Chapter 829

“Time? Weird?”

Xiao Peng’s eyes revealed a sense of confusion, but Ling Xiao only shook his head and sighed softly, “Let’s arrange the formation.”

When the words fell, his figure suddenly disappeared and stepped towards the ancient forest where Mengyuan was.

When the Taoist Taixuan Master and Dugu Yunyun fought against each other, he felt the breath of Mengyuan change.

Obviously, the seal on her body should be broken.

In the end, Dugu Yunxuan was seriously injured, and Ling Xiao even opened the boundary channel, deliberately asking Mengyu to witness the fall of the first divine envoy with his own eyes.

As for the subsequent dialogue between him and Zi Yan, there is no concealment.

After all, this sacred saint is already a turtle in the urn, if there is not enough certainty, Ling Xiao will never let her out.

Even if she knows more secrets and can’t get out of the realm, she can only be a canary for entertainment.

only! !

Just before Ling Xiao’s figure appeared in Gu Lin, her footsteps suddenly suffocated.

At this moment, he seemed to have a feeling in his heart. He raised his foot and walked into the depths of the ancient forest, but he saw a herring in the spring of Lingshen, living under the fallen leaves.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Finally, under his unremitting efforts, this area began to nurture life.

Especially at this time, the yin and yang qi circulating in the herring made Ling Xiao feel a little bit inexplicable.

The spirit of heaven and earth, when it is in its heyday, there will be creatures out of it.

These creatures are born in nature and are different from the reproduction of all things.

They are the real Dao’s magical creatures.

“Herring, I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand, took out a sixth-grade pill from Qiankun Ring, crushed it gently, and threw it into the puddle.

I saw that herring suddenly rushed out from under the dead leaves, swallowing all the elixir aura into his mouth, and then sank to the bottom of the water and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao smiled and turned away.

Although this fish has spirituality, all things grow up to experience hardships.

Excessive care will reduce its luck.

This fish has just been born, its vitality is weak, the Taoist rhyme is unstable, and Ling Xiao’s too much intervention will affect its fate.

In the ancient forest, Ling Xiao stopped and looked at the quiet figure sitting in the distance with a calm expression.

At this moment, all the magical Jinhui in Meng Yuan’s body disappeared, and there was an endless demon spirit that went up and down, covering the world.

It’s just that the grief and despair on the original face has long since disappeared, and some are extremely cold and indifferent.

Especially her pair of shaggy vertical ears and a long snow-white tail behind her, they are even more fascinating for no reason.

Fox tribe, human body.

Obviously, this Mengyuan is the offspring of the union of demon and man.

The difference from Baizhixi is that Mengyuan does not need to be transformed, the body is the human race, but some parts are no different from the fox race.

But the more so, there will be more special charm.

Looking at the eastern frontier, although the fox clan has several quarters, only the Qingqiu clan is truly powerful.

It is said that the ancestor of this clan was a nine-tailed spirit fox with noble blood, and belonged to the great demon.

But the Baizhixi bloodline returned to the ancestors, awakened the strongest talent of the Nine Tails, and the Dao of Space became the most dazzling evildoer in the entire Eastern Frontier.

No wonder, this Meng Yuandao has a strange heart, and it is Qiqiao Linglong Xin.

Rumor has it that the fox tribe is naturally intelligent and scheming, and the human tribe can be called the most cunning tribe among all spirits.

With the combination of these two groups, the future generations are naturally not bad in scheming.

But, thinking of the attitude of the gods towards Mengyu, is it possible that she is really the heir of him and a fox woman?

Who will it be?

Before Ling Xiao had heard her mother mention that Bai Zhirou, the princess of the Nine Tails clan, was the servant girl of the god master, who had made mistakes and was expelled.

Calculating the time, three hundred years, is in line with what Meng Yuan said before that the divine master spent hundreds of years in training his divine body.

But if she is Mengyuan’s mother, why would Zhou Yandao trap her in Qingqiu?

What’s the secret in this?

“I know you are awake.”

Ling Xiao walked in front of Meng Yuan with a cold voice.

Hearing this, Meng Yuan didn’t see a wave on her face, she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of bright pink pupils.

Seeing these eyes, a cute and playful face appeared in Ling Xiao’s mind unconsciously.


Sure enough?

Now it seems that all the answers seem to lie in the princess of the Nine-tailed tribe.

It was not that Ling Xiao did not expect to go to Northern Xinjiang to find the princess, and ask clearly the cause of the matter.

It’s just that his strength is not enough to contend with the divine master, and even the power in his hand is not necessarily the opponent of several demon emperors in northern Xinjiang.

What’s more, although there are three emperors and ten kings in Northern Xinjiang, they have always been united, unlike the Hai Clan, who surrendered to Zi Yan on the surface but each harbored tricks.

The demon clan of the northern borders, all headed by the three emperors, advance and retreat together.

I just don’t know what methods Zhou Yandao used to suppress this demon territory.

In order to avoid throwing grass and scaring the snake, Ling Xiao has never rashly appeared in northern Xinjiang.

But now, as Zi Yan surrendered and Xiong Huan stepped into the Nine-Rank Emperor Realm, he also had the confidence to push the northern frontier.

“You heard what Dugu Yunxuan said before? Tell me, what do you think.”

Suddenly, Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and pinched the ears of Mengyuan Fox, instantly making the girl’s expression stunned, and there were two blushes on her cheeks.

At this moment, Mengyuan only felt her heartbeat speed up and her breathing was a little bit cramped, but she was different from the past. Although she felt shy in her heart, she was…not as resistant as she thought.

Even if she now knows the true identity of the god master, but…what is the difference between him and Ling Xiao?

This boy is also a demon, and his methods are even more cruel and shameless! !

“Huh! It’s not a good thing!”

Meng Yuan snorted, twisted her head vigorously, and struggled to open Ling Xiao’s palm.

“Although I don’t know why the god master wants to conceal your identity, at least, I am not as hypocritical as he is. Think about it. The holy teaching deceives the world and kills innocent people, especially Zhou Yandao, 300 years ago. Murdered the true God Lord, and secretly searched for the Tao, then the evildoer for his practice. Shouldn’t such a person be killed?”

Ling Xiao turned around and walked away from Gu Lin, “I know, you should be very curious about your own life experience now, don’t worry, I will help you find your mother, then…you should understand the light you believe in. , How dirty and dirty it is.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate anymore, but with a thought, the demon that had bound Mengyuan instantly dissipated, and his figure gradually disappeared at the end of the ancient forest.

Meng Yuan lowered her head, looking at the foxtail behind her, a trace of sadness gradually appeared in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, she had been pursuing the Tao for twenty years, but it was all wrong.

Although her Dao Xin had long been shattered by Ling Xiao, she still felt sad and depressed at this time.

Why! !

why treat me like this! !

Master, are you really just to train me to be a murderous sword in your hand?

With my demon body, punish evil spirits?

What a vicious heart, what a cruel way!

At this moment, Meng Yuan’s last trace of obsession with righteousness and evil in her heart finally dissipated.

“Ling Xiao!”

Inexplicably, Meng Yuan raised her head and looked in the direction where the teenager disappeared.

Ling Xiao stagnated and turned his head slowly, “What’s the matter?”

“The Lord… is closed.”

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