church?!”

Suddenly, a trace of suspicion appeared on the faces of all the demons at the same time.


Looking at the holy state, apart from the saints who dare to be so unscrupulous, who else dares to ignore the majesty of the demon emperor?

and many more?

Holy religion? !

Flame Phoenix Clan? !

Suddenly, the demon seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at King You.

That black flame, so demon-powered! !

In the Northern Territory, apart from the Liaofeng clan who once had the same fame as the Qinglong Emperor, who has such power! !

No wonder this woman can become the demon king in just one year.

It turns out that she is the long-lost family of Liaofeng! !

It turned out that the one standing behind her turned out to be the Communist Lord of the Holy State, the Holy Church!

In an instant, Ling Xiao’s identity was clearly revealed.

Depending on his age, most of them are the sacred son of the sacred church who has never been born but is famous!

“Sacred Church…”

Ao Qing’s eyes widened, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

The saint ancestor is very strong, talented against the sky, unique in heaven and earth.

But her realm is still in the realm of the god emperor, and it is unclear whether she will break the shackles and lead the monster race back to the top.

But now the Shengjiao represents the heaven and earth Shengwei, enshrined by all ethnic groups.

Especially the Holy Cult God Lord, is the only respectable realm in this world, and he really doesn’t need to worry about anyone who he wants to kill.

But, Shengjiao Shengzi, you are a bit too domineering!

“It turns out that it’s a person of the sacred religion…no matter, I’m just waiting to come here, since I’m a son and a handmaid, I’m waiting abruptly!”

In the end, Ao Qing gritted his teeth and bowed to Ling Xiao.

According to Ao Qing’s thoughts, the saint son of the sacred religion is indeed a lofty position, but after all, this is the land of the northern border, and his powerful killing of the lion and slaughter is just to deter the monsters and maintain the majesty of the sacred religion.

But if he acts too much, he will also cause many disasters.

In this way, give him a step, he should also go down and eliminate this unnecessary contradiction.

“I said I let you go? I hurt my maidservant and deceived me. If I let you go, wouldn’t it be shameful?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, her eyes deep.

Upon hearing this, Jiu You and Bai Zhixi’s faces flashed with excitement.

Especially for the latter, a small face is flushed.


It’s a very familiar name.

The son must be sincere to me!

Otherwise, why should he be an enemy of Ten Thousand Demon Mountain and punish Lion Tu and others?

Although Bai Zhixi also had some doubts in his heart at this time, when did the son become a member of the sacred religion.

But what does it matter?

I love the son, but not the identity of the son.

Don’t say that he is a member of the holy religion, what about the reincarnation of a demon?

“Dip! The Lady of Destiny completely surrendered. Congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 luck points and the villain 10,000 points.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for the extra reward: 2% of the casting value of the destiny.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for getting an extra reward: one piece of the eighth-grade god spirit pill.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for the extra reward: one for the dead puppet.”


Hearing a series of system prompts in his mind, Ling Xiao’s eyes trembled, turning his head and looking at Bai Zhixi.

Sure enough, this year’s waiting for lovesickness has already made the little princess of the Nine-tailed tribe feel excited.

Now, he only needs to show a trace of love to completely sink her.

“What do you mean by this son?”

Ao Qing looked stunned for a moment, and his eyes were clearly filled with a hint of surprise.

No, you are also punishable, forced to pretend, still not satisfied?

Is it possible that you really intend to provoke a war between Shengjiao and the monsters in Northern Xinjiang?

You must know that although the Divine Lord is the realm of respect, there are many strong people in the northern frontier.

At that time, if the remaining Sanjiang take the opportunity to make chaos, Shengjiao will fall into a real eradication.

This is the reason why the divine lord came back, but he never used force to frighten northern Xinjiang.

“Kill them all, otherwise, how will my sacred sect deter Sijiang in the future?”

Ling Xiao glanced at Ao Qing deeply, and walked towards the hall behind him with Zi Yan in his arms.

“Oh, that Ao Qing caught alive, and then put a few insignificant waste away.”

It’s just that when his figure was about to step into the hall, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to face the crowd.


Xiong Huan and Liang Yi bowed and bowed, but Jiuyou, Baizhixi, and Huahua followed Ling Xiao into the hall.

The remaining few Jiuyou Mountain God Emperors looked at each other, for a moment they didn’t know what to do.

Are all killed?

Those who came to his Jiuyou Mountain today were all the well-known Tianjiao evildoers in Northern Xinjiang, as well as the elders of various races.

Once they all die on Jiuyou Mountain, Jiuyou Mountain will become a real target of public criticism in the future!


Suddenly there is a feeling of wanting to defect?

But now that he betrayed, wouldn’t he also be punishable?

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