Chapter 831

“Quickly! Go and report to the Shark Lord, the Sea Emperor is coming!!”

In front of the Blood Shark Palace, several blood shark tribesmen crawled and ran towards the distance.

After a while, only a figure flew out from the hall, and in a blink of an eye it came to Ling Xiao and the two of them.

only! !

Looking at the respectful Purple Emperor standing behind Ling Xiao, the blood shark clan leader suddenly swallowed.

Me… Gan?

What does Zihuang’s attitude mean?

He… I’m a little bit at a loss.

Do you think I should worship the Purple Emperor first, or the young man?


“You are the master of the blood shark clan?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was gentle and his tone indifferent, instantly calming the anxiety in the blood shark clan master’s heart.

“You can call me a little shark.”

The blood shark clan master bowed his body, with an extremely humble attitude, “I don’t know what happened to the son and the sea emperor when he came?”

“Come to give you a good luck.”

At the same time, in the depths of the sea, on the ancient island of the End of the World, there were countless powerful people who swept out of the void and headed towards the south.

Gu Xuan, dressed in black, stands on the top of Wangui Mountain, overlooking the sky.

Earlier this morning, he received a letter from Ling Xiao, ordering him to reorganize the demon way in the southern border, unify the ministries, and dominate the border with the blood shark clan leader.

Although Gu Xuan didn’t know what Ling Xiao’s move meant, especially the first divine envoy was rumored to be still in the sea, but…we dare not ask.

“What! The son means… to tell me to dominate the sea?!”

In the blood palace, the blood shark clan leader looked for a moment, and he knelt directly on the ground, “My son! How can the little shark, how can he be the overlord of the sea!!”

“I said you can, you can, Xiong Huan, Chen Qingshan.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and saw three figures burst out of the sky under the hall.

Especially the tall demon shadow shrouded in the armor, it made the blood shark clan master’s heart throb.

Big devil! !

Although there was no vitality fluctuation in Xiong Huan’s body at this time, the magical intent that hovered around the world unconsciously gave birth to a desire to surrender.

“You help the blood shark clan master to dominate the sea. Those who follow will live and those who rebel will kill. I will ask Gu Xun to do it with you.”

Ling Xiao glanced at the Dream Demon next to Chen Qingshan intently, only to see that the two of them clasped their fingers together and depended on each other closely. They looked extremely intimate.

“Yes! Lord.”

The three bowed down and bowed down, but Ling Xiao turned his gaze on the blood shark clan master, “open the spirit.”

“Yes… Lord.”

Although the blood shark clan master had some resistance in his heart, he did not dare to have the slightest heart of rebellion at this time.

Didn’t you see that the Zihuang Emperor has all surrendered, resisting?

I am afraid that the blood sharks will be wiped out as soon as they show their intentions! !


As a ray of soul consciousness entered the sea, the main body of the blood shark clan trembled, and then returned to calm.

Ling Xiao stepped out of the hall.

“After doing this, come to Northern Xinjiang to find me.”


The four of them watched Ling Xiao disappear before they got up and looked at each other, “Shark Clan Lord, which clan shall we start with?”

“Just… let’s follow the Emperor Whale Clan first.”

The Emperor Whale and Blood Shark races were dead enemies in the sea. If Zi Yan hadn’t deterred all the races, the war between the two races would never cease.

But now, his blood shark clan ushered in the opportunity to become an emperor, and there is another nine-tier god emperor to help. !

“Lord! Why did you leave Xiong Huan in the sea? Wouldn’t it be more convenient for me to do this?”

Over the sea, Ling Xiao stepped out slowly, heading in the direction of true north.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a statue of Nine Dragons Golden Necklace suddenly appeared.

Ling Xiao embraced Zi Yan, sitting on top of Jin Nian, walking from the cloud.

“You are indeed more suitable for suppressing the Hai Clan, but Xiong Huan is more meaningful to stay here.”

Now that Xiong Huan has merged with the soul-thirsty ghost orb, even though he has saved his life for the time being.

But if you want that strand of soul consciousness to be immortal, you must continuously devour the soul.

Therefore, Ling Xiao leaving him in the sea to clean up the battlefield is also a practice.


Zi Yan nestled in Ling Xiao’s arms and didn’t say much.

With Ling Xiao’s scheming, she really didn’t need her to make suggestions.

Three days, in the blink of an eye.

Northern Xinjiang, border area.

At this time, the three of Xiao Peng stood under a high mountain, looking up at the top of the mountain.

There are thousands of mountains in the mountains, ancient forests are prosperous, and the mists cover them.

There were bursts of demon qi diffused from the mountain, evolving into a vision, and thousands of celestial clouds rushed into the sky, reflecting the sky into a crimson.

In the faint, there is a terrifying heat, suppressing the world and deterring all souls.

“It should be here.”

A smile flickered on Die Ying Qiao’s face. She had never heard of the name of Jiuyou for a long time.

It’s just that now in this northern border land, there is a demon king who turned out to be a demon king.

The demons called him Youwang, a mysterious and cruel beauty.

“What are you waiting for, let’s go.”

When Xiao Peng stepped forward, he wanted to walk towards the top of the mountain.

At this moment, I saw that at the foot of the mountain, suddenly there were several horror demons swept across.

Immediately afterwards, ten powerful monsters of different appearances descended from the sky, blocking the footsteps of Xiao Pian and three of them.

“Who came, why did you break into my Jiuyou Mountain!”

“Jiuyou Mountain?”

Xiao Peng and the three looked at each other, and it seemed that they could not be wrong.

“We are here to visit King You specially by the order of the son.”

Xiao Peng opened his mouth and told his intentions.

Just kidding, I like to pretend.

But this Jiuyou, at first heard, is the person next to the son, and most of them are still women.

What can I do, of course it is flattering!

“The son? What son? Human race, I advise you, if you leave now, you can live, otherwise…”

“What nonsense with him!”

The fancy face was cold, and his footsteps suddenly stepped out, a wisp of mighty dragon all over his body, instantly moving towards the suppression of the ten monsters.

Although her cultivation base is only in the realm of the god king, the suppression of bloodline is far more terrifying than the realm.

Especially these miscellaneous mountains and wild monsters, there is no blood to speak of, now I first saw Longwei, or the true dragon Shengwei, the fear in my heart can be imagined.


In a short breath, nine of the ten monsters vomited blood and knelt on the ground, shivering.

There was only one divine emperor fierce demon with fear in his eyes.

“Hey? Ms. Huahua, what you do…it’s not appropriate.”

Xiao Peng’s expression trembled, and Ling Xiao wouldn’t blame him for the murder.

But three people go together, once the Lord blames…

It seems that it must be me.

“What’s wrong?”

Huahuamei looked at Xiao Pian coldly.


Wasn’t it the tool man who was reshaped by the master and sent to the northern borders to expand the territory?

What qualifications does the demon soul of the lower realm have to compare with my noble true dragon bloodline?

Even though! !

In the eyes of the Lord, we are all tool people, and I am also a noble tool person than her!

So, what’s so low?


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