Chapter 827


Seeing the smile on Ling Xiao’s face, Zi Yan suddenly lowered her head and rubbed the corners of her clothes, looking a little cramped.

Who can imagine that Zi Yan, the emperor of the dignified Sea Territory, who is known for her domineering and cruelty, could show such a shy posture.

Woman, huh.

“What is your body? Why am I not aware of the dragon bloodline in you?”

Ling Xiao seemed to think of something suddenly, and looked at Zi Yan with some curiosity.

But seeing her pretty face raised a touch of bashfulness, her whole body suddenly filled with evil spirits.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Xiao was stunned to see that the 300-year-old Purple Emperor suddenly turned into a white shadow and jumped into his arms.

It was a demon cat with white body, long slender hair and golden eyes.

On this demon cat, some faint purple thunders flowed away, bright and beautiful, adding a bit of mystery.

“So, you inherited the talent and spirit of Thunder Dragon, but you are a cat clan?”

“Huh! They are not a cat clan, but my mother clan is a nine-fed Tmall.”

Zi Yan’s silver teeth clenched, a flash of resentment in her eyes.

Ling Xiao smiled and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Zi Yan’s back, “So, you have nine lives?”

“Oh! Jiu Ming is just a rhetoric. It’s just my mother’s clan. Although it is a monster clan, it is one of the few demon clan with powerful spiritual talent.”

Zi Yan opened her small mouth, revealing two sharp white teeth, which smelled like milk.

“Soul talent?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and a touch of deep meaning suddenly appeared on his face.

No wonder, this Ziyan monster clan is proficient in the way of formation.

It turns out that the talent of this clan lies in the soul.

No wonder, although she failed to inherit the blood of the Dragon clan, she gained the soul power of the Thunder Dragon clan.

Interestingly, the multiplication between this monster race is really… ever-changing.

“Then I will also teach you a technique, but it is a masterpiece of soul.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly had a bright soul, and Zi Yan’s soul sea immediately showed a tune.

“Wen Ruyu’s Forgetting Machine Qin Song? Thank you, Lord!”

Zi Yan’s expression shrank, and her eyes suddenly revealed joy.

At this time, she probably didn’t expect that Ling Xiao’s transmission of her soul song was not only to kill the enemy, but also to…

“Tao Master, you go back to Dongjiang first, ask Liang Yi to get ready, and wait for my order.”

In the end, Ling Xiao embraced Zi Yan and turned to look at Taixuan Dao Master.

“Yes! Lord!”

Taixuan Taoist bowed and bowed, pulled Qingjie away, and disappeared in place.

But Ling Xiao did not leave in a hurry, but looked up at the sea curtain, her expression always calm.

He has been waiting for the mysterious powerhouse who killed the eight god emperors of Tianjimen to show up.


Up to this time, the sea curtain was still calm, and there was no strong breath.

After such a long while, the figure of Taixuan Dao Master appeared again, and he shook his head slightly towards Ling Xiao.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Xiao turned around and walked towards the Sea Emperor Hall.

Who will it be?

Suddenly, Ling Xiao remembered what Ling Tianlin had said to him before.

It seems that in the past two years, he has not been able to escape his father’s control.

Could that be the strong man sent by his father?

But, waved to kill eight god emperors, how much is this outrageous?

“Master? What’s wrong with you?”

Zi Yan looked up at Ling Xiao, her expression a little confused.

“The eight elders of the Tianji Sect were punished just now, but it was not mine who punished them.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but Zi Yan’s expression trembled.

“Not a person of the Lord? Is it possible to become a person of the Holy Church?”

“I thought it was the divine lord who came here, but it doesn’t make sense, no matter what, you will follow me in the future.”

Ling Xiao lowered his head, squeezed Zi Yan’s pink nose, and smiled gently.

There was a demon servant of the Ninth Stage Emperor Realm following, even if the divine master came, he and Zi Yan’s divine soul could not be aware of it.

At that time, as long as there is a breath of time, Ling Xiao can escape into the realm.

“Well, I am the spiritual pet of the young lady, and the spiritual pet of the Lord, of course I want to follow the Lord.”

Zi Yan stretched her head and rubbed against Ling Xiao’s arms.

It’s been three hundred years, and suddenly I removed my disguise, and I no longer have to make careful calculations.

Ling Xiao’s means and courage, even her identity, gave her a great shock.

Especially his temperament of strategizing and controlling the world is even more…inexplicably fascinating.

It turns out that what I like has never been fame and status, I am more suitable to be a comfortable little pet.

“Where did you hide Xi’er?”

“On the shore of the sea, Lord, I will take you there later.”

“In the past three hundred years, you have scoured a lot of the sea clan’s spirit treasures, haven’t you?”

“Hehe, it’s all from the Lord.”

One day, in the blink of an eye.

During this day, Ling Xiao did not hide his whereabouts, the purpose was still to lure the mysterious person to appear.

But until he searched the sea clan’s heritage and came to the shore of Southern Xinjiang, there was still no change.

“The son? The son?!”

Before the ancient forest, layers of patterns changed and eventually disappeared.

At this moment in Lin Shen, a blue figure was closing his eyes and concentrating, practicing meditation.

After feeling the sudden surging fluctuations between the heaven and the earth, he opened his eyes and looked at the forest with a guard.

In the next moment, that beautiful face flashed with surprise and excitement.

“You… why are you here! Master, go, my master will kill you! Go!”


Upon hearing this, Zi Yan’s face sank, she jumped out of Ling Xiao’s arms, transformed into a human form, and stood in front of Xi’er.


Xi’er’s pretty face condensed, her small mouth slightly opened, and she was just astonished.

I just… what did I see?

Master’s body is a cute little cat?

Also, she… was she just in the arms of the son?

Master, you, how can you do this! !

“Little traitor.”

Zi Yan was embarrassed between her eyebrows, although she had been using Xi’er from the beginning.

However, her behavior just now was too intimate.

And the relationship between Yi Xi’er and Ling Xiao, at this time, she seemed to be a…cat stealing stars.


“From now on, I won’t care about you and Ling Xiao… Young Master.”

Zi Yan snorted coldly, turned and walked aside.

And Xi’er couldn’t restrain the excitement in her heart, her hands tightly covering her vermilion lips, tears gradually wafting in her eyes.

In the past few days, she missed Ling Xiao all the time.

Although this kind of miss is a bit inexplicable, but I miss him very much.

“You will follow me from now on.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, and Xi’er just nodded desperately, tears slid down the jade hand.

The water vapor filled Xi’er, and there was water mist rising in the place where Xi’er was several feet away.

Good guy, you deserve to be the lady of destiny who understands the law of water, there is so much water!

“Di, the love of the girl of destiny is in my heart. I surrender myself. Congratulations to the host for getting 1,000 points of luck and 10,000 points for the villain.”

“Dip, the woman of destiny surrendered. Congratulations to the host for the extra reward, the destiny forged value is 2%.”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Seven-Class Pill, Tianling Ningxin Pill.”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eighth Stage Spirit Talisman, the Heaven Sealing Talisman.”

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, the last trace of hesitation in Ling Xiao’s eyes disappeared.

Therefore, sometimes a proper separation will not affect the relationship, but will make it more and more secure.

Lovesickness is deep in the bones, it is hard to forget each other, and all that is left is the scenery.

“Zi Yan!”

Ling Xiao turned his head and glanced at Zi Yan. A flash of embarrassment flashed on the latter’s face, but in the end it turned into a body in Ling Xiao’s playful gaze, and was held in his arms by him.

“Let’s go!”

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