Chapter 832

“Uh…I think we are both slaves of the princes, so we should unite and love each other and help each other…”


Before Xiao Peng could finish her words, Huahua had already ranted angrily, raising her foot towards the top of the mountain.

Who is the slave of the son?

I’m the son’s maid!


Xiao Peng’s face trembled lightly, obediently stepped aside.

“Dare to break into my Jiuyou Mountain! You are so bold!!”

only! !

Just as the three of them stepped forward, a coquettish sound suddenly came from above the void.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Peng and others felt a trace of extremely mysterious Taoist charm walking around.

And a petite and exquisite figure suddenly burst out of the sky, with a short dagger in his hand piercing the flower’s heart.

A ray of demon power?

so what?

In the entire northern Xinjiang, who would dare not give me a bit of thin noodles from Baizhixi?

“court death!”

The fancy face trembled, and the demon’s might tumbling outside his body, faintly transformed into an abyssal mouth, swallowing all the mysterious ways.


Baizhixi’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already a hundred meters away.

Beside him, three god emperors and great demons appeared, and one of them was the one who had just escaped.

“Lord Bai, just now I was patrolling the mountain according to your instructions. I didn’t expect to be hurt by this woman’s wisp of dragon power!”

“Huh! What a courage!”

Bai Zhixi pinched his waist with both hands, staring at Huahua and the others with a look of expression on his face.

“Little girl, who are you?”

Xiao Peng took a step forward, and before Huahua opened his mouth, he stood in front of the two of them.

Pretend to force this, leave it to me, Ms. Huahua, just watch it!

Although, the little girl in front of her has weird means, and it seems to be able to confine space and shuttle through it.

But her strength is really lower.

A god, dare to be presumptuous in front of Daddy Xiao, don’t pretend to be forced at this time, when will he wait?

“You fat man, you look so wretched! What is your purpose when you wait to break into my Jiuyou Mountain? Huhuhuhu.”

Bai Zhixi pouted her mouth, only glanced at Xiao Peng, and then turned her gaze on Huahua.

This woman is pretty good-looking, huh, she’s also pretty good-bodied.

What’s the big deal, Jiuyou said, in another ten years, I will be in shape!

“Fatty? Wretched?”

Xiao Peng’s face was taken aback, and then he was a little embarrassed.

What he hates most is that others call him fat! !


You wow you a hammer!

“Little girl, are you Jiuyou?”

Xiao Pengqiang held back the anger in his heart and asked coldly.


Bai Zhixi shook his head, his face gradually cold, “Let’s talk! What’s the matter with you looking for Jiuyou?”

Now that Jiuyou Mountain is growing, there are seven people in the Demon Emperor alone.

Although they mostly came for Jiuyou’s beauty, they also caused an undercurrent in Northern Xinjiang, which had been calm for hundreds of years.

Especially the original ten great royal clans, they even regarded Jiuyou Mountain as a thorn in their eyes, and a thorn in their flesh.

These people, I’m afraid that they didn’t come to his Jiuyou Mountain to make trouble?

“Isn’t Jiuyou? Then you are here to give me a hammer! Little girl, today I will discipline you for your parents.”

Hearing that it was not Jiuyou, Xiao Peng immediately let go of his heart, stepped forward, holding the long knife in his hand horizontally, and rushed directly towards the Baizhi River.

It is impossible to kill.

After all, it is Miss Jiuyou’s person.

But it is necessary to teach her some lessons, so that she knows what rules are!


Infinite Daoguang bloomed from the void, Xiao Peng slashed out, and the void burst into a crack of hundreds of meters.

Thousands of spirits converge into a front, piercing through the cloud dome, crushing the world.

Bai Zhixi’s small face changed, and suddenly there was an afterimage flashing in front of her eyes, and the fat man who was a hundred meters away appeared in front of her in an instant.

“Do you dare to hurt me, my brother Ling Xiao will not let you go!”

When helpless, Bai Zhixi moved out of Ling Xiao’s name as usual.

When I heard that Brother Ling Xiao, the brutality on Xiao Peng’s face almost instantly solidified.

Immediately, the spirit light outside his body was exhausted, the road collapsed, and Bai Zhixi slammed a dagger in a hurry, and collided with Xiao Peng’s long sword.


Then, a shocking scene appeared! !

I saw Xiao Piantang, the god emperor, and his figure flew upside down at the moment of the collision, and fell to the ground. There was blood in his mouth and nose.


Not only Baizhixi was stunned, but Huahua and the double shadow were also stunned at the same time.

Is it possible that this little girl has hidden her cultivation base?

“I… When did I say so powerfully?”

Bai Zhixi lowered her head blankly, looking at the divine dagger in her hand, she was a little unresponsive for a while.

only! !

At this moment, Xiao Peng had already risen from the ground and shouted at Bai Zhixi, “So strong! You are so strong! Huhuhuhuhu.”

“Whirring whirring?”

Huahua and the double shadow looked at each other, the confusion in their eyes disappeared.

I am not a human being, but Xiao Peng is a real dog!

Oh ~ push!

“Huh! I told you earlier, I’m very good, don’t you know now? Huhuhuhu.”

Although Bai Zhixi didn’t know what had happened just now, but at this time, he heard the praise from the enemy and almost turned the nine tails into the sky.

But… this dead fat man is really wretched, he actually learns to speak from others!


“You just called Master Ling Xiao…brother?”

Huahua raised her head and looked at the Baizhi River calmly.

Among these people, she has followed Ling Xiao for the longest time, but she has never heard of the son also has a younger sister?

However, even if it is a goddess, it is not something Huahua and others can provoke.

“Huh! Why, do you know my brother? To tell you the truth, the king you are going to meet is just a handmaid of my brother, and I am my brother’s younger sister! Humph!”

Bai Zhixi hugged her arms and raised her head, with an expression of authenticity on her face.

“I am waiting to come by the order of the son! I don’t know where the King You is now?”

Double Shadow smiled lightly and opened his mouth.

“What! Are you brother’s people?”

The pride on Bai Zhixi’s face did not last long, and a touch of excitement flashed in her pink eyes.

“Where’s your brother? Is your brother here?”

“The son should be here soon.”

Duan Ying shook his head, but Bai Zhixi’s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

After just a breath, it emerged from the void again, “Which direction will brother come from?”

“Uh, the Lord should come from the direction of due south.”

Xiao Peng looked humble, without a trace of arrogance on his face.


Just a moment ago, it seemed that he was the closest to death.

It’s not that Baizhixi’s methods are terrifying, it’s really…the Lord is too terrifying.

“You guys, take them to see Jiuyou!”

When the words were over, Bai Zhixi finally stopped hesitating, and swiftly swept toward the south direction.

elder brother! You finally came!

Zhixi wants to die of you!


The remaining few Jiuyou Mountain God Emperors looked at each other. Great King Bai, they just mentioned a name, so you let them go up the mountain?

Isn’t it true that as long as someone comes, saying that it is a friend of Young Master Ling Xiao, I will be hospitalized in Jiuyou Mountain?

“Everyone, please follow me.”

But in the end, the three great god emperors didn’t dare to disobey, turned around and led the three of Huahua toward the top of the mountain.

The Youwang method is terrifying, and the mountain rules are strict, which shocks all the monsters.

But when it comes to Jiuyou Mountain’s most frightening demon, it is the White King.

There is no him, just because this girl has a changeable personality and is extremely overbearing.

If anyone provokes her, he will not die, but the torture will be endless and numerous!

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