Chapter 830

“God retreats? Then have you ever met a girl in Tsing Yi?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly and turned to look at Meng Yuan.

There was no surprise on his face at this moment, Mengyuan’s state of mind, just like hers, was completely broken.

The light she was looking for in the first place does not seem to be so pure now.

With the template of Meng Yuan Wei Guangzheng, she must be confused and perplexed now, but there is one thing that can’t be wrong, her faith collapsed.

When a person finds that what she believes in her fate is fake, she will either die or she will be completely crazy.

Mengyuan is not dead, indicating that she still has obsessions in her heart.

Perhaps, what she really wanted to do at this time was not to figure out her own life experience, but to ask her dear master why.


Meng Yuan’s tone was extremely calm, but Ling Xiao felt a shower of depression in this calmness.

“I see, the devil in your body, I have dissipated, you can practice here, you can also walk around, no one will hurt you here.”

Above the ancient forest, the demon spirit was relaxed, and Ling Xiao’s figure had disappeared.

Now Mengyuan’s life experience, he has roughly guessed.

What he had to do right now was to go to Northern Xinjiang to find the princess Bai Zhirou of the Nine-tailed clan, figure out her relationship with the divine lord, and by the way… punish the second divine envoy.

God is in retreat, either breaking through or being seriously injured.

As a villain, Ling Xiao certainly doesn’t rely on luck, so just treat him as a breakthrough.

The next thing Ling Xiao had to do was to remove the Saint Sect’s wings as soon as possible, and then figure out a way to instigate the demon emperors of the Northern Frontiers and ask them to use them for himself.

Of course, it would be great if Ye Qingchan could awaken the memory and let her reveal the true identity of the god master.

When the god master came out of retreat, he realized that he was an enemy of the world. Surely he would be very happy, right?


Just when Ling Xiao’s figure appeared before the Temple of Heaven, Zi Yan and Xiao Pin had been waiting for a long time.

“My lord, fortunately not disgrace your life! I have already controlled the time rules in the realm as you ordered, and now… a day in this realm is only equivalent to three hours outside the world.”

Xiao Pinli stood upright, his chest straight, his expression extremely solemn.

“Good job! Double shadows and flowers.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, and the silhouettes of the two double shadows swept over and appeared in front of the three of them.

At this time, the aura on Huahua’s body became more and more calm and terrifying.

Even the aura of heaven and earth reached her and was swallowed invisibly, extremely terrifying.

God King Yipin.

And the double shadow repair base has also made a breakthrough, and now he has entered the level of the god emperor, the first-rank emperor realm.

Practice together, the land of wealth.

With their talents, they are all top-notch people in this world, and what is the most important thing Ling Xiao lacks?

Of course it is spiritual cultivation!

To put it bluntly, even if a pig is cultivating under the nourishment of the ten dragon veins in this realm, there is a daily supply of five or six grades of pill, and it can be transformed in less than a year!


“You two, bring your secret guards into southern Xinjiang and find a woman named Jiuyou. By the way, you can figure out the current situation in northern Xinjiang and the talents of all races.”

How do you say that sentence?

In this fairy way, strength is indeed the key to control everything.

But in the case of similar strengths, intelligence information is equally vital.

Huahua’s body is the Sky-Swallowing Devil Dragon, which can stun ten thousand demons at a critical time.

Let her go with the double shadow, and you can be sure of everything.

As for Xiong Huan and Zi Yan… Now that the sea is under Ling Xiao’s control, some finishing touches still need to be done.



At the moment when Ling Xiao’s voice fell, Xiao Peng suddenly took a step forward, frowning, “Master, I think this is improper.”


Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “What’s wrong?”

“I have heard that Beijiang is the territory of the monster race. This monster is usually a good s… the murderer, it is too dangerous for Ms. Huahua to go with Duan Ying! In order to ensure their safety, I voluntarily ask for my orders and go with them. !”

Xiao Peng’s face was particularly solemn at this time.

If he hadn’t known his personality, Ling Xiao would have believed it.

“speak English.”

“Lord! My realm has fallen into a bottleneck recently, and I want to go out to find a sense of crisis.”

Xiao Pian’s expression collapsed, but Ling Xiao didn’t say much, waved his hand to signal Xiao Pian and the others to go down.

“Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!!”

Xiao Peng was ecstatic, and left with the two duoying.

It wasn’t until he turned around that Ling Xiao saw that on his broad and fat back, there were two bloodstains that were almost exposed.

The blood stains are several feet long, and the flesh and blood are blooming, showing a scorched black color.

Ling Xiao, don’t take a deep look at Zi Yan, this woman is really cruel.

I am afraid that Xiao Peng is anxious to leave the realm, mostly because he is afraid that he will die in Zi Yan’s hands.

“Ten Sea Clan, can you trust it?”

“The Lord is thinking…”

“Next we will leave southern Xinjiang, but this territory still needs an obedient Sea King.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and looked down at the heavenly hall.

I saw that today’s territory is already lush and green, with ancient trees forming forests, and the spirits are beautiful.

Among them, all parties in the domain have a strong aura that stirs the situation, and the spirit screams.

“Lord, the most obedient of these ten clans has been destroyed by your Manchu.”

Zi Yan laughed bitterly, and then she seemed to think of something, “Oh, but there is still another clan. The blood shark royal clan was also the first group of strong seas to take refuge in me. The clan leader of this clan is my servant.”

“Blood sharks? Just him.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled and beckoned to Zi Yan, who immediately turned into her body and threw herself into Ling Xiao’s arms.

Only at this time, there was a hesitation flashing in Zi Yan’s eyes.

“Just say anything.”

“My lord, where did Snake Si go? How did you get Wen Ruyu into the game? And…Dugu Yunxuan is scheming, he…”

“You don’t know what the law of Snake’s comprehension is?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, but Zi Yan’s face was obviously taken aback.

Snake shop? Cold Ice Road?

The reason why she took the snake as a servant at the beginning was largely because the way he had understood called Zi Yan felt a little cordial.

But, what does this have to do with Wen Ruyu and Dugu Yunyun?

and many more! !

Miss Qingchan! !

Suddenly, Zi Yan felt a little bit of chill in her heart.

She looked up at the calm and determined face in front of her, only feeling cold and cold all over her bones.

For a moment, she suddenly realized that Ling Xiao was a demon, a true nine-day taboo.

Therefore, compared to him, Zi Yan is at best an Avenger, not a villain.

Perhaps, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, no one in this world can’t use it.

Taoists, servants, and even brothers.

Suddenly there was a demon wind in the waters of thousands of miles.

It’s just that today’s sea area has long gone without the hustle and bustle of the past, and it is calm and frightening.

The Jiao Ren clan was destroyed, and the young masters of each clan were strangely missing, and even the Sea Emperor Palace was gone.

In just two months, the entire sea was turned upside down.

Surprisingly, no royal family on either side dared to take the opportunity to cause chaos.

Not to mention whether Zi Yan has fallen, if even the Sea Emperor can’t resist the enemy, how can anyone dare to fight with the tens of thousands of people in this sea area?

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky before landing in a bloody hall that Zi Yan turned into a human form, followed him closely, and walked towards the hall.

“Bold! Who…”

It’s Poseidon! ! ”

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