Chapter 828

In the realm, Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky.

At this time, the entire domain was still flooded with thunder.

The world is gloomy, and there are endless robbery thunder falling from the sky, like the end of the world.

“These breaths…”

Xi’er’s pretty face turned white, and even Zi Yan’s eyes were surprised.

“This is my power, but they are busy cultivating breakthroughs at the moment, Xi’er, this place is full of spiritual energy. You can practice here on weekdays.”

Ling Xiao looked at the big lake below him and smiled gently.

“Thank you son…”

“Here are some elixirs and spirit treasures, as well as this ancient monument to the deserted sky. You can practice with peace of mind, and call me whenever you have something.”

“Huangtian Ancient Stele?”

Xi’er’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, but in the end he didn’t say much.

Since this monument has fallen into Ling Xiao’s hands, it means that Qing Yu is mostly cold.

snort! We deserve it!

“Let’s go! You let me do something.”

Ling Xiao turned around and headed towards the temple of heaven.

Although Xi’er surrendered now, he still didn’t know the secret of his demon body.

Moreover, Ling Xiao didn’t plan to let her know before she merged with that dragon soul, in case something happened.

My brother is a holy son, what bad thoughts can he have.

But if your brother is a demon…

Haha, Dragon Soul is in your hands, you are free.

Before the Temple of Heaven, Ling Xiao embraced Zi Yan and looked at the tall and burly shadow in front of him.

At this moment, he could feel that the last trace of spiritual consciousness in the soul-thirsty ghost orb had been cut off, and it was obvious that Xiong Huan had completely integrated it.

At a certain moment, a magic cloud suddenly converged between heaven and earth, endless.

Among them, the magic lines are vertical and horizontal, covering all directions, and there is a terrifying and profound magic intent that penetrates the world and shocks people.

And Xiong Huan’s eyes suddenly opened at this time!


The terrible soul power suppressed the sky, and the power of Xiong Huan’s body reached the category of the nine-rank god emperor.

“Meet the Lord!”

Xiong Huan bowed and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

He was originally a strong man who stood on the top of the sky, but now he has lost his vitality and his cultivation is no longer.

But it is obvious that as long as he is given time, he will definitely be able to return to the peak and overwhelm the world.


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, but his expression was a little solemn, “Xiong Huan, what is the realm above immortality?”


Xiong Huan was taken aback and then sighed softly, “Master, there was no immortality in our time. According to my guess, it should be the four ancient gods who rebuilt the order of the heavens and restricted the cultivation of ten thousand realms, but… It is better for the Lord not to know these things for the time being, because they will be aware of your existence.”

“Perceive my existence?”

Ling Xiao frowned slightly and nodded silently.

The four ancient gods have hands and eyes open to the sky, and chanting their true names is a great way to go.

In other words, Ling Xiao’s identity is special after all, even now, the strongest immortals might not be ignorant of his existence.

It’s just that the nine days are vast, maybe in a short time, they can’t find Ling Xiao’s location.

It can be done by ancient gods, once Ling Xiao touches certain restrictions, it may cause endless trouble.

For example, chanting his real name, or… giving birth to killing intent on him.

The will of the heavenly devil originally contained the divine power of heaven, this thing is ethereal, but no one knows whether the ancient gods can see the clues based on this.

“Well, Xiao Peng.”

In the end, Ling Xiao nodded without saying much.


Xiao Peng’s figure fell from the sky, standing in front of Ling Xiao, patted his robe with both hands, and bowed directly at ninety degrees.

“Huh? Lord, is this your new spiritual pet? What a cute little cat, this kind of little cat must be very soft when held in your arms? Your little cat is very cute, I was green before Miss Chan also saw a kitten next to her. It was… wild! Not like this one, hey? Don’t tell me, these two little things look alike!”

As he spoke, the expression on Xiao Peng’s face gradually became sluggish.

At this moment, he saw that the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a bit of playfulness.


It’s an uneasy feeling.

“Are you the sex critic of the Xiao Clan? You are not dead?!”

At this moment, a trace of doubt also appeared in Zi Yan’s golden eyes, and she shouted in a cold voice.

Xiao Peng’s body trembled, especially when he felt the terrifying emperor’s prestige surging outside Zi Yan, a fat face almost instantly sluggish.

“It’s you!! You are that…that Totoro!!!”

At the beginning, Ye Qingchan was sent off from the realm because Xiao Peng mysteriously disappeared and was framed.

At that time, Zi Yan was rescued by Ye Qingchan and placed in the Liuli Ancient Pagoda to recover from her injuries.

Although she had only met Xiao Peng once, she had also heard the young lady talk about the origin of this person.

She just didn’t expect that this bastard is still alive! !

A human race, who has been suppressed in the Liuli Ancient Pagoda for three hundred years, hasn’t even changed its appearance?

certainly! Xiao Peng at this time was undoubtedly more shocked.

At that time, Zi Yan was seriously injured, and her cultivation base had fallen, which was several levels lower than him.

But after three hundred years, the cultivation base of this Chinchilla has actually stepped into the ninth rank of the god emperor?

Even though Xiao Pian could understand, with Zi Yan’s bloodline talent, as long as he didn’t die and practiced step by step, he could step into this level sooner or later.

But, just panic! !

Panic batch!

“Alright! Zi Yan, you are good at formation, see if you can change the time order of the entire territory.”

Ling Xiao smiled and shook his head, his expression suddenly becoming serious.

“Change the time? Lord…”

You look down on me too much, right?

Although some of the strongest in ancient times can seal time and space with a single thought.

But I am a god emperor, if I want to have the ability, am I going to fall into such a situation?

“Xiao Peng understands the principles of time.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but Zi Yan was slightly taken aback.

Time rule?

This bastard is so talented?

No wonder, he can persist in the Liuli Ancient Pagoda for such a long time.

It turned out that he actually comprehended the most mysterious rules of time in the Three Thousand Dao.

So, it’s easy to say.

As long as you envelop this world with a formation method and put this bastard in it as a battle eye, you may be able to change the rules and delay the flow of time.

“Okay! I will try my best.”

“Zi Yan, Xiao Peng is my person now.”

As if seeing the gloom in Zi Yan’s eyes, Ling Xiao suddenly reminded him softly.

Ling Xiao had seen this woman’s cruelty.

Besides, she and Xiao Peng had an antagonism, and I was afraid that this guy would have to suffer a little bit later.

“Lord! I suddenly remembered that I had a bad stomach after eating last night, and my whole body was sour and weak. It’s better to…”

Xiao Peng swallowed fiercely, and saw Zi Yan’s eyes full of sarcasm, only to feel a chill rising down the soles of her feet, and she soon reached the position of Tianling Gai.

“Xiao Peng, you understand the principles of time, but have you ever felt that there is something weird about the time in the Holy State? Is this the same in the Azure Realm?”

Ling Xiao ignored it, but frowned and looked into the distance.

If this time in the Holy State is really sealed, it will inevitably be filled with greater conspiracies.

However, he couldn’t figure out how could it be possible to threaten those immortal races and ancient gods in a savage place in the lower realm?

Or, this conspiracy is basically… against yourself?

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