Chapter 826

Ling Xiao already knew about Xi’er’s life experience.

The body of the dragon girl, the favorite of creation.

However, with Zi Yan’s character, it is absolutely impossible to teach his disciples and keep their inheritance.

What’s more, Zi Yan threatened him face-to-face at the beginning, and stayed away from Xi’er.

It shows that this girl is of great use to Zi Yan.


A suspicious look suddenly appeared on Zi Yan’s face. Isn’t the master and the lady a Taoist companion?

Why are you still thinking about Shang Xier?

Also, you didn’t even look at me, thinking about my apprentice?

“Lord, I advise you to better not touch Xi’er…”

“Oh? Why?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, how he couldn’t see the doubt in Zi Yan’s eyes, he didn’t bother to explain it at this time.

Ye Qingchan is her maid, but I didn’t say that I was the only woman.

“Because… it will leak.”

Zi Yan pondered for a moment, then said softly.


“Yes! Lord, that dragon soul may be the only good fortune in this world to step out of the noble state, but… with me and other human beings, we can’t bear the dragon’s might at all, but Xi’er is different!”

Zi Yan smiled slyly and continued, “I have studied the history of Shengzhou and found that there is only one sentence mentioned in ancient books. Thousands of years ago, this world was dominated by monsters, with monster dragons in charge of the world, and was later killed by the immortals. , There is no record of true dragons, but the blood in Xi’er’s body has a breath of true dragons, so I guess…”

“She is the heir of that dragon soul.”

Ling Xiao nodded lightly, and finally understood what Zi Yan was plotting.

Use Xi’er as bait to lure the dragon soul into the world.

It is difficult for all monster races, especially those with ancient bloodlines, to give birth to heirs.

Therefore, once a heir of pure blood appears, it has always been regarded as a family of hope.

This is why the Yaozu Tianjiao is so arrogant and defiant.

Because behind them, there is often the support of a whole demon world, especially the supreme demon clan and the dragon clan.

This kind of person has a very resounding name, called! Long Aotian!

Why not call Wang Aotian, Hu Aotian, and Gou Aotian, understand?


Zi Yan, don’t give Ling Xiao a deep look, “When the young lady and I came to this world, I saw the dragon soul with her. According to the young lady’s estimation, the cultivation base of this dragon soul may have been beyond immortality… ”


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly. In Shengzhou’s cognition, the highest division of the realm is the supreme heaven and earth, and what is the realm of immortality?

“The immortal realm is the highest realm that thousands of realms can reach today. In ancient times, there were other levels above this realm, but now… no one can set foot.”

Zi Yan explained, seeing Ling Xiao’s face still bewildered, she shook her head and smiled, “In fact, in the realm of Qingcang, Heaven and Earth Sovereign is the pinnacle of all races, and the immortal has disappeared for thousands of years, but I have heard the young lady mention, The realm master of Qingcang oppresses the ten thousand realms, and the cultivation base must be above the supreme.”

“so it is.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently. Judging from the current setting of Shengzhou, it is afraid that after nine days of the ancient gods’ dominance, many methods must be deployed to suppress the ten thousand races.

As for the so-called immortality, it should be a level above the supreme, but whether this level refers to a realm or multiple realms is not something Ling Xiao can know.

“So, what are you going to do?”

If Xi’er was really the heir of that dragon soul and had good luck with him, perhaps eventually this heavenly destiny would really fall into her hands.

The woman of the Son of Destiny is also the man of Destiny, and her background is not strong.

Legend has it that there are gods in this world, but they were later slaughtered.

Now suddenly there are children, what they will do, of course, is to preach their gods and re-establish the rules!

“Originally, I planned to use the power of the sea clan to besiege the divine lord, even if I can’t kill him, I can give Xi’er enough time to fuse that dragon soul…”

“Will you be so kind?”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, but saw a bit of embarrassment on Zi Yan’s face.

“I passed a practice to Xi’er, but this practice is divided into two chapters…”

“So, Xi’er merged with Dragon Soul and just made a wedding dress for you. When she gets the Dragon Soul, you will take the power of the Dragon Soul from her and step into the realm of dignity?”

Ling Xiao suddenly, this is right.

A villain, unscrupulous for the sake of strength, compared to the fake villain Feng Ruge, Zi Yan is undoubtedly the real cruel and cruel.

The so-called mentor-disciple friendship is nothing more than a means by which she uses Xi’er.

I can’t fight Dragon Soul and can’t fuse, but I will send you a heir over and ask her to fuse.

After she succeeds, won’t it be easier for me to integrate her?

Even if Xi’er failed and died, Zi Yan didn’t lose half a point.


Zi Yan’s face blushed, especially the playfulness in Ling Xiao’s eyes at this time, which made her feel unspeakably embarrassed.

What can I do!

I don’t want to be so cruel!

But this immortal way is a trick, the young lady is very kind, but what will end in the end?

“Xi’er’s cultivation base is too low, even if the dragon soul is integrated, I am afraid it will be difficult to step out of the god emperor state in a short time…”

“give it to me.”

Before Zi Yan’s voice could fall, Ling Xiao shook his head and said softly.

He didn’t care about Zi Yan’s cruelty. He killed her before because this woman was so smart.

But now, she has surrendered, the more cruel, Ling Xiao appreciates her more.

After all, whether Han Qingqiu or Lin Meng is good, although they surrender themselves, they are still the nature of the Daughter of Destiny.

Even though Ling Xiao has been a little bit blackened, there is still a bottom line in my heart.

There are some things they can’t do.

But Zi Yan is different. This woman is already a tyrannical woman, and she is set by a villain. She can secretly help Ling Xiao handle a lot of shameful deeds.

For example, slaughter people and genocide.


Zi Yan couldn’t refuse at all. Of course, with Ling Xiao’s innate means, maybe that dragon soul was integrated by him, which would be more useful.


With Zi Yan’s mind moving, Ling Xiao suddenly had a magical power in his mind, called…Swallowing Spirit Magic Skill.

“This cultivation method is the supernatural power of the upper realm, which can swallow the source of spiritual power, but there are many restrictions and no one can cultivate at all, but it is a supreme magic method for slavery cultivation.”

Zi Yan wanted to speak and stopped, but Ling Xiao had already understood the essence of this technique.

Whenever there is a fairy road, there will always be a kind of people who like to get something for nothing, and find another way.

Most of these people are called evil cultivators.

And this spirit swallowing magic power is not an offensive method, nor is it useful for defense, but it is a very evil dual cultivation method.

The second part of the practice of the ding furnace, the first part of the master’s practice, when the ding furnace reaches a certain level, the master can use the exercises to plunder his spiritual power and help himself in the practice.

I have to say that such a speed is indeed countless times faster than that of a righteous person.

After all, the more cauldrons, the more spiritual power.

But, Zi Yan, as a woman, how do you plan to plunder the spiritual power from Xi’er?

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